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Posts posted by Oxboy

  1. Yes, the animation delays are a bit jarring. But to be honest, as long as I can cast spells as soon as the castbar for the previous ability is finished, and the damage lands, I'm happy.


    If there are issues with specific abilities, those obviously require fixes. But on my Sith Sorcerer, my rotation is now as fluid as any of my WoW toons, and that's really all I'm looking for.


    I'm honestly surprised at how CPU dependent this issue was for me, but I'm glad I upgraded.


    Oh, I do notice that a few of my abilities, Lightning Strike in particular, sometimes set a castbar going twice. Mounting up also does this. I don't know what the deal is with that, and it's a bit annoying.


    You need to heal, tank or melee to feel the real pain. Ranged DPS rotations are bit more forgiving ATM.

  2. Sorry if this has been posted already...


    If you have auto-loot on and you see you have received a green, blue, purple etc drop you can hold Shift and right-click to override the auto-loot and see what you got in the normal loot fashion.


    It's nice that you don't have to stop and open your inventory to see what the drop was.


    Or just look at chat to see what it is.

  3. The Republic Smuggler and Imperial Agent (and the advanced classes that branch from them) have a mechanic where they can take cover behind a nearby object (or create their own cover shield) from which to fire from. This gives them certain benefits, and allows them to use abilities they couldn't normally use while running around.


    If you're anything other than those classes, you shouldn't need that button for anything.


    How is what you describe different from the 'Take Cover' command?


    In the keybinds, you find this:


    Take Cover: F / Mouse Button 3


    Cover Fire: Not Bound by Default


    I want to know what Cover Fire does.

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