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Posts posted by devilkat

  1. 12 hours ago, Hadsil said:

    When you're not professionally offended by everything you get to enjoy story for the sake of story. Not even about romance just character I personally hate Guss and Skadge and never wanted them as Companions, but I'm not offended by their existence. I get to enjoy insulting them at every dialogue option and never use them on missions. After Fallen Empire my Bounty Hunter enjoyed killing Skadge in the Rusk alert, and my Smuggler doesn't even bother to look for Guss. Don't do the reunion alert with Doc if you want. If you do, reject him to his face he's not welcomed into the Alliance.

    I find it hard to miss a romance with Kira with male Jedi Knight. She flirts with you as soon as she's on board your ship. There are several dialogue scenes where you can hook up or dismiss. She doesn't give up after the first time you don't [flirt]. If you're upset your female Jedi Knight can't romance Kira, see about not being professionally offended. Start romancing Lana on Manaan.


    Based! Some people try so hard to be offended...

  2. Which brings me to another question. When Guild recruiters say they're a Roleplaying Guild, what do they mean? Do they mean they play story missions? That they stand aroiund posting paragraphs of in character dialog? How exactly DO you RP in an MMO?


    Roleplayers do exactly that, they use their characters in game to tell stories. Not my style, but if you like that kind of thing, go for it.


    I'd say yes to joining a guild, but I wouldn't go for a conquest guild, since they'll kick you for inactivity. If you're on Starforge, look for Pulled Porkins (pub) or Clowns of the Empire (Imp). We do raids and rampages but don't really care if you make conquest. It's a small guild, but we make enough points to get the large planet rewards every week, which is good enough for us.


    Word of warning, though. If you're easily offended, don't bother. We're not for snowflakes. Otherwise, you're welcome with us. :D

  3. I would like more comp interactions like those you describe. Also, just because one person kills or banishes a comp on one toon, that doesn't mean they are going to do it on every toon they have. Most people do just the opposite, in fact, Most people have both ds and ls toons, and play them accordingly. They could have one toon who goes stupid dark and kills everyone they get the chance to, and then bring in their next guy and keep everyone around. It seems like BW is assuming that most people will kill or banish these comps on every toon they have, which is more than a little out of touch with their player base.
  4. My problem with it is you really don't have to earn it any more. I got to 257 gear rating when Ossus was the last of the story. I had a goal and I did whatever I could to get to it. It took a while and I was proud of the fact that I was only missing two pieces (that I needed to pvp or hm queen for so wasn't going to happen) to get to max gear. Now? Everyone has max and there's really no challenge, except if you want to get the max level mods. The game's just gotten boring lately
  5. I'd take it a bit farther and say that Valk and Palpatine are the same entity in a different body.



    When Rey kills Palpatine in RoS, a huge, purple cloud rises up out of him and tires to get into her. Doesn't manage to, but reminded me strongly of when Valk dies in FA.



    I think that this thing has been around since the beginning. Maybe it's a physical manifestation of the dark side or something like that, but every standout baddie across time has been simply this thing in a different form. Regardless of what the individual started as, they always end up as a dark, powerful and evil.

  6. Don't forget the Renown. The Conquest wasn't much better, but at least we'd occasionally get something useful out of the crates. Now it's just the same junk over and over again that I have a ton of already. I destroy everything without thinking. I liked getting the comp gifts and the occasional boost. The comp gifts were why I ground up to 300 on a few toons in the first place. Now, I have no reason to care about renown rank :/
  7. Favorite by far is Theron. Next is probably Jorgan, then Torian. Just starting Lana's and she's actually pretty cute. I'm surprised, but happy with it. Irresso is kind of boring, but at the same time, he's such a nice guy it's hard for me not to. Koth was an okay one, but it was cut off abruptly. Made me sad. Even Corso has his charms, for the right toon. Doc comes on WAY strong (they probably could have dialed him back a bit), but actually becomes quite sweet later on. Working on Temple's right now, too.


    I don't remember Elara's. I did that one a long time ago. Vector is okay, but the bug thing creeps me out. Andronikous tried to marry me even without me flirting with him, so no. Did Quin's once and meh. I find him to be a little smarmy anyway, so don't like it.


    Haven't done Vette, Jaesa, Kalyio, Akavi, Risha, Ashara, Nadia, and Mako. Hm. Seeing this, I need to roll more male toons... :D

  8. I so wish there was an option for this.

    My BH feels no loyalty to the empire and is a light side toon, but there is also no real option to switch sides, which i wish there was.

    Id love to see a third fleet or faction for those not caught up in the force or the ability to tell both sides to as you say, go pound sand" Troopers, Scoundrels, Bounty Hunters... all us non force tech folks that are really somewhat ignored in all of it.


    Lol all of that was done on a Sith Warrior.

  9. It'd be nice if they gave the option to get rid of the toggle switch, too. Not delete it completely, but let you choose if you want to turn it on. Being a neutral character is tough when you have to constantly remember to flip the switch every now and then
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