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Everything posted by MishaCantu

  1. We are also adding new objectives that will involve companions being set to specific roles, Space Missions, and Operations. This right here from the News update post has me a bit confused. I guess it's some way to get more people involved in GSF and Operations? I'd like to hear a bit more about this. The rest of GS5 sounds interesting and I'm glad they're planning on launching it soon.
  2. I'm with you on Echoes of Oblivion. I have 5 or 6 characters stuck there and I just can't face it again. I hate the Valkorian/Tenebrae fight with a passion. It's long and tedious.
  3. Oops. I meant season 5. I doubt it will be voiced in basic, but still, Indigo would sort of a tie in to the end of the Mando story, and Mek Sha is already there. There are certain alien voices that get on my last nerve. Ugnaughts are cute but I can't stand to hear them speak, the same for Ortolans. I either turn off the sound and just read the conversation, or space bar after the first time through. Amity is a lousy healer but a decent tank, I just wish he'd shut up. And since he's human, why is he speaking Selonian? Yeah, I know, cost. As for more companions on ship, since we can't decorate and I spend so little time there, it's at least a convenient place to go for hand ins.
  4. Since a certain NPC got killed off anyway, I'm wondering if:
  5. This would be awesome. I'd be happy right now to just be able to separate Republic and Empire or even by level. Favorites would be grand.
  6. If I use exit area from a strong hold or quick travel my character cannot move at the destination unless I log out and back in. If using the travel to flashpoint items the cast bar never shows and though my character loads into the new instance it cannot move unless I log out and back in. It seems the character gets stuck in the travel phase and only logging out and back in allows the travel to complete. Though this doesn't happen every time I log in, this has occurred at least 3 or 4 times since the latest download. It happens on both Satele Shan and Star Forge servers. This also effects the global cool downs and the cast bars for actions. Resetting the UI doesn't work, and the only thing that seems to fix the issue is if I completely quit the game then restart it. I apologize in advance if this has already been posted. I did a search and did not find this exact problem reported. Thank you.
  7. Same. Companions spawn with no buffs when summoned or have no buffs when I log into a character. What usually works for me is I change their role, say tank to heals, then back again and the buffs show up. However, they may disappear again when changing locations or instances. This was happening before 7.2.1 for me anyway. I believe it started with 7.0.
  8. I do have to say they did give her a moment on Ruhnuk which was a nice surprise for my smuggler. As for my pretty remark, I was referring to love interest companions, and yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I will say one thing for her, she loves fiercely, you always know where you stand, and if you betray her she'll rip your heart out through your nostrils. Anyway, thanks for the moment. Now I can only hope the other vanilla companions get their moment somewhere along the line.
  9. I can choose other daily or heroic areas to travel to from the Activities screen, but not to Ruhnuk. This is on both empire and republic sides. Tried from a stronghold, from fleet, and two other planets. Opened Activities menu. Chose Ruhnuk. Clicked on Travel. Nothing happened, character stayed where they were. Also, the map option flipped with the last update. Had to change keybinds so that pressing M brings up the new map, and alt-M the old. Thing is, Alt-M gives that little error ding noise even though it works.
  10. Some of the stims create 4, maybe some of the lower medpacs too. It just seemed silly to have to deconstruct all 6 at one go, but I guess being able to do 1 at a time to learn the new recipe would be too easy.
  11. Sorry Steve. It had been a long time since I deconstructed anything for a better schematic and forgot that for some biochemical items you can't deconstruct just one. For the Medpac each item crafts 6, so you can't deconstruct just one, you have to do all 6. Duh, my bad. I should have known better.
  12. Character: Yshelle Server: Star Forge Character has 700 biochem, can craft Advanced Kyrprax Medpac, says there's a 5% chance of learning a new schematic/recipe when mousing over the item. However, when I try to deconstruct it to learn the new recipe, it places the item in the destroy field instead of the deconstruct field. Is this recipe no longer learnable or is this a bug? If not a bug, then on mouse over it should state: No Research Available. Thanks Nevermind, I figured it out. Sorry.
  13. My male smuggler finished the alert a long time ago. Even accepted Mako along with Akaavi. I just think because she isn't a popular companion, (not pretty enough) that she's been forgotten. My Bounty hunter got a nice scene with Torian in 7.2, but I haven't taken my male smuggler through yet. Guess we'll see.
  14. After 7.2 the achievements for Luck of the Draw are not displaying the correct information for Let It Ride and Authority on the Subject. It is now displaying Cartel Coins 0, Fleet reputation 0, and Legacy Title Undefined. Objective Master and Take the House are fine.
  15. I know she's not a popular companion, but one of my smugglers actually has her as his significant other. I was surprised that he didn't even get a letter when she came back into the story. Seems a missed opportunity. A letter can't be that hard to compose and use the companion flags to send to the appropriate characters. I do hope there's some acknowledgement in the 7.2 story. Sometimes I think you forget that there's more companions that we haven't heard from in years. Thank you though for those you do remember. It adds a depth to the game that's not found anywhere else.
  16. Ran some heroics with a friend of mine last night, she had the droid active, I had a regular companion. She received 2 modules, I received none. Earlier in the day I soloed a few heroics with the droid out and received 3 of the modules. So I do believe she has to be active for world drops of the modules.
  17. 10th anniversary was overhyped and underdelivered, but did they really say what they were delivering? Some outfitter updates, the addition of a second class for the characters, a new operation, level increase, a bit of story, new character creation screen, preview screen (that still doesn't work right), and a grind for more gear. The forum updates came out of the blue, the new launcher came out of the blue, some of the balancing changes came out of the blue. And here we are. Maybe great things are yet to come, but I'm not holding my breath.
  18. I'm blasé about GS3 other than it gives me something to do rather than the same old, same old. I couldn't care less about another companion other than getting another couple of level 50 for my crafters. I'll likely not get the achievement which doesn't bother me either. The drop rate for the GAME modules is poor, and I doubt I'll do enough weekly crap to make up the difference. As for the cartel coins, I guess we're lucky they give us any at all. They could have replaced everything with packs.
  19. You can use those yes and if you're in a guild or have a small guild of your own, you can purchase the reputation perk to increase rep by 5%. It might help a bit.
  20. Huh. So there are world drops if the droid is your companion? Would have been nice if they'd told us this. I don't recall it being mentioned. But, yeah, it'll be a pain to have the requirement for her to be a companion to get the modules to drop since many of my other companions are already level 50. Maybe they're trying to get more people to buy the commander's compendium with cartel coins?
  21. You may be right, but just thought I'd bring it up. You're also correct about the GAME modules. Not everyone will be able to finish the weekly stuff. As for me, GSF gives me motion sickness and I don't PVP any more, and not everyone does group content. The rewards from the daily/weekly GS3 tracker won't be enough, that's for sure, we get 10 every week or every other week? I guess we'll see how it goes, but I'm not sweating it. If I complete it fine, if not, oh well.
  22. I noticed on first day GS3 was available that there were only 137 days remaining. Were we give credit for the 2 days lost by the delay? Did you move the completion date to the correct number of days? Those 2 days could make the difference whether or not some people complete the achievement. Please verify.
  23. I finished the 20 cheaters and it only took a little over 2 hours standing in one place waiting for the single npc to respawn every 5 minutes or so. Then I waited for them to count their chips, play the game, yadda yadda, until they decided to cheat. I didn't have to fight for it, nobody else was there, but still, the only challenge to this was to my patience.
  24. I noticed that there are only 137 days remaining in GS 3 instead of the normal 140. Did you forget to reset the end date due to the delay or do we just forfeit the 3 missing days?
  25. I would if I knew where to find a crash log. I didn't see any in the logs folder.
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