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Posts posted by NeoHenrik

  1. This thread made me think that if I had a part in repairing the Op dmg trees, I would indeed give Lethality folks the ability to generate TA's from mid range.


    Then the gap-closer that Concealment needs could be worked up out of reach into the Concealment tree only.


    A way to avoid all the Op specs from benefiting too much from the other trees and just getting nerfed down again while at the same time giving each tree the last key abilities they need to come into their own.

  2. To me, Infiltrate means to have gotten past an adversary's defenses and awareness so as to attack by surprise at point blank (and preferably situated behind). Like a Subtlety Rogue's Shadowstep. Like a Riftstalker Rogue's Planar Shift.


    And to take the Riftstalker analogy further, put a twist on it and let it either zoom up to a friendly or enemy target!


    Give it a cool animation like an old TV turning off- the character implodes horizontally then vertically and then " reassembles" in reverse fashion upon reaching target. Or in the Star Wars tradition a micro hyperdrive generator with a similar animation.


    Write it off as an Imperial prototype device in the same vein as our starship is a top-secret prototype.

  3. Thank you very much everyone for making your cases.


    It seems a flat rate of energy regeneration would not be a quick fix and is not desired by the community.


    Kudos on keeping the comments constructive and informative, here's to my learning to play Op better!

  4. What I meant by homogenizing the energy rate was, yes, normalizing the rate- same rate of energy gain everywhere on the bar from zero to full. Think WoW rogue in that respect.


    Instead of being concerned with staying within 60+ energy most of the time, the focus would change to having the freedom to use the whole bar all the time. Blow your whole reserve of energy for burst or just manage energy, saving it for abilities as they come off cd. Now the name of the game is avoiding energy starvation (or capping).


    Naturally, Stim Boost would still be there to alter the regen rate for those who would find normalizing too boring ;).


    Just seemed that by simplifying...actually removing one thing from the mechanics instead of having to add anything, would be a way to add more balls to a class most would agree is fun but a bit behind in the oomph department.

  5. I haven't hit 50 yet on my beloved Op, but (perhaps falling victim to all the noise people are making about our recent changes) I'm already feeling disappointed with our developers' decision to detune our class 100% of the time because they perceive a pvp imbalance.


    So my question is this: why is it so hard- so seemingly impossible - in these mmo games to just have the way abilities affect players be different from the way they affect non-players.


    In other words, why must apparent knee-jerk changes to a pvp performance dilemma have any bearing on the guy that just solos and runs the occasional flashpoint? Do developers not care enough about the pve ramifications of their changes or are their hands tied because of the way games work?


    I've never designed a game myself, I'm not presuming to know jack about the nuts and bolts of programming code in a game. But it seems basic to me that being able to keep pvp and pve in their own places is just a matter of assigning different values to different situations.


    Anyone have a clue why this stuff always happens in these games? Anything other than a clever non sequitur .

  6. For the average joe (me, others) it is hard as hell. But you will get it eventually like I did. And in doing so, you will feel a sense of accomplishment in the game, so stick with it.


    Didn't find many (any) helpful videos on the web, but many good pointers in this and other TOR IA forum threads.


    What worked for me (Concealment, lvl 33 at time of kill) was to use Kaliyo in Sniper Sight stance and as passive for opener. Pop Stealth and Sneak, then get point blank on Jadus and open with Debilitate or Flash Bang. Run like hell off Jadus's platform to the next-lower level on the left side ( left when looking at Jadus from below him). I found one single computer console that los'ed his casts reliably on that left side, that's why I recommend fighting him there.


    When Jadus awakes and you are out of line-of-sight behind that computer terminal AND Kaliyo is still passive, he will 100% of the time get off the platform and down to you. Now put Kaliyo on attack. Exact rotation goes out the window, but your strategy is to:


    -stay close to him and that console- avoid running around the whole place

    -keep aggro on yourself by dps'ing and let Kaliyo do supplementary dps

    -interrupt his casts by los'ing him around that computer terminal or using Distraction

    -when you have an stun off cd, use it to interrupt a cast. then either: heal yourself or Kaliyo, or (if everyone's health is reasonable) instead hit him with unanswered dps

    -try and keep Corrosive Dart up on him


    By shutting down the bulk of his damaging casts and doing damage and healing when you can, you WILL come out on top. The tipping point for you will be when you learn how to manage the los game and still do damage and effectively keep yourself healed.


    Enjoy Chapter 2!

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