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Posts posted by Elaril

  1. Spinning kick should be usable outside of stealth for all shadow specs, additionally it should proc some type of debuff i.e. damage debuff for combat technique, an armor reduction for shadow technique and a root for force technique depending on what kind of stance you're in. Infiltration needs a hard hitting aoe, and needs to have the base damage of its single target attacks upped. They could also modify force potency to provide an additional boost to your power statiscic for the 2 or 3 attacks it improves.
  2. My highest toon, a BH Powertech, is now 42, a few more weeks maybe to 50. I will enjoy the gear as a little footup into Warzones which I have avoided due to lower level/PVE gear so TY in advance BW.


    This is a mistake in my opinion. Everyone has pve gear in the sub 50 bracket. By not pvping until you are 50 you are ensuring that you will get crushed and be a huge liability to your team, due to a lack of knowledge on the way the wzs work, where the buffs are etc. Additionally, by pvping prior to 50 you can save up enough wz comms/convert enough to rwz comms to give yourself a legitimate shot at not getting destroyed by every hostile player character you encounter. Plus, youll get to save the creds from the recruit pieces you dont have to buy due to being able to purchase some via comms.

  3. The entire premise of this thread is flawed. I have seen just as many db pvers as I have seen db pvpers. More than likely, you stepped out pf your element into pvp, committed a silly/pvp newb mistake and got berated for it. The same thing happens to pvpers when they go into hard modes or ops and do something equally silly/newbish.


    Likewise, I have seen just as many gracious pvpers as I have pvers. It's just observer bias that is happening to you op.

  4. I think if they would give us a rename option, situations like this wouldnt happen. Sometimes people choke when picking a character name and pick a stinker, normally not a problem as you can quickly re roll and pick a new name. With a 50, especially one with a decent amount of gear, it's different. Your stuck with the crappy rushed name and, while rerolling is an option, it isn't practical.
  5. With all due respect that sounds incredibly harsh. The OP loves the game and is addicted but he asked for help. I don't think its fair to say he quits completely, as that well be a solution but only a short term one. I say this because even if he quits he will still think about it and want to play which means rather than just quit, start setting limits and if possible seek help from a professional. One the OP can curb the addiction he can still play the game he loves just with limits. Also it will only truly get unhealthy if the OP turned played every hour of everyday which according to his post he doesn't.


    You wouldn't to tell an alcoholic to drink only in moderation would you? An addiction is an addiction and, as this one has already had a negative impact on his life, it's likely it will again. That's my advice and it's in his/her best interest. I realize it came off as harsh, but sometimes that's what it takes.

  6. Because there's this thing called Particle Acceleration that resets the CD on project, therefore allowing you to have a chance to use it 2 times before a 6 sec CD.

    Opening w/ project>Slow Time>DS is the way to go.


    Why not go ST > project > DS > project


    It accomplishes everything you are trying to accomplish with your rotation, but you get the debuff on your opponent sooner.

  7. One of the funniest threads, please continue.


    I liked the part where he typed bullsheet after typing out various profanities with their correct spelling.

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