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Posts posted by Draugkir

  1. well i havent been online yet afte rthe patch ( still at office ) but.. if it looks as bad as people here are saying, time to move to another game i guess.. not gonna be forced into rolling some imp scum char.
  2. I mean.. guys..


    Warzone says its a victory.


    if (victory())






    Looks simple..


    But.. even if it looks this simple, in fact and everyday we meet players ( like me ) on the republic side, who dont get their victories.


    Daily quests dont update, weekly quests dont update.. i mean.. *** is going on?


    The bug been arround for more than 1 month. Sometimes it updates, some dont? Are you joking with the players or what?


    Fix it! Geezz..

  3. the lvl 50 only brackets are an awesome add that a lot of people were askign for long.


    Fightign a groups of 50s with low lvl chars that get blown up in a few shots is stresseful and pointless. Lets at least put both sides with the same ability range even if not the same gear.. wich is a matter of time.


    Furthermore low lvl chars are usually played by players with less experience about the game, gimping even more the side they were on.


    so, lvl 50 only -- > check --> good one.


    One thing they forgot to add was the no n premade brackets also.


    Getting the no premades choice would bring an healthier warzone ambiance, droping the groups focusing fire with vent and used to almsot military like specific tactics.


    NO PREMADES bracket not implemented yet ---> no check --> needs to be ingame fast.

  4. +1


    excelent post op.


    there are a few more reasons and i dont agree much with one or 2 of your post but, and generally speaking yes..


    Stealth / restealth and cc/stun almost nonstop are just insane.


    Another thing that is annoying is.. no matter how much gear you have, you will feel like paper in warzones nless you get someone constantly healing you.. wich favor a lot premade groups vs random groups where healers rarely appear and much less heal properly.

  5. I agree with the op in several of the mentioned points in his post.


    The same problem happened with WARhammer Online, and the reason why the same is happening here is that they came here to implement swtor too.


    Gives you a kick when blowing up to pieces the imp scum doesnt it?


    See, you are not only blowing up a toon.. youre blowing up a concept, a belief, a philosophy, a overpowered design character to make you believe that evil is good and strong and powerful, while in fact its exactly the oposite.


    When you blow up any sith in pvp you are showing that.. even if they keep favoring the dark side, light, justice and good will wil always be there to guide you through the shadow valleys of everydays life.


    So.. and to resume.. let them favor the Sith Empire faction as much as they want to.. cos the more they favor it, the more we republic have pleasure blowing them apart in pieces through the warzones.


    Lock and load.

  6. Please allow the players to choose if they want to queue for matches with premade groups or not.


    Its really important for most players who just want to have a good fun fight without using vent and running it as a military operation.


    Just an option, clickable, allowing to queue for matchs with premade groups or not.


    In the name of a lot of players, thanks.

  7. looks like they nerfed the bags in last patch.


    we who daily have to put up with the stupid huttball crap, plus 2 warzone fields that are so repetitive that its almost painful to play them over and over again, to get a few bags in the end of the day are starting to get mad.


    used to be one reward each 4 or 5 bags now, at least for me and the people i talk to everyday ( wich are quite a few ) rewards stopped completly.


    well, sub renews in 19th, we are in 8th, time is ticking.


    either fix the mess you doign in pvp or its a bye bye for many people for sure.


    go test your pavlov theories in other game.

  8. the op should learn to play his/her class before posting crap about nerfing others.


    all classes have strong and weak points, and the players must adapt and make the best of what they are playing.


    if one cannot play well his/her own class, shouldnt come to forums crying about nerfing the other classes that keep defeating him/her.. thats so bs.

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