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Posts posted by TaylorMomsen

  1. Can't do it in EvE either and I'd love to see you try.


    You can't control the entire market of EVE because it's too large and complex, but you can have a far deeper impact on it than you can in WoW, since in WoW AH is kind of a side show while in EVE its basically the source of all life. You control a smaller percentage but you have more power. I haven't figured out where to go to find the AH in this game yet because who cares money seems pretty irrelevant, I vendor stuff I can't use.

  2. Alright I love these posts about exhaustion zones.


    Which would you prefer.


    1) Endless Landscapes but there is nothing to see but you on a mount rushing across sand.




    2) A promp that says "There is nothing out here"




    How about this:


    You make planets huge so they actually feel like planets,

    You space out the quest zones appropriately

    You greatly increase the movement speed of mounts

    You make mounts feel like actual vehicles, not like you're running around normally with 110% movement speed

    You add actual cities to the game, nothing too fancy but something a little better than a platform with some quest givers and vendors. I know it's the same thing, it just looks less terrible.


    What would this accomplish?



    Well, if planets were larger maybe it would feel more like being on an actual planet and less like being stuck in a heavily instanced ant hill nightmare, unable to move or free yourself from the cold firm grasp of millions of mobs because you're being kept in by unclimbable mountains and your speeder explodes every time a trash mob so much as looks at it.


    If speeders went a bit faster and were a bit more durable maybe it would feel less like you're riding a push around buggy made of thin glass and more like you're riding, you know, an actual speeder.


    If you had some cities maybe people would have places to gather (I wouldn't gather, but I want to see other people do it), maybe it would be worth going back to planets you've finished, it might even give you the illusion that you're in a real virtual world with other people and not all alone in a grindy buggy singleplayer game.


    Admittedly world pvp is dead mainly because the pvp in this game is just awful, but a contributing factor I think is that you can't move around freely to look for people to kill because the world is actively trying to smother you with mobs and walls, and there are no obvious gathering places where you can go to find lots of people.

  3. The horrible fps problem on Alderan could be solved so easily by allowing us to turn off the resource hogging turret effects and explosions. Why would you ever put something like that in a pvp area where performance actually matters? Or at least let us pick battleground so we can avoid it until it's fixed.
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