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Posts posted by Amyas

  1. it's been said before but i'll say it again. If you repaid in time according to the offer bw made then you deserve to get the early access offered. If you prepaid in time and the system has locked you out for whatever reason you have a right to complain and deserve compensation. If you didn't prepay in time you don't have any right to demand early access now and none of these bogus reasons changes that fact.


    The fact that some players are having legitimate probs with their access does not give you grounds to sidestep around the early access conditions.


    The fact that your guild and friends took advantage of the offer and you didn't does not allow you to sidestep the early access conditions.


    The fact that you now regret not having taken advantage of the early access offer does not allow you to sidestep the early access conditions.


    In short you made a choice and now your spurious "concerns" for other players is an ill disguised attempt to avoid the consequences of your decision.


    Let it drop. You can start makeb with the rest of us on the 14th.



  2. Ah but things they would have to decide upon are:


    • How does one acquire a Deck for each Card Game
    • Would the Player have to have the Deck actively in their inventory in order to play or not
    • Would a separate Inventory Page have to be made for the Deck]
    • Would they need Separate Decks for each Game since they are different
    • How would Players obtain new Cards or would they be only obtained via Cartel Market
    • How would Players become faster in Swoop Racing or would Players all go at the same speed
    • If at the same Speed, how exactly do they determine who wins
    • If it is based on time then those with faster/better Computers would always win making it so those that don't have top of the line Computers to never win
    • Would the Swoop Speeder appear in the Player's Ship, but what about the Ships with smaller sized Cargo bays (Bounty Hunter)


    Among other things that would have to be determined, then they would have to code all of that and that coding takes time.


    I was only talking about Pazaak myself amd that would be stupid easy to add into the game. I mean its not as if EA has program teams that change colors on crap non stop and remove armor models. No wasted coding that could go into something meaningful ^_^

  3. I disagree. Since it is a completely different game with a different engine, you can't simple 'copy-paste' code and add in some credit and MP-features. If they add it, which I might add would be mindbogglingly amazing, they would very likely have to recode all from scratch.


    No but it is code that has no need of class balancing or storylines. It may not be a overnight endeavor but it is hardly a monumental task and could have been done by now many times over.

  4. Because it takes time to transition them from SPG Element to MMO Element and there are a lot of things that would have to be decided upon before they were implemented.


    It has been a year and they have a half you know what exp pack coming out.

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