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Posts posted by agrinkevicius

  1. Yep it's bad for the game to have new players.


    When you first hit 50 and PVP'd I hated you for messing up my experience.



    "When you first hit 50": it was first week of game launch


    "When you first hit 50": i had 18k health for I used the money earned from quests to buy level 22 at that time armorings from GTN


    "When you first hit 50": i wasnt a tool to Q for WZs with unmodded shells as my gear pieces and only have 5000 health or only use one weapon in dualwielders class. Its super hard to go to mailbox to collect full set of Tionesse and full set of recruit gear, which to this day none of you deserve as people spent hours farming Tionesse or Champion gear and you just get it free - but hey ITS *********** difficult to use mailbox - game is too hard. Just like World of Warcraft - let's remove talent trees.


    Just like Razbot said " Unless some massive change or REAL class balance (see: Merc Healers not ****/ can use all classes in rateds comps interchangeably)" I have nothing to add, and I said that in my unsubscribe comments. Bioware needs to learn from EVE-Online developers that when you do have a small community MMO you play the game yourself and you address the issues players have to keep them playing. Why do you think there are no "0-50 in one night" weekends there - could you *********** imagine if every noob was flying Titans day one? PvP aspect sucks cause certain classes are not getting love for the past year and a half, and even some good guys like Cilas are generating some world PvP on this server, which shouldn't even be necessary for him to do, game developers should come up for reasons to add that. and not to beat the dead horse playing with people in WZs knowing nothing about PVP or blatantly about the game and the fact that theres a mailbox full of gear just waiting to be picked up: THAT is not the crowd I wanna PvP with. And don't start with rateds - been there - done that and the rest of 0.00001 % SWTOR population to even try to do them.


    Not telling anybody what to do, this is my opinion solely and my choice, you continue playing what you want and how you want.

  2. Didn't level a single toon, cause already leveled all the ones I need.


    On another note, this event kicked 50 PvP in the groin. :mad:


    Not only it ruined 50 pvp, but you have tools qing with 5000 health like my last 2 warzones. Every warzone I have played in past 48 hours has 5+ people recruit or below gear and its not fair for 1-2 ppl in warzone who want to get a good Player VS Player experience. So since my only focus is PvP i have no reason to continue playing this. See you 2.0

  3. Hey all,


    I am looking for a home on a ranked team for my sniper toon. I have extensive Player VS Player experience starting from old school Counter Strike, Everquest, Age Of Conan, Warhammer and of course the notorious World Of Warcraft where I have scored a Gladiator rating over several seasons in Arena 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 teams. Have experience in leading a team in the 15 man battlegrounds for over 2 years. Looking for a team who's goal is to win at all costs and if you have an issue with being elitist about that - well I like winning like everybody else. Was thinking on putting a team together on this server also, but in warzones I already see some very skilled groups and figured i will put a word out. Don't hesitate to send me a message on Counter-Strike, I am willing to try out or apply on whatever your guild/team ruleset is. Do not mind being benched in your team until I earn the spot or to swap if neccessary for a certain "cookie-cutter" against other teams. Stay well and stay competitive!


    Counter-strike (Empire)

  4. if The patch notes are not changed for MERC Bodyguard on release of 1.2 im done with the game. Instead of nerfing a sorc healer you nerf a merc healer I MEAN WHAT THE ****? Clearly shows developers are not playing the game ever.


    this game is such a joke, why do we keep trying to have hope ?

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