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Posts posted by Drakiir

  1. Translation


    "In my last post, I showed I was unfamiliar with the workings of trooper abilities. In this post I will now show I am unfamiliar with the concept of a 'mirror class.'"


    Thank you for your time, actual gameplay proves your initial point wrong, statements made by the developers proves your second point wrong. I think you're done here.


    I'm fairly positive that in later posts he admitted the error of his ways, after all.... we're 33 pages in now lol, clearly not enough for Bioware to fix the problems, but 33 pages in nonetheless.

  2. Being an avid MMO'er(??) I found the tips to be extremely helpful, especially for a new player. The starting zones are fairly linear and extremely good at pointing you in the direction that you need to go. As long as you follow the tips it's VERY hard to get lost.
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