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Posts posted by Estenvir

  1. Dude, go cry a river. Grav Round is the ONLY thing mainly troopers spam, not using other skills that are better. I can interrupt a grav round, and a trooper will just sit there, do nothing, until grav round is back, ready to use. 1.2 is a good thing, since we have a better chance of stopping it and to make other troopers REALIZE that they have other skills to use than one that is just for spam. Many don't have the brain to know that.
  2. In many warzones, sages and troopers are seriously the most over powered class. It is almost impossible to kill one head on at level 50. Most of my server's reps are sages and troopers, so we have a hard time taking them down, with a balanced team. Sage bubbles seem to be more effective than sorcerer's and the trooper can take a lot of damage and still kill within a certain time. They need to be nerfed, due to the opness.


    I would also like to bring up, is that, on my server at least, the republic seems to get champion gear handed to them over night. It seems unfair that we imperials have to work our butts off to get that gear, and they getting it handed to them. I think the gear needs be nerfed to, or make it more accessible to both sides equally, becuase we can barely kill, mainly troopers and sages, because they are decked out with all champion gear.


    Also would like to bring up the daily quest for armaments. I know it was intended to be an all out war on ilum. However, doing a daily with the fear of getting jumped by five republic op players, is kind of unfair. However since it can happen both way, it's fair? Not really. With the new flood of 50's joining the pvp world, they need a chance to get the pvp gear. I would suggest to make the armaments spawn at the northern and southern assualts. So they can get daily done with a, slight, fear of being attack.

  3. On my server, where the balance is so off, and most of the republic is playing sage, the empire tends to lose because of the over pop of healers. So, it's no fun to play against a group of mostly heals
  4. From my own experience playing my 50 used to be fun in pvp. However, with that patch that all the crybaby people complained about, they got us 50's in our own brackt. Cool, right? No. That bracket has made playing 50 worthless. No one really wants to do any one the pve flashpoints, and that was how we all passed our time. I think a better solution was to make a 40-50 bracket, or lose the expertise buff in general. Bioware, i hope you read this and ACTUALLY care about your players and REMOVE that bracket, or make better ones. Otherwise, you will lose a lot more players in the coming months, even with the new addition of the other warzone in the future.
  5. Vandatotem, you are stupid. Only reason 50's were able to pwn is because of the experitse. If bioware didn't give us that stat, pvp would have been simplier. However, we are dedicated players, and we enjoy going to 50. I don't see how this is a problem. I can, as a 50 jugg, get pwned by a lvl 10, that was crap, but it made their day probably. Sadly to say, this new patch messed with a majority of the players game, and that is, in of itself, wrong. They need to fix it so that there are lower lvl pvps, but give 50's on lower lvls a chance to play, and make it 40-50 pvp.
  6. I am on a low/medium server too, and I just found out that I can't do my dailies and such and that is a problem. Since us 50's, already ahead of the game, have nothing to do, we pvp to enjoy our time. They just took a MAJOR content away in hope of bettering the game by making it fair. I laugh at that. I can get killed by a lvl 10 as a 50, so how is that unfair. There was no point of making those brackets at this point in time and should have waiting to do other things since there is no que for flashpoints, you gotta find people, which are all mostly lower lvl than you.


    I understand that they want to balance the game, but at this juncture, they should fix the problems with pve, and ilum was a given. However warzone should have been left alone

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