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Posts posted by Amyas

  1. All I want is for people to stop jumping from MMO to MMO and support something with potential.. it's like the thought process is "Nope, this isn't perfect. Time to go back to WoW".. as if the laws of capitalism don't exist.


    Support someone other than blizzard is all I'm advocating.

    WoW is a nice and polished game, but it's no longer fun because it's to damn casual.


    Give another company some money, let them grow/correct mistakes, and allow some competition to develop.


    Laws of capitalism are company xxxx has a better product going back to them.

  2. Really these posts need to stop.. if your leaving .. go.. no one cares.


    What i really love is people that "Leave" are still here a month later trolling the forums.


    Bioware needs to just start banning the people that post these i'm leaving threads.. i mean they are already leaving.. this would just be helping them to the door and stop new players from seeing people complaining about everything.


    the forums give out a bad vibe for this game cause all the complainers are on here complaining while the people that like the game are not here to defend it cause they like the game and are in the game playing it.


    Um people do care and im sure EA doesn't want to lose massive amounts of subs. Some people just can't see the good in the game others refuse to see the bad.

  3. I'm really sick of these self entitled children moaning that the game isn't perfect to their personal likings.


    If you don't like the game, quit. Simple as that. Making 10 threads about the same "missing feature" and bashing Bioware is NOT constructive, and only makes you look foolish.


    Like the OP said, this game is NEW. They will continue to add more content and fix bugs and maybe even listen to the community, as long as you grow up and act like adults.


    Bioware isn't sitting there doing nothing. I'm sure they're constantly working on the game to make it a better experience for everyone.


    So stop your whining. Either play or don't. Like I said, simple.


    On a personal note, I like this game a lot. It's the first MMO that hasn't felt like a total grind fest to me personally anyway. I enjoy the story and I'm excited to play each class and see how it all unfolds. Yes, it has some bugs and could still use some features, but I can be PATIENT while I wait for them.


    I am really sick of people attacking other for pointing out the flaws fan boys are unwilling to see.

  4. Yeh... Future races/ species should be made as an unlockable feature.


    1) Flesh raiders should be made playable after act I

    2) Tusken Raiders/ Jawas should be made playable after act II

    3) The blue Voss should be made playable after act III

    4) Droid should be made playable after an additional side quest of 'reviving droid-XX'

    5) Beloved wookies -- only if you complete the story with a smuggler (and its mirror class)

    6) Echani



    7) Master Braga's and Yoda's races

    8) Mon Calamari - aka Ackbar


    So you want people to have to replay the game 1-50 over and over again? That sounds like a single player game with a online fuction =(

  5. Would you rather have your lekku sticking out of the back of the hood, without even holes to make it look like they made room?


    Because thats how it was in beta and I'm glad they changed it. Twi'lek force users looked awful.


    I (and others) suggested either disabling hoods on twi'leks or making the lekku 'vanish' when the hood was up. They took option A).


    Its still tons better than it used to be >.>


    Hood could cover the lekku............

  6. My characters thus far have been a sniper and a marauder, but I am having a lot of "grass is greener" sentiment feeling like I should have been a healing merc or a tankassin etc for utility.


    How in-demand are the "service" rolls end game? Sure leveling is lonesome but since you are working toward an endgame goal: how is life as a fully mature dps? A lot of staring at your shoes on fleet?


    I would not roll a inq sorc as heals thats my 50 and I hate the heal style. I am leveling a opp healer as my new main and the sorc will go dps.

  7. The process development involved here isn't working.


    * They have 6 years to release a game that got more than 4fps on the "average" machine in ilum.

    * Product management can't even release a competitive pvp game.

    * There are rampant exploits due to how the game is ARCHITECTED (client side timing and logic anyone?).

    * Client reconnectivity and packet loss/retransmission handling is abysmal for a 2012 game.

    * Lost connection? Sound is buggy and your queues are stuck.

    * Game crashed while you were about to win a warzone? Oh you reconnect and are booted out of the game.


    Just objectively compare this game and all its faults to its competition and there is no contest.


    * It isn’t even playable on the flagship location: ilum…. the average player gets 4fps. 4 F P S. How can you possibly defend this game?

    * RNG loot system. 2 equal players, spend 50 hours PVPing… one player is decked out battlemaster, the other has zero battlemaster pieces. Oh wow what a novel system.

    * Unbalanced queued games. 4-12v4-12. Wow awe-inspiring.

    * Patches that are obviously not tested as they introduce such blatant bugs there is no other explanation (zero valor ilum anyone?).

    * A public test server on which nobody can test unless they want to level from 1-50 and gear up.

    * Client side code such as timers for abilities (hey introduce some packet delay/loss and see what your spell cooldowns do).


    The list goes on and on and on. The quality of product is like something that would have been pushed out in 1999, not 2012. The blatant rampant game-breaking bugs demonstrate only one thing: incompetence. The market will speak and this game will be a lesson used in the industry of “What not to do”.


    Ouch I was hoping this would be SWGs pre CU and NGE not after =(

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