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Posts posted by RSCNyx

  1. Just an FYI: You can bind keys to the side action bars, so then it's not an inconvienence to use them.


    I do the same thing I do on WoW: I put all my main abilities in my bottom bar, cooldowns on extra bar 1, and everything else (mounts, professions) on any other extra bars.


    Of course, TOR has less bars than WoW does...I am a bit worried about being 50 and having no room for all abilities.

  2. Not at all. Just look at the forums. You must be blind if you cannot see all of the troll post. The defending is getting crazy because the trolls are out in force.


    Debate is one thing, mindless trolling is another. I have not seen very many actual valid complaints at all on these forums. They happen to be in the Customer Service area.... A debate of real issues like the memory leaks on texture issues, hey that is cool.. But some of this crap is just out there.


    I posted a list of very valid complaints, coming from a veteran of other MMO games. None of them had to deal with technical issues...most of them had to do with the horrible UI.


    The game does have it's fair share of legit problems. It's not perfect.

  3. ^Quoted for Truth


    But you forgot WoW fanboys that are scared to death as well.:D


    What a horribly paranoid and weird thing to say.


    What is with the community that you can't have any kind of debate? If you have one problem with the game, you're branded as a (insert competitor here) fanboy. You can't say anything without getting OTHER fanboys riled up.


    Sad thing, that. Debate has become a lost art in our country.

  4. I don't know about the commendations, but you can buy new ship parts by going to a ship vendor right in front of the hangers in Coruscant.


    Yeah, trust me, I was wondering the same thing. Nice of the game to not point you in the right direction.

  5. Okay, here's the thing.


    Let's say that you're about to do a TOR raid. You have 10 people gathered, ready to zerg the hell out of some evil Sith/Jedi guy weilding fifty quad-bladed lightsabers, he's tough as balls, and he wants to kill you.


    Then, BOTH a tank and a healer say they have to go due to them soiling theirselves. You're down two essential classes.


    Without a duel-spec system, the night could very well be over if no one else can step into that role. No one kills anything, no one wins anything, you just...do it another night, hopefully.


    With a duel-spec system, one of the DPS could be like, "Yo, I can tank this guy" and another can be, "I have a healing offspec!", switch, and then you're already good to go! You just gotta replace two DPS which are...everywhere.


    It's a matter of convienence. It's not convienent having no price cap on respecs, because it WILL get to a point where you simply just won't be able to afford it if someone needs you to change.


    Also a matter of convienence, being able to summon party members. That'd be nice.

  6. I'm a 3 year vet on WoW, and I'm still subbed to that and am playing this at the same time. It's impossible, I know.


    Anyway, [FANBOY SHIELD ACTIVE DISCLAIMER] I enjoy this game. I feel that it's a Mass Effect Online with Star Wars tagged on, but since I love Mass Effect, that's fine with me. I'm enjoying the stories and the fact that I have to play with other people in order to get anywhere in the game at points. [FANBOY SHIELD REMAINS IN EFFECT BUT DISCLAIMER ENDS]


    I don't think the shield will work. Worth a shot.


    Now, just for Bioware's own benefit, I'm going to list the biggest problem I've ran into thus far.


    Really, the only problem I have is THE USER INTERFACE. It is BAD. It is clunky and awkward and urrrghhh. And, sadly, this is an important part of an MMO. If the UI is clunky, then many other actions become clunky as well.


    Why is it bad? First, it just feels non-responsive at points. I tell the game to do something from the UI, and it just won't do it. Yes, I'd love to move that ability to that point. So I click on it, drag it across, try to place it down, and...it won't do it.


    Few more clicks, and SLIGHTLY better positioning, and it works. I liked it better in WoW where you just had to drag an ability into a specific area, bam. It's done, and the detection is extremely friendly on where you put the ability.


    Second, it's buggy. I drag my Biochem, Bioanalysis, and Diplomacy icons out from the Crew Menu to my side bar for convinience. Randomly, and I have no idea why, the icons disappear. I don't know how, I don't know why, and it's annoying as all getout.


    Third, the positioning of the extra action bars, and their size. WoW has five action bars total: The main one that's always on screen, one above the bottom-left of the HUD, another one to the bottom-right, and two to the right of the screen. Seeing how the bars are closer to the screen where one will look, it makes it easier to judge when something is not on cooldown and is ready for use.


    TOR, however, throws only two extra bars at you, for three total. One to the left of the screen, high above the bottom of the HUD as possible, and one to the right in the same position. Why? It's so out of the way and I have to look away from my main abilities to see if anything else of use is off of cooldown.


    And, while I'm not 50 yet, I don't know if I'll get enough abilities to fill up both of those bars, but I have a feeling there will be, and I will be STRESSING for room.


    Fourth: The UI in battle. It's the worst. First, there's no threat meters, or any accurate way to judge threat. Either they're hitting you, or they're not. This is a problem, because as a tank class, if you can't tell if you have threat or not, you're not going to be able to respond in time to taunt something off a healer.


    Target markers are small, translucent, and usually ignored by parties I've been in thus far. This can pose for huge problems if things in the game get to the point where CC must be used.


    And finally, some of the shopping interfaces. The lack of a confirmation when buying things with Commendations or anything of importance is a HUGE setback. This means you could accidently buy the wrong thing, and you're stuffed. You can only resell that item for credits.


    The skill menus, too, could use some work. I'll be damned if I know if I'll get a skill-up crafting something or not.


    I've only heard stories of the legendary Auction House interface. I haven't encountered it yet, but I'm not really looking forward to it.


    Other than that, I find the game pretty fun. None of the quests really feel tedious (unless you're going for Bonuses, which have you fight 90% of the world's population, and then a mini-boss/boss), there's many ways to quickly get around, the communication and social options are fun to go through with other people...I haven't tried PvP yet, but I'll get back to you on that one.


    However, the fact that the UI is such garbage REALLLY makes me wince. It makes me feel like I'm fighting with it at points, and losing. Why wasn't this brought up by the beta testers?


    That's really all I got. Just the UI. Sadly, it's an important part. Maybe more issues will arise, but overall, as I said, I enjoy the game.


    Thank you for reading through the wall o' text, Bioware, and the community of TOR. :D

  7. Yo, why would the game be much different than WoW?


    WoW has been running for SEVEN YEARS, and is still going strong. Every new MMO is going to try to use the same basic formula they used. That's how it goes.


    Know how Super Mario Bros. made platformers popular? Notice how common they were after this point?


    Yes, it's going to have some things like WoW. However, it has enough of it's own features (space battles, companions that actually do battle and can be equipped [ala Diablo 2], the Mass Effect-ish communication) to stand on it's own.


    Of course, WoW has an INFINITELY better userface than TOR. Of course, addons, if allowed, can fix this in the future.


    If you were expecting this to be extremely different than WoW, sorry, but every MMO is going to be like WoW now. Game companies are not fans of trying non-tested things, because that can lead to failure.

  8. Hi, rather new player here. Highest level I have is an 18 Vanguard.


    Anyway, one problem that has come up time and time again is that, well, there's no one to heal Heroic missions. The tanking part isn't hard in the slightest. I can hold their attention and migate their damage as best as I can, but there's no one to heal in any group I manage to form.


    The only way my party managed to beat Trouble in Deed (I believe it was called) was one of them glitching out the boss on the elevator. It was literally impossible otherwise because there was no one who could heal.


    This has kinda been my experience with every Heroic mission so far, and it's nothing short of frustrating. Pull a group, die, rest of my allies mop up, repeat until end if we're fortunate enough to beat a boss.


    Anyway, I was wondering, is there a better way to organize a group that I don't know of? Spamming General chat tends to give me lackluster results. Such as a Jedi Shadow saying they can heal.

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