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Posts posted by Ulfr_Thralati

  1. ok keep in mind I like sidious, dont really know much about the sith emperor (sry haven't played KOTOR yet) and the only thing I read past RotJ was the 3 part boba fett books that got retconned. I just want to point out a few observations and maybe ask a question or two. So far from what I've read palp is pretty godly and people are throwing quotes from various books. Did lucas actually write those books? if not then what interview did he state that palp was the most powerful sith in history? (i'd like a link to this info pls.) Now if lucas is stating that the EU is not really part of his vision then lucas saying palp is the powerful in history has just been limited to palp, maul, dooku, and vader. so of those I just mentionsed he would be the most powerful. The point that bothers me, is that if palp is the most powerful how did he get beat by mace? mace isn't even the number one ranked jedi. pretty much it shows that the sith are the weaker of the two force factions (God I hate saying that.) maybe palp wasn't as powerful as the emperor but was smarter or more cunning and maybe luckier in that things just fell the right way for him.
  2. I am neutral to Karen Travis, she doesn't seem like the nicest of people but I do have to give her respect for combining two things I really enjoyed reading-Starwars and special forces. I haven't ever really read anything past RotJ So I really don't care about the whole issue with Mandos training jainia. I do really enjoy the commando series. It was nice to have a third opinion in the universe other than super jedi and Sith. Lucas is the one I'm ticked at, constantly making changes and doing stupid things like authorizing pacifict mandalorians.
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