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Posts posted by Rickwala

  1. Email virus' rely on execution of a file attached to the email, a player would have to breach the servers database with an injection attack to even attempt it, and even then i doubt BW even would allow a real attachment to exist in their mail system. Like a previous poster stated it is likely all plaintext values.


    I would focus my worries to spoofed email coming to your personal address and web browsing unfamiliar sites about the game through search engine queries.

  2. Is it possible to sound any more like a crybaby? There are plenty of classes that kill my marauder every single warzone, saying they are OP is a excuse for players who refuse to learn class abilties and counters. BW has had multiple chances to nerf marauders and they havent for a reason. Yes you can argue rage needs a change but whining about your class in the marauder forum isnt going to get a dev to notice or make any progress on the state of your merc, you just look like a tantrum throwing baby.
  3. I can tell you from a marauderr perspective this is a big nerf to you guys. One thing that drives me crazy is i am about to kill a ball carrier and he rocket punches me into the pit off the catwalks right after i just leapt to him. With a 4 second root no biggy i can leap, saber throw w/snare or even get a ravage off without worrying about going all the way back up like knocking me into the pit, you are going to hate us marauders even more after this change trust me.
  4. From my experiences it seems people are finally adjusting to the 1.2 changes to marauders and having more success, but the crybabies who run in and blow all their cooldowns on the first GCD still get mashed and come on here to qq instead of reading up on their massive weakness, kite/stun/int.
  5. Totally agree, i grinded hundreds of hours in SWG and helped my group for months with nothing to gain until finally it was my turn in the group to get the components to make a jetpack, the day i got it i flew around for hours in an empty field killing trah mobs.
  6. Just keep up your crying Bioware listens and will eventually sledgehammer nerf the Spec like they do every other class and spec terrible players boohoo about. I say cookie cutter specs for everyone with mirror abilities, this will ultimately resolve any sort of requirements for a brain to play the game, you may sigh but that is the direction we are headed.
  7. you guys are so bad at pvpng, that even if bw decides to take away UR, you will be here on the forums and QQ, cry and ask for another nerf....


    1 day it's UR, then it's cammo, then it will be the dmg, the dots or the burst from ravage + gore + stim... or the huge AoE dmg from smash...


    Then you'll be owned from a pyro.... omg nerf pyro....


    "OO BW you must nerf tankassas cuz I cant kill ..... OPOPOP!!!"


    "OMG sniperz oneshot me...... NERF NOW!"




    I think you should get e nerf on your QQ skill.....



    They already QQ'd their way to making Mercs and Sorcs obsolete in pvp why stop there? The only way the babies stop is when all classes are cookie cutter replicas of each other forces bioware to take requiring a brain out of combat.

  8. Please remember that burst is the only thing the class has.


    Btw, OP's suggestion wouldn't only kill this class in PvP, it would also destroy the totally unrelated PvE tanking AND DPS AS WELL as the tactics middle tree, which is not played much as it is.


    Powertech / Vanguard is already a bare-bones class that has little else than burst (in PvP), you do not nerf abilities of a class like this without giving back significantly more other mechanics.


    Tell that to arsenal mercs please.

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