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Posts posted by Darklyn

  1. I'm getting sick of this kind of post. When I was in the military I did not have a parser to asses how many damage I was doing. LEARN TO PLAY YOUR CLASS!


    I hope they never add it, and if they do I hope they will make a option to turn it off. Even if it means i'm going to be kicked out of every guild on my server, I will solo.


    I play the game, learn and hope to become better and better. I play by instinct and if that's not good enough, tough luck, I will be enjoying it.


    I will not be a part of "Spreadsheet Online: The numbers Count"


    I think thats cool, if you in the miliraty and you fire a gun at something and it dies you don't really care how much damage it done

  2. Working as designed.


    I'm sorry if this makes the game less fun for you. I myself have no problem with it as I prefer to actually play video games than look at the statistics of me (sort of) playing video games.


    I think there must have been some sort of terrible mistake.


    Because I see myself getting pwned in warzones and I only want to be able to capture the epicness of my opponents on statistics for scientific research purposes.

  3. Interesting...I've yet to play any MMO where premades didn't rule the roost. As a 95% pugger, I certainly feel your pain. However I think this game isn't nearly as pugger unfriendly as other MMOs. If they were to allow for a full 8 man premade then yea, we'd be in a world of hurt without separate brackets.


    As far as the strat, I tend to ignore their make up if at all possible & concentrate on the objective - much easier to do in Huttball than Alderaan; and Void Star is the worst for stacked teams. In Alderaan or Void Star I try to harass the healers & use knockbacks to separate them from their pack (since they like to hang out at max range). Other than pressuring, CCing, and separating them from the pack, I don't know of a way to positively affect the outcome of a stacked healer team.


    Something I've come to accept as a pugger is that healer stacked teams will probably win if they know what they're doing. Sometimes you can get lucky as they play whack-a-mole instead of concentrating on objectives.


    I usually focus the objectives to but definitely prefer pwning people. :rak_evil:

  4. That's...not a valid complaint. Sorry.


    They are superior skill wise. They decided to work on their team building as opposed whining about players who want to heal having too many options. They used that time to earn the gear they're now owning you with.


    You do realize you sound jealous, right?


    I am jelli.

  5. "Tolerate" a guild and vent channel?


    My gods man, do you have friends?


    My guild is a group of friends who have been playing together for half a decade. We're on vent together even when not playing games. Hell, we have bloody movie night on vent where we all download and watch the same movie and comment on it while we watch it.


    These people I'm playing with are my FRIENDS, not some people I tolerate for good gear.


    Dude... SOCIALIZE. Make some friends. MMOs are better with them.


    This made me lol, but yeah your right.

  6. As the random under geared player facing healer premade I wanted to discuss tactics.


    I often hear the battle narrator shout so and so is immortal during the game, and some one will say in the Ops group to focus the healer.


    So I look, and see a couple of Knights, Commandos, Smugglers and usually 3 - 4 sages. It then dawned on me that I can't even make a dent doing my most damaging rotations as an DPS spec. Unless I catch one of them alone but thats highly unlikely as its an organized pre 4/5 games.


    What tips can you give on making a kill in PvP as a solo queuer. I seem to face people with over 20k health most of the time and I currently have just 12400 atm.


    Every time someone complains about this, I see the answer "So join a premade", which is obviously an option, but it has it's own issues. For the new player just joining PvP now, he's not gonna have the gear for any decent premade to care about inviting them, at which point all the new player can do is get steamrolled for a while until he has some gear (and then people are surprised some try to afk it). If you have to tell someone to tough it out for the days/weeks/whatever it takes to get good gear, before they can start having fun, and we're talking about a game people are paying for, don't expect them to say "Fine I'll deal with it", equally likely is they'll simply stop pvping or playing at all, and find an alternative that isn't as frustrating.


    Even past that though, why shouldn't solo queue be an option? If, by solo queuing, you end up against a premade 90% of the time, solo queue is essentially off the table entirely. I've PvP'd in plenty of MMO's, I've been frustrated with the skill level (or lack thereof) in plenty of groups I solo queued with, but I've never played an MMO where every game I solo queued I existed for no reason other than for an organized team to farm me.


    Every time someone complains about this, I see the answer "So join a premade", which is obviously an option, but it has it's own issues. For the new player just joining PvP now, he's not gonna have the gear for any decent premade to care about inviting them, at which point all the new player can do is get steamrolled for a while until he has some gear (and then people are surprised some try to afk it). If you have to tell someone to tough it out for the days/weeks/whatever it takes to get good gear, before they can start having fun, and we're talking about a game people are paying for, don't expect them to say "Fine I'll deal with it", equally likely is they'll simply stop pvping or playing at all, and find an alternative that isn't as frustrating.


    Even past that though, why shouldn't solo queue be an option? If, by solo queuing, you end up against a premade 90% of the time, solo queue is essentially off the table entirely. I've PvP'd in plenty of MMO's, I've been frustrated with the skill level (or lack thereof) in plenty of groups I solo queued with, but I've never played an MMO where every game I solo queued I existed for no reason other than for an organized team to farm me.


    I think pretty much the same as this guy about the skill level of your pre's. Just cause you have a bunch of grinders backing you up, and your armor and healing is making you unkillable by random noobs doesn't make you skilled. It makes you a gear grinder, who cares a bout winning to the point that he will tolerate a vent channel and guild rules etc. I might be wrong but I find most pvp vent channels irritating to the point i would rather solo that listen to the [balls still haven't dropped] epeen and elitist bravado of a no life grinder.

  8. Well that, and he's complaining that healers have too many class options.


    Yes, you heard that right. The whining has gotten so bad, that NOW they're whining that people have TOO MANY OPTIONS.


    Which kind of makes it hard to take this guy seriously about anything.


    Well if you think making it so the entire team in a pre can be healer apart from tanks which last forever anyways is a good thing then I suppose my argument is floored.

  9. Only half of any given match can queue together.


    There are no true premades.


    Your wrong actually, a guild can make two groups and sign at the same time exactly, untill a game pops so that they have a high chance of entering together and this happens often.

  10. So just to be clear, you're complaining about people working as a team....in an MMO.




    Actually I'm complaining about gear and there being too many healers. Such as Commandos / Scoundrels / Sage on REP - 3 out of four main classes options offer healers.


    No problem with premades and team work if these groups **** each other and not undergeared peeps and on top of that brag and think they are superior skill wise. Etc.


    Your gear carries you and I bet your vents are full of squeaky sounding elitist nerds. "Watch how I pwn this noob, hahahwaha." >> Yes in your OP heavy battlemaster armor while healing yourself and having some robed fairy spamming a heal on your ***.


    Or is this fair and balanced challenging PvP for you people? I mean FFS!

  11. This is outrageous. Premades do well? ITS FREAKING WITCHCRAFT


    As they should, but if these geared premades your in are so great. Why is there no system so you can fight other great guys. I don't think you can brag about ****** under-geared random nabs? Or maybe you think its justified and in a one on one with most people, should you be reduced to nothing gear wise, you would still triumph over your peers.

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