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Everything posted by Skarkdahn

  1. This should already be optional, no? A seventh objective to complete to add to the six already available, and you can only do four?
  2. Make the reputation tracks easier to progress along. Requiring player effort for completing objectives and the system as a whole is fine, but the weekly 5,000 reputation limit feels too restrictive (maybe a weekly limit of at least 7,500?). Additionally, outside of a given season the gain of season-specific currency, combined with the low amount of rep-per-trophy, is too little for the system to serve in any way as a decent catch-up mechanic if needed. Remove exclusive rewards from the meta achievements. The meta achievements in themselves are fine, as it gives players a reason to engage with the system once they hit level 100 if they wish, but including exclusive items with them is, I feel, harsh. Unlike the Season itself, which you can play catch-up with somehow, if you come to a season too late those meta achievements and the rewards are lost, potentially permanently depending on the future of the seasons system. A companion who speaks Basic would be wonderful, although I can sadly understand that as a cost-cutting measure the alien voices are the more feasible choice for convenience. I can understand keeping the subscriber and F2P season point gains different, but maybe the latter should be raised a small amount. I think the system as a whole works fine, so I have very few comments to make on it beyond the above four points.
  3. One workaround I have found is that if you buy a 326 version of L&L, the other upgrades appear on the vendor (including those you can't afford at that time, like 334), and pre-existing versions of the implants can be updated [tested with pre-existing 328 which is now at 330]. The redundant 326 can then be refunded.
  4. They have already removed those particular objectives. I think if they were going to restrict it further they would already have done. We shall just have to wait and see, but I would be very surprised if you couldn't do any Daily Zone and still get a solid amount of CQP for it even with the highlighted activities.
  5. I am 100% not joking. I do not see any reason why BW would do that to the Conquest board, as there are just so many Daily Zones etc. as part of it that trying to account for specific ones being highlighted alongside specific activities for each of those weeks would just be a convoluted thing to work in. At least right now on the PTS, all daily zone objectives are available still and I do not think that there is enough time for them to do another pass and radically change things up.
  6. Maybe not, but it does seem like a lot of work for BW to code each and every single CQ week to account for the highlighted weeklies where applicable, given how many daily zones there are CQ objectives for. It's just easier for them to leave in all the points as they are and not touch the general board beyond that.
  7. They are not outright restricting the weeklies. All weeklies will still be available to complete at any point, they are just making some of them give better rewards (ostensibly upgrade-based, although we don't have full details on this - likely only these missions will drop the Aquatic Resource Matrices) each week. From the post of "Changes and New Features in 7.0": "You can still access Missions that aren’t a part of the rotation if you choose, they will just have reduced rewards". If you want to go run Oricon even if Ziost and Yavin are the highlighted weeklies, you can, and still get CQP for doing so.
  8. All group content is up to 80 again.
  9. Having done some testing of mainly Vigilance B, here are my thoughts: Firstly, rotation was pretty much the same as it is for me on Live, albeit without Saber Throw. Depending on what the other passive choices may allow for in future builds, I may choose to continue without ST and fill in with something like Slash, but for now using a basic attack as the filler was sufficient. It felt weird, but ultimately it worked in the interim. I don't get the feeling that Branding Burst is working, or at least I'm not noticing anything with it if it is. Based on the name, this would suggest that a foe with Plasma Brand is meant to explode if it dies with it active or something? Possibly some finnicky method in how that gets triggered, but that seems like a very situational choice. I personally would not choose to run it if there was a "better" alternative for muscle memory than Cauterising Brand's 2-second cooldown reduction. Force Skewer and Critical Conditions both appear to be working fine, so no complaints there as far as I'm concerned. Blade Burst, as mentioned elsewhere in this thread, has an obscene range to its new AoE component. I'm sure that this is just one of those bugs that happen and will get ironed out, but it was still quite funny to kill two groups in one go in a Belsavis heroic even when they were ~40 metres apart. To bring these more in-line with the provided questions: Does this feel like a Jedi Guardian? Please explain why or why not. To me, yes it does from a rotational perspective. While key abilities such as interrupt etc. are (presumably?) unintentionally absent, what's there is fine from a "getting-to-grips-with-it" perspective. Is there anything that feels missing or out of place in the combat rotation? As a simple rotation? Saber Throw, but this can be replaced by a filler ability for the moment to alleviate this (ignoring its otherwise primary use as a ranged opener in this instance). In tougher solo or group content the temporary absence of things like interrupt and stun break is obviously not too useful, but that's not really what you were asking us to test at the moment perhaps for this reason. Similarly, in the current restrictions having only Blade Blitz is a bit weird, but once things open up more that shouldn't be as much of an issue when we can really pick-and-choose what we want. Force Clarity is also absent, for whatever reason. A temporary one, I'm sure, but does require using a different set in the interim. The spec still performs pretty much the same without it in terms of basic rotation, though. What are your initial thoughts with the effectiveness of the Jedi Guardian against enemies? Feels pretty much the same while on Onderon and during a guild-run of Veteran mode Mandalorian Raiders. How are you enjoying or not enjoying this class? I am enjoying it a lot still, but then as it is my second-favourite spec in-game it would take a lot to ensure that I wasn't enjoying it. That said, I feel I would enjoy it on this PTS build more if I could see exactly what some of these options were meant to do. For example, I can at least work out that Vigilance's version of Critical Conditions is to do with burn damage and Burning Barrage adds burn damage to Blade Barrage, but beyond that it feels a bit difficult to really know what to look for barring some specific outliers like Cauterising Brand and Force Skewer. I am very much looking forward to future builds where we can see and choose between these new passives in-game and really learn what they're supposed to do. If you have feedback on the different disciplines and ability paths, please note your feedback accordingly so we can track it. No feedback on either Defense or Focus from me. For the moment, I like the basic principle. Discipline-specific utilities (or equivalents thereof) do sound quite interesting, and I look forward to seeing what you'll be doing with the other classes. My main issue right now is just only having the option of reading the names of many of these Vigilance-specific abilities without really knowing exactly what impacts what. This will change in future builds, so is not really a major concern at the moment for me. There's an interesting groundwork which has been established here, but beyond that there really isn't too much else to say. Hope to see more soon!
  10. Player Name: Calphaya Server: The Harbinger Legacy Points: 23,260 Legendary Reputation: 11
  11. My votes are as follows: 1. Kel Dor 2. Nautolan 3. Chagrian
  12. A few instances so far. 1. A Sage who was queued for LI HM as a DPS despite being in Heal-Spec. We made it through alright, but it was still a bloody nuisance. 2. Vanguard Tank in story-mode Mando Raiders who was in, quite honestly, appalling gear even for that level. He had the level 10 Shield Generator from Esseles with no upgrades, plenty of level 20-24 blues and greens, and some strength in one of his implants. He later quit due to continuously dying - this was before the Boarding Party - forcing the rest of the group to either wait or continue by ourselves. I take no shame in mentioning that I did manage to help the others through with our healer's Qyzen tanking. 3. Juggernaut Tank in story-mode Athiss. Again, in quite bad gear for his level - he proudly wore the Black Talon Operative's coat, still with all its Cunning stats, and needed on a Cunning chest that dropped halfway through - thankfully, our group's healer received it instead. He also refused to Taunt, leading the Beast of Vodal Kressh to continuously chase me - a sniper at this time - around unrelentingly. He then later criticised our really quite put-upon healer - who I felt really sorry for - for not doing enough healing as she was taking the brunt of the Prophet's attacks, for the same reason as above. After wiping on that boss fight, he seemed prepared to go even though all members of our group weren't by the entrance when he was. Thankfully, we did end up winning, although not without a brief "Tanking 101" session beforehand. 4. Yet another Vanguard tank on Mando Raiders, this time 55 HM. This guy seemed not to know the meaning of "This fight is going badly, so there must be something wrong with how it's running or how it's being done"; we wiped twice on Varad and his turrets on the very first stage. Me, the healer and the other DPS all quit at this point, leaving him to quite literally reform the group using the Group Finder. When I checked the rota forty-five minutes later, he was still in there, so I can only assume that the same issues kept happening and he just refused to give in. 5. Upon queuing and entering a Mando Raiders 55 HM, I was immediately kicked from my group. The reason? The leader simply didn't like the guild that I was in - or at least that was the reason he gave. I didn't mind in the slightest - heck, it's not as if I can defend myself (I only take issue when somebody insults/ignores/kicks me for something that I could have, very easily, defended myself for) for his own personal feelings about a specific guild - but it was rather annoying nonetheless. Quite what he'd have done if I was queued with a fellow guild-mate, I don't know. Not exactly the most "weird" people one could meet in a Group Finder in comparison, I suppose, but still people who I wouldn't willingly queue with again.
  13. 23. Take an entire squad (say about 16 or so) of well-geared level-50 players on one faction and invade the main base of the opposite faction on a planet, such as Alderaan, all the while bemusing (or even completely annihilating) any players of that opposite faction who dare to be stupid and get way too close.
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