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Posts posted by Korsbror

  1. You are incorrect, sir. Your vid card DOES eat that ram, because the memory space has to be re-allocated to the vid card.


    Also, please tell me that people still using a 32 bit OS in this day and age are rare, and not trying to play video games >.>


    Edit: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/978610

    Reading comprehension my friend...


    If you have 4 gigs of ram you benefit from swapping to 64 bit os, you will benefit nothing from 16 gigs of ram under 32 bit os. Because of physical adressing, as I said. It does not help to link a hastily googled explanation when you do not understand what it explains.

  2. Lets not forget that your vidcard eats ram, in the amount that it has. If you have 4 gig, and a 2 gig vid card, that only leaves 2 gig for everything else. Windows eats about half a gig, your AV another significant fraction... So yeah, my 16gig makes a huge difference from the 4 I had before, in every game...


    Oh, and alot of the odd bugs people have seem to be RAM related, based on experience between me(16gig) and my roommate(2 gig). I didn't believe alot of them til I saw him play.



    Your gfx does not "eat" ram.


    32 bit win can only allocate ~4 gigs of ram total, and of this your gfx needs as much space allocated as it has onboard. Hence if you run 4gig+ of ram on your 32 bit win OS, it will only be able to utilize 4gig - gfx onboard amount. It does not help to have 8 - 16 or 32 gigs under 32 bit win.


    Under 64 bit win os you can utilize a lot more, and under this circumstance your gfx does not "eat" allocated space from your ram. I.E you will be able to utilize all your 4 gigs of ram. (You still won't need more than 4 gigs of ram for most situations unless you do heavy rendering.)



  3. They need to sort the raid frames, both updating hp properly and showing everyone in the WZ.


    They also need to sort hitboxes, as it is waay to hard to click your own team mates for heals when they zip around dodging, jumping and strafing.


    They also need to sort color codes on name tags, I would like to make my group mates stand out.


    What I like so far is that there is no AoE spam heal ability that is the answer to everything, unlike certain other games. I am only lvl 25 though so that might change for all I know..


    ..and ofc they need to give us more medals for healing.



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