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Posts posted by gannonmoss

  1. A lot of people love them and that's cool - to each his own. However, I HATE THEM. The whole idea of a raid is just tank takes damage and taunts again & again, dps classes do damage again & again, healers heal again & again.


    That's it. There's no curve balls, no real "thinking" involved, it's mindless button clicking to get the awezome lootz..... so you can do it all again and get the awezomer lootz.... to do it again, to get even awesomerer lootz.... and on and on you go.


    Truthfully, I prefer PVP and the dynamic of taking on a living breathing person who thinks, reacts, and strategizes. Far more fun and entertaining than a robot that is programmed to hit, hit, hit, hit, you didn't beat the timer, RAGE, KILL KILL KILL. Most of the raids end the same way -- with a big pinata, everybody just whacking away until the candy falls out.


    And this is not a knock to you if you like that, good for you, I'm happy they've included something you can enjoy with your friends for month and months to come.


    My point, i guess, is that PVP is seriously gimped in this game and you can only play so many rounds of huttball (with the other 2 every now and again) before you just throw your hands in the air and say... BLANK IT.


    Ilum could have been very cool, and other planets like Ilum -- small regions where it's always PVP mode..... but they made it TOO BIG and too hard to travel to quickly.


    Well, those are my thoughts.


    I'm assuming that you don't raid. Especially in this game. There are plenty of curveballs and dynamics that set raiding apart from other PvE content.


    Btw the arguments you made against raiding, I could easily make for PvP. It is the same thing again and again, after awhile it is just a stat match-up and waiting for other people to make mistakes.

  2. Why making MMO (massive multiplayer online game) that cant handle having more than 20 ppl in the same area without significant decrease of performance?


    I mean really. 50 players in ilum causing You to drop to 2fps no matter how low Your settings are and no matter how imba Your machine is.


    Why bother making a game for millions where 50 ppl cant be together?


    And why ppl excuse this game?

    Did You see decrease of performance in world events in Rift with 60+ ppl and tons of mobs? No.

    Did You see decrease of performance in WoW Alterac Valey where there are 60vs60? No.


    Stop excusing (according to You) perfect MMO..where when it comes to actual MMO experience, the game is unplayable. Its pathetic.


    Oh go away. I have yet to have problems on Ilum and I have yet to be on Ilum and hear anyone complain. Sounds like a personal issue. That I don't care about.

  3. Give me dual spec so i can do my dailys and still perpetuate my servers progression by healing.


    because if you didnt know, doing dailys as a healer sucks.


    this in itself is enough reason to allow dual spec


    1) companions dont do enough damage


    2) healers (although some are capable of burst dmg) are horrible inefficient questers.


    3) i shouldnt be forced to find someone to group with for dailys, i mean thats ok sometimes, but it shouldnt be my only option.


    Please pump out dual spec faster, and make sure that it saves your keybinds :)


    If you are merc i can let this pass because I have no idea what merc healing is like. But as a Sith Inquis my dailies are a breeze. Granted that yes, they are much easier in DPS spec, heal spec maybe takes just a little bit longer. Dual spec is coming and after two-three weeks of constantly respeccing I am ready for this as well. Make sure your companion is geared well too! Don't forget they can wear those extra columi/tionese drops you can't use! My Xalek has three columi and two tionese mixed with some greens and blues and he holds his own just fine.

  4. Any chance they are planing to give us animal mounts?? :D i would like one!


    Ohlen talked about it recently. I believe this is something they are implicating in the future. I do not believe there is an ETA for this however.

  5. Pros and contras for this sucking game

    pro -

    solo leveling till 50 lvl

    contras -

    lags on bg's

    lags on illum and emperial fleet

    useless companions as you reach 50

    tarded system of drop in instances

    useless light-dark side system - what for?

    useless valor - what for?

    cannot switch off boring movies - spacebar is the most used key in game.

    also moderators - why do you delete my threads?

    come on bioware! continue your "high fly". you do not change anything during 2 monthes.


    Pros -


    I get to mock people who make stupid pro/cons lists.

    I have a blast playing the game and have experienced little lag in my two months f playtime.

    I realize that new games are not perfect.

    I realize the Valor system is to validate veteran PvP players

    I enjoy the dialog sections.

    I enjoy the light/dark side systeml. IT'S STAR WARS. O.O

    I enjoy when pointless threads get deleted.


    Cons- (not Contras)



    Solo Leveling until 50. For one not true and for two, this is an MMORPG FFS.


    it is extremely boring (

    ppl leaving it!

    so what is the opinion of other players?


    My opinion is that you need to go away.


    Improve your English.


    People don't care about people that can't even muster the effort to spell 'people'.

  7. I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow (here's how i exactly think http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg) and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


    Expose your opinions


    I will. Why?


    Just to piss you off.


    Go complain somewhere else.


    Waste of a thread

  8. I would like the game to be better. I truly would.


    I specifically said 2 months because bioware has announced they are adding a number of features that I would definitely like, yet I don't think they will all be implemented for at least 2 months.


    That's fine and I agree. In my eyes probably more like 1-1/2 mos, but that really isn't the point. What I took issue with is the 'missing' part. It really isn't 'missing' anything. I will give you that all MMO's in this sense are 'missing' something, because they are never complete. However because of that MMO's are just what they are and what the company deems best for the consumer.


    I like the game. There are parts that irritate me as well. However nothing that would cause me to unsubscribe. I enjoy the in-game community and loathe the forum community. It is the nature of MMO's in my experience and I honestly (again from my personal experience) have seen little merit in complaining on the forums. I have seen far more results from contacting the company directly and voicing my opinion. I often see forum posters get dismissed and at times reprimanded publicly by CS representatives. Not without warrant though, we know what it is like on here. People are protected by anonymity so they say things that would normally get them popped in the mouth if they said it to someone in person. I just think that the forums are like a utopia. Great idea and noble in a way, but poorly implemented. I think it would be great if they could figure a way that people had to somehow verify themselves on forums so that their name would be attached to a post rather than a faceless avatar. Oh well. Got way too deep there. I am bored.

  9. Why I'm here has nothing to do with how much content the game is missing.


    Good job trying to "get me" though.


    Meh... you can complain all day that the game is missing things. But you're wrong. It can't be missing something that wasn't there to begin with. BioWare released their game. You payed to play BioWare's game. So the game isn't missing anything. If you don't like it, you can unsub and come back when you feel it has what you want. Complaining about it (especially on the forums) will get you a fast ticket to nowhere.

  10. Did the change allowing you to move around and resize the UI happen yet? I hate the stacked UI at the bottom of the screen, takes up too much space but the higher you go the more you need it.




    Coming in 1.2.


    I agree with you btw. I have always taken advantage of past games mods/apps to make my UI mine. Comfortable, accessible and flexible. But those options are coming.

  11. please implement, guild levels, guild banks, guild perks, guild finder. etc

    all this makes having or being in a guild a lot more than just a list of people.


    Banks are coming. Guild finder would be helpful. Levels and perks need to not happen. It was an abomination in WoW. It is an extremely flawed system.

  12. Hi everyone :) Today when i logged into the game i started feeling bored for the first time after i started playing the game. I cant put my finger on what it is that makes me get the feeling, but i think it is because its to easy to get good gear. Do you agree?


    Also, i feel there is nothing to strive for... Like in WOW (Vanilla mostly) we had top guilds running around with fancy gear that i could not even dream of getting. In a weird way that made me more motivated to play, and i hope to see this in SWTOR soon, or i am afraid i will be gone. I don't want to leave, so maybe when migration comes i will move to a bigger more hardcore server :)


    I got this feeling with WoW and I have (at times, especially after long play periods) gotten this feeling with SW:ToR. I just mix it up. Been getting back into Skyrim here and there, played Gears of War 3 with the wife and I am working my way through Kingdoms of Amalur. A lot of MMO'ers burn themselves out. When I take time away from it, I find I can recapture excitement. Kind of like you have to give yourself a chance to miss the game.

  13. Common in EVERY MMO but this one.


    A log to show the last few days transactions, such as invites, kicks, gquits.


    Not to mention the ability to see when the last time a character was online.


    As a GM, I cannot do my job well without these simple tools


    Dahhh herp derp thats why you have officers, a website and you can (in the guild window) see when people were last online.

  14. So I thought, well maybe the next Flashpoints are like Esseles. Nope.


    Athiss, Mandalorean Raiders, Cademinu, etc. are all totally devoid of storyline, and cutscenes.


    This is why I believe The Esseles was a bait and switch.


    This is very true. However once you hit level cap and are running Hard Modes, the story sequences make you want to punch through your monitor. Even when you run with guildies, you get that person who apparently has no idea how the space bar works. From now on I would expect solo content = story, group content = progression/gear

  15. so so sorry. i was simply saying after readin through days an days like 4 scense i stopped playin of posts an i have noticed that in 100% of all of them not 1 dev gm bigbossguy ever comment on anything other that to block or move it an bury in a post of 100 pages of nothing. like .....when a page has 20 troopers saying something is wrong an why is it not working is it to *********** much to ask for someone on BW side to answer us maby or how about fix a major problem an not a bunch of silly bs .



    why even have a test center when the game is still alfa


    an yes im ranting but i gotta get my 90$ out o this turd somehow


    Just stop. I can barely understand what you are saying. There are a few CS reps on the forums and hundreds that use the forums at any one time. With everyone screaming, "FIX THIS NOW, ADD THIS NOW, BUGGED, CRASH..." They aren't going to get every single complaint. If you would rather I am sure they will placate you with an automated response.


    Things are fine. The game is fine. The content will be done when it's done. They will get to it when they get to it.

  16. Every big patch I see more and more content but many of us have no means to access the it.


    Get a guild: Thats fine if you can find one, my server is pretty sparse


    Make friends: Hard to make friends when you play off times and on top of that most people alt because spamming at the station for hours on end is not fun


    You are lazy: Server pop is terrible, its not an issue of being lazy.


    I get groups so easy: Congratulation?


    It kills the community: Yes, I am sure the other 12 people on the station would go insane with rage.


    At 50 you are lucky to get a single run each week. I would like to be able to play the game on my schedule, as would many others.


    Well... this makes no sense.


    Why would you play a game if you... can't play the game? Do you want BioWare to force people to be on and play with you?


    This is the nature of the MMO, I suggest rerolling on a server that has on-times that line up with your play time.

  17. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=2645530#edit2645530


    If you can make a poll for it like what you did for the GCD UI.

    why not make more polls for stuff that people wants like:


    Random dungeon finder






    combat logs


    and many more...


    I for one am interested what the numbers looks like when these polls are out...



    Welcome to thread #349765 on these topics


    They have their hands full with the things they have been planning to release since launch.


    Feel free to give it a rest.

  18. As a avid pvper and pver my respec cost usually maxes out within a day or two, before it was resetting with the weekly maintenance, but now it seems they took this feature out and i'm going to have to pay 99k every time i want to change spec.


    Please BW make respecing free, this may help with lack of tanks and healers if people can just change for free to run a FP.







    Delete this post please

  19. Same exact issue here. Never see over 100 people on the Fleet....so I'm not really sure where are all of those 1.7mil people are....definitely not on Constant. At this point I'm just leveling Aloping it gets better and LFG gets implemented.


    And lol at build a rep on a server....its a game...I don't care about building rep...that's what RL is for. I just want to click a button, spend a fun hour smashing.g and log off. Don't have time for chatting with random people I don't know online...


    Of course they aren't on constantly. I am on one of the lower pop servers and have yet to have an issue finding a group. It is a game, and if you don't take it seriously fine, I am trying to help the OP in the future.

  20. After 3 days trying to play flashpoint with a MMO with 30ppl i give up.. cant see the point in a MMO with less ppl than X-BOX ??

    Cant see why I should pay for a very small game when its always empty + full of bugs and so over the starwars buzz.

    back to WOW me thinks.


    Why don't you do something else...


    Join a guild...


    1.7 million active subs and you can't find a group member? Sounds literally like a personal problem. That is why it's always a good idea to establish a good server rep, or no rep at all. When people act rude or harass people in general, they go on insta-ignore for me.

  21. Would like to send Emials containing guild News to all guild members

    and was hoping there was a way to copy and paste the text so I didnt have to retype it 40 times, as I write this I'm thinking probably not as this would be a great tool for credit traders but I live in hope


    Run the game in fullscreen (windowed) and open Notepad.


    Type your message on there and copy it (Ctrl-C)


    Tab back to the game and open the mailbox. Put in the characters name and then Paste your message into the body (Ctrl-V) each time you send a new message. Should just take you a couple of minutes this way.

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