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Posts posted by elvenseraph

  1. I don't look good in brown and diapers nor do I like to throw pebbles, thus I play empire. I am full light atuned though so its not about being evil. The Republic is boring and empty, seemingly designed by a half interested monkey.
  2. Why must she always stand twisted, it is a rather annoying, albeit minor issue. Furthermore why doesn't her affection gain equal that of others, I know the Jedi are prudes but she is a really uptight girl. I hope someday she sees a chiropractor for the scoliosis.
  3. The days of taking months to level to max, such as in everquest 1 when it launched, are gone. I will miss them as it made the journey more meaningful and most importantly it forced people to group more and really was conducive to building strong server communities. But we must be pragmatic and realize that WoW changed the industry to appeal more to the ADD gang and theres no going back.
  4. I refuse to do dailies. I'm not sure why I thought things would be any different in this game. Oh well, only 2 days left anyways.


    Why view them as something you must do rather than just another option you have? The rewards from them are not imbalancing so those who do them are not becoming god like.

  5. The guy that tossed the reset button right under the search button... I grant you the 2012 (pick your fav slang word) award. Well played! Well played indeed.




    Oh yes, very annoying. The only thing worse is the fact that you just get your search parameters in and bam, your dumb companion knocks you out of the auction to return on a mission you forget he was doing. I need to find some shock collars for them!

  6. I acutally played a jedi consular before I started my Sorc, the storyline and voice acting for the consular (when compared to the inquisi) is no where close.


    I played about 3 hours of my jedi consular and I managed to... tattle on about 5 people, where on my sorc I was torturing before I even killed a mob. I would have stuck to the consular but running to tell my superiors that two of my peers are falling in love and need to be seperated doesn't make me feel like I'm doing the 'right' thing, just the more annoying.


    as for re-rolling rep, I might make a PvP alt to do just this. At least from what I've seen on my server the rep put up a pretty darn good fight.


    I loved the Sorc storyline. I finished that and helped my husband finish the Sith warrior one, both entertaining but the sorc was great. I am full light side aligned as a Sith as I just dont have it in me to be evil, even in a game, thus playing a Jedi seemed natural. But yeah, that tattling on lovers is about as childish a thing as I have seen. I felt like I was back in 3rd grade in parochial school.

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