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Posts posted by XcomCaveRat

  1. Is it possible to beat characters who have 20,000 plus xp solo or must you alway group up? If possible, how? And is it possible to up your xp quicker?


    The question is: at what level?


    Staring from like levels 30-40, all elites have that much health, not to mention champs. I think any class character should be able to defeat ONE elite (of the same level) in 1on1 scenario with relative ease.

  2. Keeping in mind too, that logging out at the Cantina or on your own ship gives you an XP bonus for killing mobs.

    It mind be not much compared to the XP you get from quests, but still it accumulates.




    Make it a habit to log out of the game from the rest zone. Unless you play for 10 hours straight, doing this will ensure that your XP bar is practically always green, and you will get double XP for every killed mob.

  3. @Xcom, yes that is what I think is my next step for now, going back to Taris to farm and harvest. Thank you.



    Around what rating should my gear be at for lvl 25? When I played EQ2 I would just inspect everyone's gear but I can't do that in this game, at least not that I know of.


    AFAIK, you can inspect players. Right click on the icon -> other commands -> Inspect player.


    I'd also suggest that you try and manage your funds better (so to speak). Frankly, I am quite puzzled how you managed to end up broke. Taris was the first planet where I felt like I made quite substantial profit. I only bought my bike/license on Tatooine and I had nearly 200K by then. Don't get me wrong or anything, but if the game says you can buy "something", doesn't necessarily mean that you have to. As a balanced Shadow myself, I obviously don't need Shadow Strike, so, for example, there is no point in upgrading that skill. Only upgrade skills that you actually use.


    Funny that you asked about force cloak. This ability is quite handy at saving money, lol. In short, it allows us to exit combat (without having to die and pay top $$ for repairs).

  4. When I said Sith gear, I meant you actually need to be Sith Warrior class (or at least some Imperial class) to wear it. That seems to be the common "issue" with UT. Imperial players get schems for Republic characters and vice versa. And I don't buy it for a second that this is simple RNG occurrences. I can only guess that maybe BW did it to stimulate market.. but it's absolutely no fun to get schematics for gear which you can't use.


    I can't tell you much about Cybertech. From what I read, it's only useful for making ear pieces and grenades. Once again, you will be getting plenty of mods and armor as quest rewards (and commendation vendors have them as well).

  5. As a shadow, I initially picked Artifice... but couldn't really get into it. Dropped that and picked Synthweaving/Arch/UT... To be honest, I am not happy with that one either even though I did get it to 350. The problem is the lack of good schematics (and practically non-functioning GTN on my server). Unless you're willing to invests hundreds of thousands of credits and craft/RE like crazy, you won't be able to craft anything better than you can get from quests/flashpoint/pvp/commendation vendors. If you do get lucky with Underworld Trading and get an orange schematic, it will be for anything BUT synthweaving; and if by some miracle it is, it will be for Sith gear. :/


    Now, I also have alt Trooper toon and picked Biochem... and in early levels (at least) that seems like an awesome skill by comparison because it allows you to create stims/medpacks that are way better than vendor's right from the start.

  6. That depends on how you spec yourself.


    In any case, I recommend Shadow. It has stealth. Believe it or not, in PVE.. stealth becomes a great asset even outside combat scenarios.. for simply getting from A to B and not having to fight every insignificant mob in your path.

  7. Also, you probably already know this, but never turn in a quest unless you are in a "rested" state. Double XP on quest redemption goes a long way.


    AFAIK, you don't get double XP for quests, only for killing mobs.

  8. I've noticed stealth doesn't work on mobs who are 5+ levels above you. I tried to sneak into Sith base on Alderaan, as well as some bonus areas that were way above my level. It was as if my stealth wasn't there at all. Even Blackout didn't help. Force Cloak didn't work ether for that matter. I think this may be intentional.


    Now that I am high enough level to do Alderaan bonus quests, I see that some mobs can still detect me from pretty far away whereas others can't. Pretty strange.

  9. Do rich and plentiful missions have more chance of returning a schematic? Now I am thinking if moderate missions have the same chance, then I've been wasting a lot of money for nothing by sending my comps on plentiful+ missions. :(
  10. The key, while you level, is not to send out your companions on missions which costs credits but rather to gather the items from nodes on the ground while you quest.


    But how do you craft blue/purple items then? AFAIK, some of the materials needed cannot be harvested anywhere, and can only be obtained through missions (or GTN... maybe).


    Strangely, I found that farming strong mobs can be very profitable. Up to level 32, my favorite location for this was on Tatooine. There in the Dune See, there was a place with a dozen or so strong droids. They drop credits as well as valuable junk, and if you're 6 lvls higher than the mobs, you can kill them in 3-4 seconds and don't get XPs (which is good as far as I am concerned). Granted, this obviously quite tedious work, but in 8-10 minutes, I manage to get 3-4k credits.

  11. I am half way about 200 in Underworld Trading. Must've run 100+ missions, and wasted 100K on them, and in all that time I got 8 schematics. 7 of those were for ARMORTECH, while I am Synthweaver Jedi. Not only that, they were also for Imperial armors.


    Either I am missing something.. or this system totally sucks. The market doesn't have anything either. Either people are not interested in selling their schems, or they just don't care about market on my server - I don't know.


    When I read other threads about people not making profit from slicing, I am like ***. Forget profit.. lol. All I want is to craft something I can actually use, and something that's not available for a few commendations at the nearest vendor.

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