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Posts posted by Amyas

  1. I hated the capital raids in WoW. They had absolutely nothing to do with PvP, but were all about PvE (A BOSS fight?) with some griefing of low level players on the side.

    I've even had the great experience of someone logging into an alt on my faction and tell my high level defending character to "stop griefing them".. Pathetic.


    If you want to raid enemy places, then why don't you? You can already do so on Tatooine, Hoth, Belsavis, Corellia, Ilum, and I'm sure I missed one or two others.. Yet, I NEVER see those raids happen. So in other words, there is simply no interrest in doing them. So there is no need to add such content to a lowbie-filled area like the fleet either.


    I think there would be a lot more interrest if there where some rewards.


    Every played War Hammer? the pvp there was awesome.

  2. I know this most likely won't happen as I'd probably never get the support for it, but it's worth a shot anyway.


    Please change the force lightning animation to something similar to the Sages TKT ability. The Sorcerers/Assassins Force Lightning ability is so horrible to watch, and considering the Sorcerers Madness/Hybrid build revolves around that one ability it's so painful to play with. Currently when using Force Lightning you push both hands forward and aimlessly wobble your lightsabre around in the air. Lightning Strike and Shock are both cast by 1 hand with the sabre at the side, it looks unbelievably much better. I beg of you to change it similar (or even exactly) to the Shock/LS animation, or similar to Sages TKT ability.


    Couldn't find a video and I have no recording equipment but here's a screenshot of the current Force Lightning;



    EDIT: See post below for possible animations to change to, thanks Altheran


    I love my Sorcerer to bits, though, being a DPS I'm forced to use Force Lightning alot more than I currently want to purely because of the horrible animation.

    I leveled most of my Sorcerer as a healer and hadn't really noticed how bad Force Lightning was until I started using it alot during DPS.


    Are you insane? lighting = than pebbles

  3. Why? Some people have done it rather successfully and made it to 50 with no advanced class... So you got someone trying to do it on a particular class. Get off your high horse and let them.


    um no we do not want some silly person that can not pull their own Wt. screwing up our war zones.

  4. These are all great ideas that will be fine much later in the game when many other things are fixed first. This is one of many many threads that want infinite credit sinks, games, racing, etc.


    BW really needs to focus on some of the bigger issues before these can happen. Please help by posting on them to get those things pushed through, so the sooner we can have things like this.


    Making the game more fun is the biggist issue

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