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Posts posted by Dannime

  1. In my 8yrs playing MMO's this is my first QQ. Is it QQ, yes.

    I think ive about had it with this game, not fixing their bugs. I've waited patiently, playing regularly through them all. Everytime i hit a very very long load in screen-every time i go anywhere-i remind myself to be patient.

    And my chars are in full Battlemaster gear.

    That is probably why it bothers me so much, i have worked hard not be to trounced so soundly and its worse than it was when i first started PVP'ing. I'm game to stop pvp'ing, just give me something else to do BIOWare, cause my char screen if full and im tired of doing dailies, and raiding isnt my thing.

  2. "So you would rather face them in ranked?"


    I would rather lose over and over to a fair fight than sit there huddled with 7 other players that are discouraged and frustrated over 6 of us not able to put down 2 of them. Or over not being able to move more than one step before stun, death, stun, death.

    I knew that this was a possiblilty, and it occuring farily reg. is one thing, but this is ridiculous.

  3. You implemented the server mergers before starting the rated WZ's.

    To make those of us from low pop servers that had trouble getting groups, therefore gear, now face WZ after WZ of maxed out pvp geared groups, well shame on you. There is no excuse for that at all.


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