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Everything posted by Battouuusi

  1. This is once again EA showing how much it cares about its loyal paying customers that have done nothing wrong. The games population is low already. Let us see how much damage this one does. As I said, with the game population so low any hit is not good for the game.
  2. The cartel market sale has been a thing every year at Christmas time for at least 6 years. Seems like the devs are throwing everything out the window since 7.0. Crazy thing is that this actually makes them more money. Why would they not do it?
  3. The collections unlock has been a thing every year at Christmas time for at least 6 years. Seems like the devs are throwing everything out the window since 7.0. Crazy thing is that this actually makes them more money. Why would they not do it?
  4. I think it would be great if we could have 2 character titles on our character nameplate. This would not include the legacy title. You would be able to have a title both before and after your name. Example (Title/character name/title) This would allow players to use a number of titles in the game that would go in great combination with each other that players would like to use but are limited to one title.
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