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Posts posted by priceline

  1. http://i43.tinypic.com/oh45rm.jpg


    Is this really what you want PvP to be Bioware?


    If so, then I can congratulate you on making the worst MMORPG PvP of all.



    P.S. In case anyone doesn't understand what's going on, they're holding the ball and farming us for the entire game (also this is a premade and everyone is level 50)


    ??? Why is it a problem that a good, geared pre-made can camp a team of randoms... It's not like you get teams like that every wz, just leave and re-queue...

  2. Sorry I can't recall my server name, but we seem to lose ALOT approx 80% of the time, and not a close lose, a pure we kicked your buts loss, like in the 3 cannons map 500 vs 0


    huttball 6 vs 0

    the bombs on doors one, we rarely get through the first doors the sith get to the computer in a few minutes.


    How are Republic doing on your server, I did roll a sith class, but I like Reoublic more I just hate losing, not sure why it is.


    I dont think it's because they have more 50's we have a fair few in the maps I play, it may be because they have more healers, not sure.


    any ideas why you think we lose so much, is it because the better PvPers chose sith, and we ended up with the casual no Pvpers?


    I play republic on Wound in the Force and I seem to go 50-50, infact I think republic might actually win more than imp.

  3. I really have no clue what people are talking about, I play a 32 sage and assuming I have a cc breaker I beat 50 ops easily. Yea they have quite the burst out of stealth, but they are extremely lacking in mobility and get kited easily. They REALLY don't need a nerf. At all. Sure, their mechanics might need a bit of tweaking, but saying they need to be nerfed is just silly.
  4. If you want competetive and skillbased pvp, dont play this game,

    laggy bg's

    delay after every animation destroys timing ( even interrupt spells )

    no bg or neither arena with rating

    gear means absolutely NOTHING

    Talking of gear, getting gear is completely RANDOM

    open pvp is dead

    80% casuals


    Cya, till we got some rated wz's or arena.


    too bad I've bought this game for 50+26 bucks.


    NO **** buddy... This game was never advertised as a game with competitive pvp, what the hell were you thinking when you bought it??? Seriously, you are an idiot man why would you make this thread.


    Also, will everyone shut the **** up about WoW already, we all know your a bunch of 2k heroes who started playing in cata, no one wants your ****** opinions.

  5. Ok since the last thread got locked for people trolling and stuff, lets make a new thread regarding how OP and unbalanced sith inquisitors are.


    Im currently a lvl 50 consular, and get hit by a sith inquistor that is 20 lvls below me for 3-4k several times in quick succession. i have 6 pieces of lvl 50 epic pvp gear and still get torched in seconds by this class.


    other classes dont touch me...just inquisitors. They fling around lightning like no tommorow with no CD it seems.


    PvP games are now simply about how few seconds the 5 inquisitors on the opposite team take to stun lock and kill you.


    Please keep this thread civil and on topic or posts will be reported.


    baaahahaha what the **** is this?????? Consulars are LITERALLY a MIRROR IMAGE of SIs, with different graphics. This has to be the saddest forum post I have ever seen in my life, you are a failure quit now

  6. Bounty Hunters have the exact same ability - it's called Electro-dart.


    And I'd like chime in with the sentiment that was previously posted above: why is it that only Sith Inquisitors are getting hammered by nerf calls when their mirror isn't?


    I play a bounty hunter (valor rank 22), and while Inquisitors are a powerful, versatile class, they never struck me as "oh, that's obviously overpowered." Part of the reason why there are so many Inquisitors isn't because they are the "FotM" overpowered class, but because the idea around the class (lightening, being Emperor Palpatine) is a lot more appealing than what the actual gameplay mechanics offer.


    I am willing to bet that we'll see a good deal of the Inquisitor population start to taper off in the next month or so. A lot of people, whether for reasons of being unable to get a spot due to overpopulation or discovering that the class just isn't what they expected it to be, will be rerolling to a different class or AC.


    And frankly, it's way too early to be throwing around "nerfs this and nerf that." You need to get to 50. It's impossible - I repeat, IMPOSSIBLE, to balance a MMORPG for pvp at every level of gameplay.


    i love you

  7. The scaling system with no brackets absolutely ruins warzones. It's just horrible. As for queue times, just implement cross realm warzones? Or, if that "ruins the server community" figure something else out... The scaling system just adds to how ridiculously instanced pvp feels in this game. Why am I, a level 50 who has been playing the game for a couple months, not 1-shotting this level 10 who has been playing for a day? Hell, why am I even playing against him, that makes no sense at all. For now, I'm just going to avoid war zones at all costs and enjoy the other AMAZING aspects of the game, but if they don't get fixed in the near future, I'm done with swtor, and honestly I bet a whole lot of other people are going to be done as well.
  8. This is what happens when people come from a game that dominates the market. They expect their experience to be the same, but with different graphics.


    WoW spoils healers. Period. Because of the raid healing model people go from 1% health to 90% health in the matter of 1 or 2 casts. Its absurd and that model has to go. From what I can see so far, healers are not the invincible heal machines they are in WoW and that is a good thing. PvP isn't about healing. Its not. Its about killing and making sure the other team takes more deaths than you do.


    Look at WoW arenas. Unless you have a healer you cannot and will not ever hit a medium or high rank. Same with BGs. The best RBG teams carry 3-4 healers AND STAND AT FLAGS HEALING THEMSELVES.


    That has to go. Its not fun for 90% of the people who sit their scratching their heads going "wth, no amount of DPS can kill this guy....how is this fair?"


    Goodbye WoW healing models. We don't want them here.


    You are literally retarded. Seriously you have no clue what you're talking about. "Invincible heal machines." ...??? What??? I haven't even started to pvp in swtor, so really I have no business posting here, but your comment is just so dumb, good god.

  9. What we're hoping for:

    • Higher ability responsiveness
    • Less lag
    • Rewarded world-PvP
    • Tweaked class-balance (?)
    • Brackets
    • Better system of acknowledging/punishing AFKers
    • Various bug fixes


    Anything else?


    * Target of Target

    * Fix the camera pivot when you move

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