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Posts posted by ImURmaster

  1. Once you figure out your skill sequence you'll kill sorcs without much effort. Just don't be afraid to use CDs early.


    In 1v1s and both players being fully geared, sorcs/sages are probably the worst class in the game (snipers being LOS might be a slight bit easier). They really are a group oriented class(s).

  2. Translation:


    BW, WTH?? I rolled the FOTM class expecting to faceroll every AC in the game with absolutely minimum effort. I expect to stand in one place and melt everyones face with the spam of 1 ability over and over. Why is this not the case BW? Are you actually saying I may have to use 12% skill to overcome a few random classes with this OP FOTM toon I have? This is completely unfair and needs addressing ASAP.




    Im a melee class I think Im good because I can beat a sorc/sage. (Hint: Your not. You win because your supposed to)


    FYI: If your a melee and you cant beat a sorc/sage. You need to quit. Melee class > Sorc/sages is WAI as of today.

  3. ^ this. Sages/Sorcs have so many options they should be the last to complain. I know a few on my server completely rage when they die one time in a warzone. I also know a few that will complain only doing 500k damage with 300k healing. Seriously? I do cartwheels when I break 300k and 120k shielding. Powertech Pyro dps is very nice when it procs, when it doesnt proc we struggle. Its a big gamble class compared to the consitence of maras and sorcs. Outside of snipers, we die very quickly. We have the option to kite but iin a game that where i can be stunned twice by an ops and rooted by a sniper and still not have full reslove consider me a wet bag. I love the excitement of my class, one minute I can destroy the next I fight for my life. We dont have anything easy.




    I see PuG PT cracking 500k in Voidstar. Either way though AoE DPS output is p*** poor way to measure a class.


    Theres a vid of a PT face-wrecking WZs on the forums right now, watch it and come back a tell me sorcs have it good. He kills sorcs repeatedly in ~ 8-10 seconds..they're a speed bump that's about it. I'm referring to the ones that fight back verse just fleeing.

  4. They just doubled, nearly TRIPLED the favor you get from WZ. The "grind" some people lament is very easy to do. Getting BM rank is so easy now, you can get 2 to 3 levels in a single night. This alone is enough..


    No you can't.


    So four months into the game they will completely make obsolete everything and start over. Just doesn't make any sense..


    Welcome to MMOs?...


    The welfare system might be what the vocal minority want but trust me, it is not what most people play for. Progression is the driving force to the majority.


    When game designers ignore the silent majority to please the "vocal minority" the game goes belly up. When game designers appease the silent majority and ignore the vocal minority it becomes a cash cow....in light of that, which do you think you are?

    (Hint: Lots of people think they're a "majority" when in fact, they aren't)

  5. char name Angelá a lvl 10 jedi sage on Canderous Orda server approx 10:40am central in Huttball, moving at speed of lightning whole game everyone saw it and reported it.


    Lame how **** like this happens and i hope it doesnt start to become a frequent thing now


    The worst is when they hack at, say, 1.2x normal speed. Then its a very distinctive advantage especially for melees class while not being completely obvious. It also has the ability to make you immune to stuns/snares...Happens a lot more than most people realize.

  6. lately, Ive gotten some entertainment by chasing BM titled players around while solo. Nothing make me chuckle more than a fleeing BM titled sin/mara (arguably the best 1v1 classes in the game) running from my solo champion titled Sage (arguably the worsts 1v1 class).


    To many fail Pvpers, so little time....

  7. Looks like people are finally realising that sorcs/mercs are quite mediocre for PVP, and it's melee like assassins, marauders, juggs and powertechs who truly dominate.


    Something good players have known for a long time, I guess it was inevitable the info would trickle down eventually.




    Anecdotal, but in the last 2-3 weeks every, and I mean every, WZ has been ~50+% sins/maras where as a month ago it was ~50% sorcs.


    Players have figured out and rerolled the classes that dominate PvP right now.

  8. Thats a real cool story bro but you can log into the Republic or Imperial Fleet and ask who the best Guardian is and its my name. Most people dont log into the server forums and most people quit because lack of content which i will most likely be doing the 20th.


    Which is why I said using a forum thread to prove how good you are is fail.


    So, most people quit playing yet asking in /general on your server is going to be useful.


    Nice you've failed twice. :)

  9. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=321917


    ^Im labeled on the list as Best Guardian on server...so untill you show me 30-40 people saying your a boss and best on server dont make me laugh.


    There's only about 12-18 people actually contributing to that thread, and they all do not include you.




    Usually the "good" players listed on forum epeen threads consist of people in the same guild or play together.


    Epeen threads are just that and usually have nothing to do with who is actually skilled at their class....most of the time

  10. You got 1 health point left, and your about to die. Your running for your life, and are 30 meters away from your opponent.


    Your odds are greater surviving a melee class then a ranged class. While melee classes all have gap closers, usually 1 if not 2, if the melee classes has not used it, then your screwed. However, if they did use their gap closure you will survive.


    Range Classes though, every attack is a range closure. So your chance of dying is a lot greater when dealing with a range class.


    My question is, what are developers going to do to allow melee players a greater chance of success ?


    My suggestion would be a increase to defense over range classes. I.E more Light saber Deflection. Seems fair.


    IF a melee class got you to 1 health point your not at 30m, your as good as dead. IF your at 30m from your opponent and he got your to one health then hes not a melee class.

  11. Hahahaha

    I quit this game ages ago but I had to comment. One of the reasons I quit was because the game hugely favours ranged. Illum - forget it if there's 2 large groups on each side and your a melee. War zones - forget it if they strafe, run while shooting, or on a balcony, you will die.


    One simple fix is to give melee classes a slight speed boost..... Otherwise, this game highly favours ranged. Inquisitors are ranged and have way to much cc, stuns. Melee shud have these / more of these.


    You quit because the zerg v zerg at the repub base camp style PvP was favoring ranged classes.


    Wow, just...wow.


    I hope that this game makes no effort to balance itself around a zombie zerg camping another zombie zerg in the NPCs/One shotters. IE absolutely the worst PvP game play possible.


    Under structured, even numbered, group AND solo game play right now melees have a huge advantage. Sins/Shads/Maras/Sents in the hand of a mouse turner are face wrecking just about anything. Ops/Scoundrels aren't far behind.

  12. <I invented a QQ thread under the guise Im a sorc/sage>.


    A good Mara/Sent will eat your face no matter how "OP" you perceive the class to be. PERIOD END.


    A good Pyro/Vanguard will eat your face no matter how "OP" you perceive the class to be. PERIOD END.


    A good sin/shadow will eat your face (built for tanking) no matter how "OP" you perceive the class to be. PERIOD END.


    L2P and stop crying. Look at low level PvP zones and they're loaded with mara/sents and BH. News: There not the FoTM class, there just alot of them because they are pretty cool.


    Heal and move on with the build you posted..lolz....

  13. It is fun to see everyone complain about things that have been in game since launch..


    It just taken this long for people to level and gear up thier Mara/Sent alt because the realized about a month or more ago there's not much that can beat them in a 1v1 when played well.


    Yea, it takes a team to manage one Mara/Sent. WAI?? lolz. Rated wz will show exactly what the situation is. The average/bad Maras are easy kills. The good ones are OP. And yes, every "good" player is OP, except with Maras/Sents the "good" ones will be face-rolling other "good" players.


    If your a Sent/Mara and you can see this is most likely because your not "good", sorry to break the news to you. :(

  14. Let's be honest with each other, right now the only PvP in this game is in a WZ. You can't consider Ilum to be PvP when it consists of a zerg fest standing at the entrance to the opposing faction, hoping some scraps get tossed to them. What really killed open world PvP is the fact that BioWare segregated quest areas so heavily on planets. Hopefully this is fixed in later content releases.


    Lets be honest here, head out the other side of the repub base (or speeder?!:D)and find fights that aren't a zergfest.


    I do it all the time.


    Ilum is terrible because players allow it to be so. It easier to farm your daily in a zergball at the base entrance so that's what happens. I assure you though, you can and do find even fights else where.

  15. In open field imps devastate republic ops even while outnumbered by 1/3 or even 1/2 - because imps have much more practice fighting without cannons on their side. Evil always win.



    P.S. I'm happy my sub expires before 1.2 - "win 3/9" 5 hours long quest forced me to hate warzones. Can't farm 1000/1000 tokens for lvl65 valor vehicle - can't even farm 200/200 for BM trinkets (farmed Rakata instead).


    Is it me, or does this make no sense....

  16. Last time this happened is simply put in /ops that I wasn't really interested in farming noobs and Ill just hang out off to the side. Well two other players joined me and the remaining 5 that felt like farming under gear players got a free trip to the reset point when they were beat in a 8v5.


    Ohh the rage in /ops after was absolutely hilarious.

  17. I'd like you to provide a video of someone killing a geared healing Sorc who doesn't suck in a 1v1 situation.


    Any class. Go ahead.


    I always get a kick of challenges like this one.


    If you see a vid of a sorc/sage losing then you disqualify it by saying "they suck". If you see one with them winning then it proves your point. In other words, you have an out for no matter what evidence is provided. Nice...


    Lets dunk the the heretic, if she dies then she wasn't a witch, if she lives we burn her for being a witch.


    ^^Your argument in a nut shell. No matter what she dies, no matter what you're right^^

  18. And I know, I know, I can go back to whatever game I came from and I should silently leave without posting anything blah blah blah. Fact is though, what if devs are reading? What if they actually want some feedback? What if they want to improve the game in a way that won't really affect you, but may make other people keep playing?



    THe devs primary goal is to keep people playing which why they make "Pro-PvPers" rage so much.


    Think on that one and think about who wants to kill the game.

  19. lol wow thats proberly why it hits so freaking hard


    so it has


    60% armor pen


    30% crit damage



    yea i think that needs a nerf :/




    as for sorce/sages they are the most overpowerd class in game right now other than the odd ability other class's have that are overpowerd not the class itself.


    like rail shot for example or aoe smash which on aerage is critting for around 6k with normal unchanged champion gear no stacking pots. the person i got this from and saw with my own eyes can do 7k smash's now :/


    Seems you find just about every class OP but your own. Maybe we should just nerf all but your class.



    OP is the class that just beat me.

    Balanced is the class I just beat.


    Typical PvPer mindset.


    I lose to Powertechs and maras all the time, to me that just means I need to get better.

  20. EXACTLY - As soon as anyone takes notice of us, and actually snares, CC's etc, we're done. All the "High skill cap" stuff goes out the window because if you're not a ranged class you are completely screwed by the ridiculous amount of CC in this game.


    90% of our time in a COMPETENT WZ is spent being focused, chain CC'd, snared, stunned, killed. If anyone thinks that's "OP" i'd like to invite them to try it.


    Yeap, in a group setting were a group of player are managing your one toon you are about worthless. WAI.


    In a solo or non-group setting where your not being zerged you...will...win. The class skill sets once mastered make 1v1s and small group fight a lop-sided saberfest. the amount of snares, cc, and immunity as well as damage output make anyone who doesn't have at least one other player to back them up easy valor for a sent/Mara. If your playing one now and haven't figured this out you may want to re-roll to a BH/Trooper.

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