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Posts posted by MGNMTTRN

  1. So basically

    torpase is a place where people get together and put ******/unrealistic parses of them putting loads of AOE on adds




    1) you could have quoted any post in this thread and accused the player of parsing in unrealistic conditions. Of all the players you quoted, you quoted C-Tor, who is currently in the top 5 torparse records for every single fight in 16man HM dread fortress. Of all the people who participated, why accuse the guy who consistently dominates of having an unrealistic parse?


    2) These are live dps parses. By definition this is what a training dummy approximates, and by definition these parses are conducted in realistic conditions. You might as well accuse your country's ranking politician of not living up to the parodies that play on your local TV.

  2. If you're going to be doing PVE content without a tank, ie dailies, then Shadow is the way to go. As a Shadow you can skip trash to get directly to many objectives, and the Shadow playstyle is indeed a backstabbing style like you were looking for. The Shadow is significantly less squishy than the sage; the Sage gets Force Armor and Force Barrier, while Shadows get Overcharge Saber, Deflection, Resilience, and damage reduction in their skill trees that trumps any Sage skill tree bonuses.


    - guy with Sage and Shadow at 55, and Sorceror at 51

  3. Sticky grenade is strictly worse than Ion Pulse in every way for single-target damage. Because it does less damage, has delayed threat onset, doesn't contribute to any procs, and has a lower crit rate, it has no place in a melee single target Vanguard rotation. Just stop. Stop it. Stop.


    Edit: Stop.

  4. At the time of throw, Sticky grenade generates 1 threat on all enemies who aggro due to its throw. At time of detonation Sticky grenade deals strictly less damage than Ion Pulse. Any player who leaps in after you throw your Sticky Grenade will have the same aggro as you (1 threat on all enemies). This is extremely dangerous because the mobs will be as likely to go after you as anyone else in melee range. Don't use Sticky Grenade for single-target damage and don't use it to initiate combat with a group of ranged enemies.


    The skill tree claims Explosive Surge gets a threat modifier of 2 (from stance) +0.05 (from tree) but it's actually threat = 2 (from stance) + 0.3 (from tree). This, combined with Explosive Surge's slightly higher damage compared to Ion Pulse and higher threat (Ion Pulse gets crit rate = Tech Crit +6, Explosive Surge gets Tech Crit + 6 + 8), makes Explosive Surge the highest threat ability that you have that is spammable.


    Your opener for max threat should be something like... Battle Focus, Mortar Volley, Storm (if you have to close the gap), Stockstrike, HIB, Explsoive Surge, Explosive Surge, Pulse Cannon, with Shoulder Cannon mixed in on cooldown. The priorities are arguable, but the abilities themselves aren't. Sticky Grenade, Full Auto, and Harpoon have no place in Vanguard openers or even Vanguard single-target rotations.


    A Storm, Esurge x 2 opener makes you waste the first 4.5 seconds of ammo regen, so that's 22.5 ammo cells you'll never get back.


    My Full Auto's spread is 1200-1359 damage/second so presuming 0.7 kinetic damage reduction its expected damage for one tick is (1200+1359)*0.7*(1+0.1819*0.51)/2 = 978 DPS. My Ion Pulse's reported spread is 1328-1426 so its expected damage per cast is (1328+1426)*1.0*(1+0.2461*0.51)/2 = 1549, or 1549/1.5 = 1033 DPS. Full Auto costs 66% of the ammo that 2x Ion Pulse would, but considering if you get hit while channeling Full Auto you may push back an entire tick, that alone should justify your never casting it in an operation.


    It is true that Full Auto can proc your Eblast cooldown regeneration but your friend is still not thinking about it correctly. Every tick of ranged damage can proc the Eblast cooldown; for Powertechs, their autoattack deals 5 ticks of ranged damage over 1.5 seconds. Vanguard autoattack deals 7 ticks of ranged damage over 1.5 seconds, while Full Auto deals 3 ticks of ranged damage over 3 seconds. If you're trying to proc your Eblast cooldown, the autoattack is the way to go. In fact, the autoattack even deals competitive damage with Full Auto; my autoattack spread is 1026-1253 at 84% accuracy with a 61.5% chance to renew the Ion Cell DOT and a 61.5% chance to reduce the cooldown on energy blast by 1 second... and of course reducing the cooldown on Energy Blast increases your DPS (because you're casting it more in the same space of time, and getting back more ammo in the same space of time) and it decreases your chance of dying.


    If you have a lot of time on your hands check out my write-up of Vanguard threat options. This post that you're presently reading is basically the condensed form of that post that I linked.


    I think it's pointless to try to hold threat without taunts through an opener from a Gunslinger like Flyby, Aimed Shot, relic + adrenal + target acquired + Speed Shot. It's risky and there's no reason why it should be possible. Of course it is possible to keep aggro if you get lucky and he doesn't. But I'd rather not put my raid group's survival in the hands of the dice gods; that's why I'm on a Vanguard in the first place.

  5. so, this thread is essentially pointless now. nice

    This thread was pointless from the moment that KBN decided to use the wrong armor penetration formula... so from its time of posting. I tried to turn it around but he has tactically ignored our work.


    The calculations are fairly easy to verify in part. Once we're done with the Vanguard/Powertech numbers, it will be pretty easy to verify their value quite precisely simply by parsing with an armor debuff. In any case…


    If you would like to point out specific flaws in the math we're using, please feel free. That's why this is a thread. Otherwise, posting that you're considering all this work invalid until you see combat log verification is extremely counter-productive and borderline ignorant. All theory crafting proceeds in the manner we have followed, and it does so because statistical models are much smoother and produce far more precise results than practical testing. Of course, if theory crafting fails to predict actual bosses, then naturally the work is useless, but the point of good theory crafting is to account for all factors in a smooth, stochastic environment. If you can show that we have failed to account for the factors involved in a statistically sound manner, then please do so and we will adjust the work. Otherwise, randomly sniping the math just because it's math is not welcome.


  6. Juggernaut AOE threat is far behind that of Powertechs and Assassins. And it gets worse at level 55. So as a Jugg, focus on the center of mass and/or the strong+ enemies; That means get minimal aggro on the golds and silvers, while simultaneously stunning and lightly damaging the weak enemies. In a flashpoint this might entail Saber Throwing the strongest enemy, then leaping toward a group of 3 or 4 weak enemies, smashing them, then focusing single-target threat on the strong enemy. Meanwhile you can move toward any silvers and Force Push them into position close to the weak enemies so your dps can easily hit the silver with AOE.


    It's the tank's job to minimize incoming party damage, so do your best to tank all enemies. However, there are a few nuances:

    • Make sure that if the pull has a healer in it, you don't try to tank the healer. I have seen many tanks try to tank things like the healing droids in the trash pulls between SNV Thrasher and Olok. Since the healer isn't doing damage, it's not like getting 'aggro' on it is going to reduce damage that the party takes
    • If a caster is in the pull, even if the caster has hard-hitting abilities, you might not need to tank it for the first few seconds. Something like Saber throw, Leap (to interrupt cast), Smash, interrupt, Crushing blow, backhand, interrupt, force push can lock down the caster's powerful abilities without necessarily causing you to get aggro on the enemy. This is helpful if there is another direct damage enemy in the pack that needs tanking more urgently
    • If the pack has many weak enemies, your party's best damage mitigation will probably come from you leaping into the center of the pack of weak enemies, Smashing (to stun them for a few seconds), using Crushing Blow (to stun them for a few more seconds), then using Intimidating Roar (to stun them until they take more damage). Those 5+ seconds of lockdown on 5+ enemies can sometimes be worth diverting your attention from a strong enemy for a while. As you are using these AOE stun abilities you can tank the strongest enemies and begin single-target threat on them. Obviously if possible you should bring the strong+ enemies into your AOE radius using taunts so that you can get threat on them more easily and DPS can hit them with AOEs
    • If melee enemies have suitably high threat against you and are within 30m of you, they'll chase you down. Obviously taking 0 damage is better than taking some damage, so it can sometimes be useful to execute an opener like Leap, Smash, Crushing Blow, AOE taunt,, <Push+Leap OR Intercede to ranged friendly>. This should get you out of melee range of the melee enemies but should establish aggro on them. For a few seconds they'll be attacking nothing because they'll have to run to you first. Follow up with Intimidating Roar for even more time spent not attacking anything. Also kiting does have a discernible effect against melee enemies. There's no reason not to do it so long as you're getting attacks off every 1.5 seconds.


    Powertechs really have no excuse for not tanking all the enemies in a pull. Between DFA and Flame Sweep their AOE threat is trivialized. Assassins have equally easy, if not easier, AOE threat, but they can sometimes die within the first few seconds of engagement against a large pack of ranged enemies due to extreme squishiness/spikiness. If you can survive the pull as an Assassin you should get aggro on all of them.

  7. But if a player were to build stacks and then die, the outcomes would be different. Presently if a player dies, the orb chooses a new friend and continues to build toward 20 stacks. If players built stacks then died, would another player pick up their stacks?


    You could try having your Bestia tank tab over to the orbs to call their targets. Or he can tab to whichever ones are moving toward the raid group to call their names.

  8. I was on my level 49 Sorceror healer alt; I have 9 55s already including a 55 sage healer and 55 shadow tank so I am pretty familiar with the game. I queued up for story mode level 47-50 flashpoints and got a False Emperor group. I get a Sin tank, a Sin Deception DPS, and an DPS Merc. The Sin tank was clearly... new... to the game.


    When I'm healing Sins I always watch their Dark Ward stacks so I get a better idea of when they're going to take big hits. Of course in this case this was unnecessary because this Sin tank didn't put up Dark Ward a single time; he took big hits all the time.


    The first boss of the instance is a Trandoshan on a bridge who spins around and does a strong AOE attack. I didn't expect much of the group, since it is a level 50ish story mode flashpoint. The two sins, who are shrewd tacticians, decide to stand in the AOE. I extricate the DPS sin, the tank sin dies, releases, and waddles back slightly faster than a snail.


    The second boss of the instance is a Powertech with a bounty hunter ship on overwatch. The tank disregards the turret at mid (to be fair, it's not really the tank's job to man the turret anyway) and does his 'rotation' on the boss. The two dps and I work the turret, but halfway through the fight the sin tank loses aggro to the Merc DPS. The sin tank just doesn't notice he doesn't have aggro on the boss. We clear the second boss.


    The boss drops willpower/power/alac gloves. Again... I am on my Sorceror healer. This is my gear and I need it. But the Sin tank apparently feels like he needs it too. He wins the need roll. I ignore it because it isn't a big deal to me, and the 5 minutes I'd have to spend explaining the situation to the Sin tank and getting him to trade me aren't worthwhile for level 50 gear that I'll replace in 3 hours.


    On the trash the Sin tank would typically open with Force Lightning. Sometimes he'd even use the 30m range + 60% crit buff. So he gets aggro on one mob, and the rest naturally focus me down because I'm actually doing my job. I heal through it. I start tabbing around and notice that in addition to not having Dark Ward up ever, the Sin also appears to not be using his AOE threat abilities. I know this because there are no 5% damage reduction or 5% acc/slow debuffs on any of the packs this sin is 'pulling'. I can also see his buffs when I heal him, or rather his lack of buffs. If he was lucky enough to get to 2 stacks of Harnessed Darkness (which apart from Dark Ward is your most important defensive ability management) he'd throw out Force Lightning, which means he won't get the self-healing from the 3 stacks he was supposed to get.


    Then we clear the 3rd boss, HK 47. He drops willpower/shield/def gloves. I greed them and happen to win them. Now I go back on my earlier resolution to ignore the Sin, and offer to give him the will/shield/def gloves in exchange for the will/power/alac gloves he got off the second boss. The sin tank seems genuinely surprised that he has gloves someone else wanted; I can believe it was an accident that he took the will/power/alac gloves. We exchange and move on.


    We get to Malgus. The Sin tanks Malgus with Sin's back facing toward the entrance a bit to the side... so almost directly in the line toward the pit. By happy accident the Sin gets knocked to the entrance, not into a pit. And by now I'm confident that nobody knows you have to interrupt Unlimited Power, so I focus the boss. The moment of truth arrives: Malgus channels unlimited power... 1 seconds casted, 2... 3... I get the interrupt, we clear the flashpoint, I say 'thanks', and drop group as quick as possible.

  9. hi there seems to be some mistake. you log parses from each of the 8 ACs and their mirrors, but you appear to not be tracking base class DPS please fix


    Name: Lieutenant Surge

    Parse conducted on operations ship dummy

    Pure trooper, no spec. Did use plasma cell

    Used all 4 class buffs and level 40 reflex stim

    No external buffs or heroic moment

    http://www.torparse.com/a/489453 918 DPS over 13 minutes 10 seconds

    Gear: mostly unaugmented 69. Missing one relic, cannot equip offhand

  10. Sorry for a rather idiotic question but I take it the dtps would change between 8 and 16 man? And if so I take it this is 8 man data?

    Very much so.














    If anyone is curious about 16man Intrepid is collecting a lot of data on the subject. Tanks are Wel'nemi, Kastigation, and Kaiyenna.

  11. Some basic commands:

    /op opens the operations group; after that, anyone can type /join <raidleadr> to join the operations group

    /rw sends a raid warning in white text at the center of the screen and gives an audio cue

    /rc presents a ready check to the group; whoever sends the ready check will automatically be marked ready, and everyone else will be able to respond to the ready check within 15 seconds

    /oo takes you to operations officer chat, which all operations officers can see. More on this under 'assistant leader'

    /ops takes you to the basic operations chat; all operations group members can see this

    /p takes you to your party's chat; the 4 people in your party can see this. See the operations pane to see who is in your party. This chat is useful when, for example, 4 healers or 2 tanks and 2 healers are in one pane and want to designate cleanse/heal targets


    Loot and phases:

    Players may come into an operation with a phase already waiting; for example they might have made progress in a heroic quest instance. If so, their phase will need to be reset/cleared before any operations group members can enter a new instance like an operations group.


    Imagine this scenario: player A is doing SM SNV and makes it past Thrasher, then immediately joins your ops group. You all want to do SM SNV now, but player A already has a phase of SNV stored, and the game thinks players B, C... and so on all want to start at Dash'Roode. The game has a conflict: which phase do I load when the players enter SNV? The solution the game picks is to make sure nobody can enter SNV until all phases/instances are reset. That wipes any progress that player A made in clearing trash in SM SNV. Then the game will create a new instance full of trash for whoever enters the instance next. If player A were to enter first, the trash up to Thrasher would be clear. If someone else entered, they would likely be placed at the entrance and have to clear up to Thrasher witthout player A because his lockout prevents him from entering until those bosses are cleared.


    Master looter can safely be set before an enemy is engaged, and then any loot the enemy drops that passes a certain threshold will be distributed according to the master looter's wishes. Change loot rules by right-clicking on your character's icon and navigating the expanding menu. Never pass leader to someone else or disconnect while you are master looter and loot is on the ground. The game may bug and prevent loot from being awarded.

    Loot styles:

    In Master Looter, the raid leader decides what loot goes to whom by right-clicking on items that pass the loot threshold. A menu will expand to award it to a certain advanced class, and within that advanced class to a specific member of that class.

    In Free For All, any player who clicks the loot pillar can take what they want.

    In Round Robin, all players can respond to loot with a need/greed roll.

    Loot threshold decides what tier of item can be awarded by the Master Looter. By default the loot threshold in Master Looter is prototype, which means all items of Prototype/blue or epic/purple rarity can be awarded by the master looter. Set the loot threshold to the epic/purple tier if you want to Round Robin the Exotic Element Equalizers. Set the loot threshold to the lowest setting (no idea what it's even called) if you want to be the only one who can loot things like useless vendor items.


    In general Round Robin will take about a fifth of the time that Master Looter would take, you just need to set the ground rules beforehandl. In some PUG operations whenever a non-set bonus piece drops and the loot style is Master Looter, all of the PUGs feel the need to announce that the non-set bonus piece would be great for their alt. In Vent. Instead of putting up a /rol like any reasonable person would.


    Assistant leader:

    Assistant leaders and raid leaders can place marks upon friendly and hostile targets, send raid warnings, and see /oo or operations officer chat. Using /oo is good when you want to discuss whether a member of the raid is underperforming. Assistant leaders can also remove members from the group. Tanks are typically the ones who do raid marks and ready checks, though there's no reason that needs to be the case. If your tanks are having difficulty marking kill targets it may be useful for you to designate a DPS to mark enemies. Also note that in some csaes, like Toth and Zorn or the tentacles of Brontes, it will probably be easier for everyone if you mark one of the enemies and leave the other unmarked. Your brain can easily remember "marked target has <special ability>, therefore unmarked target doesn't have <special ability>" but it becomes harder when your brain has to recall "bolt has <special ability 1>, saber has <special ability 2>".


    I've had raid leaders whose motto was "Shut up and get in position" and I've had raid leaders who took a 5 minute break every 15 minutes to smoke. Make sure that you're the kind of raid leader your raiders want you to be.

  12. The long, straight path would be: do dailies for full 66s, then go into HM flashpoints to get full 69s. Then you can do story mode SNV/TFB for set bonus 69s. Then you can do HM SNV/TFB for full set bonus 72s. Then do NIM TFB/SNV for full 75s. Then do HM DF/DP for full 78s.


    If you want to save some time you can do TFB/SNV HM in level 63 gear. You can also do HM DF/DP in mixed 69/72 gear.

  13. Yep.


    Since AP has no special armor penetration, you're just wanna see the 0/0/0 to 20/0/0 tooltip scalar. That means you'll have to multiply your spread by 0.65 against a dummy, or 0.7 in an operations setting. You'll see a 1.075 increase in DPS if you move from a dummy to an operations boss with armor penetration and conditions otherwise identical.


    The tooltip spread for you is 3477-3546 but we have to apply 0.65 damage reduction from armor and a 3% boost from attacking a Gutted target, so you get (3477+3546)*0.65*1.03/2 = 2350 average damage.

  14. When you mouse over your ranged bonus damage it should give a breakdown for each contributing stat. For example I push c, change the bottom left drop-down menu to ranged, mouse over bonus damage, and I see


    Damage bonus: 1010.3
    Bonus 1010.3
    Aim (334): +668.0
    Power (1279): +294.2
    Skills/Buffs: +48.1


    Something similar shows for the Tech tab, though you'll see that two more stats contribute to Tech Bonus damage: Cunning and Tech power. So in general your Tech Power bonus damage will be significantly higher than your Ranged Bonus Damage.


    Your Ranged and Tech critical rates should only be a tiny bit different. For example both my ranged and tech critical mouseovers indicate I get


    Aim (3340): +8.65
    Critical rating (0): +0.00%
    Skills/Buffs: +6.00%


    The difference between my Ranged and Tech crit rates is 19.65% crit ranged vs 20.05% crit Tech because Tech critical rating also gets a bonus from Cunning: Cunning (124): +0.42%


    Some abilities increase only Tech or Ranged crit rates, so don't worry if your Ranged and Tech crit rates are unbalanced because they'll almost never be balanced due to the unaccounted Cunning and specced bonuses you may gain.


    Noxxic gives a pretty simple path and insists on telling people to attain crit% rather than ratings; it's simple, but it's wrong. If it bothers you as much as it bothers me, here's a slightly better gearing guide: get ranged accuracy to 100%, dump the rest of your enhancement budget into Surge, keep crit rating under 100, and aim is more valuable per point than power.

  15. A) The Imperial Military uses Sir also. It's done in-game, and Theron calls a female Imp officer "Sir" when undercover in Annihilation.


    B) This is the only Star Wars work where "Sir" is used exclusively. "Ma'am" is used in all others, while "SIr" is indeed used for females occasionally in other SW works, it is not exclusively like TOR.


    c) There are only a handful of known asexual species in the galaxy. None of which I know serve in either military.

    One hasn't even been discovered by this time, another which is S-Canon at best.


    Simply put, it's Bioware being lazy and not wanting to do the voicework. There is no defense for it, they were lazy plain and simple, then threw in a shoddy in-game explanation for it. Just like ship droids calling females "Master".


    So you're telling me some of the most advanced droids in the galaxy can't say "Mistress", but random droids that appear that appear throughout the game with female owners and voicework only recorded for that female owner can say "Mistress".


    It's BW being lazy, plain and simple. While I can understand it somewhat in order to save some money and time, it's still laziness and cutting corners, just like the Engine and a lot of other stuff in this game.


    Also I don't really know why this thread is in the PvE section of the forums. Probably belongs more in Gen Discussion or Story and Lore.




    you understand that the money they spend to record voicework is money that someone has to pay right


    if these video game characters call me 'sir' and i save $6/month that's fine with me

  16. You don't gain immunity to physics as soon as you push the Entrench button. It takes a few milliseconds to activate. That you saw its cooldown of 37 seconds is strange... Presuming no lag/'hacking' and that you checked the ability's cooldown as soon as you got knocked back, it probably was a cover-breaking mechanic.
  17. Still get 100% accuracy, 1 optional Quick Savant enhancement, dump the rest of your acc/surge/alac budget into surge.


    Don't ever worry about crit%; only crit rating matters. Don't ever get more than 100 crit rating in any AC or spec. The difference between 100 crit and 0 crit/full power is almost meaningless so don't worry about it.

  18. 1) if you're a Gunslinger, your mainhand has a base 90% chance to hit with ranged attacks and 60% with offhand attacks. you're going to see a lot of misses forever


    2) all class's mainhand autoattack has a base 80% chance to hit, and Gunslinger offhand autoattacks have a base 50% chance to hit


    3) if you're fighting enemies significantly higher level than you or getting debuffs like Pacify or Diversion while leveling, you're going to miss a lot of attacks

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