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Posts posted by Amyas

  1. We should be eligible to pay for a cosmetic change.


    To keep this brief:


    For this service we as customers should expect a charge. For instance:




    I would be more than willing to pay in cash to alter her appearance as I see fit.


    Perhaps this service could be extended to change race? For instance, from Twi'lek to Human—all within the class racial limitations of course.


    Thank you.


    Most mmos have this for free and it is long over due!

  2. Best way to do this would be to give the option to start the main story quest all over again. Once you are don you can change the advanced class. This would add reply value for people that want to relive it with out starting all over and would keep people from rapidly flip flopping.
  3. And I am sick of people who act like how your character looks does not matter. I guess you are the type who cares not what you look like. All you care about is how leet you are and how good your stats are. Well I got news for ya, bud...without fashion, this game, and all the players in it, would not be around anymore. You would be left with a game that has nothing but leetists and maybe 20 people per server.


    Don't act high and mighty because people like the same game for different reasons. You are no better than they are. Regardless of how you think you are in your own head.


    I 2nd that!

  4. It's a pretty basic feature. MMO's are about standing out as an individual. I really hate the CC in this game. Way too limited. Everyone looks the same unless you spen a ***** ton of creds and even then there's not much room for change. I'm sure this will be changed eventually though.


    Simple solution: Do it like SWG! People like to change outfits. We all don't wear the same clothes in real life do we?

    I just may want a 300lb bounty hunter in a Slave Leia style outfit! lol...


    LOL that would be a thing to behold...

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