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Everything posted by DJBarchit

  1. Maybe you guys can help me. I am trying to understand the logic behind making Columni Implats BOE while Tionese Implants are BOP. I've picked up 3 columni schematics in HM raids and have created 10 or so Implants from them. I picked up tionese schematics last night, not putting thought into the implants being BOP. I quickly find out that the implants are BOP. So why is this? Did bioware mess up? or is there a logical reason to this?
  2. First 2 wins today counted. My next 3 did not. I can usually knock out the daily in 45min to an hour. But this has taken me 2.5 hours. Frustrating!
  3. After 5 wins I received credit. Still curious as to why though
  4. I remember seeing a post about this but I never looked into it. Since there is no search function on the forum (or I could not find it) I was hoping someone could fill me in. I'm joining from the start and playing the full match out. Currently working on daily pvp matches.. so far i have not been credited for any of my wins today. Another bug?
  5. ^^ I play on this server under Republic and I would have to agree. We win atleast 75% of the time. A friend and I went on a 24 game winning streak before calling it quits the other night. This was during late hours (10p-5a) so that may have been why.
  6. I've opened around 30 total. First 6 bags I got 3 pieces of gear. Next 24 bags I received no gear. Frustrating and demoralizing.
  7. Thanks! Just found out this existed! What a headache
  8. I do not believe I have the option to resummon. His character photo/info/skills that are usually in the bottom left of the screen are gone. Is there another way to resummon?
  9. I'm new to the game so I dont know if I am just missing something or if its a glitch. Please help I am a lvl 23 Jedi Sage in Shadow town doing a quest called "Speak with Duras Fain". I go to the location the quest leads me too, which is to speak with Duras Fain. The problem is I do not have Tharan Cedrax with me. The part of the quest right before me speaking with Duras Fain makes him disappear. I need Tharan to complete the quest!!!! At the moment I do not have a companion of any sort. I do not have Tharan Cedrax. I've abandoned the quest and restarted. But no luck. Any help would be great.. thanks.
  10. Im new as well and looking to partner up with someone. Feel free to PM on what server you plan on joining.
  11. I read awhile back that Decemberist where uniting on a certain server. Curious if this is still true and what server/guild that may be. Im in the US and will hopefully be playing first wave at 8CST.
  12. "There is still one more wave to come today. We will notify you when it is sent out."
  13. It's a little premature to complain at this point in time. ..and it's not false advertising, just deceitful/clever advertising if you do not get your five days.
  14. DJBarchit


    Princeton, Indiana (half hour north of evansville) Would be great to join a server with a few other hoosiers. PM me if we have any indiana based guilds or looking for a nearby comrad.
  15. With all do respect to the replies that say "you misunderstood SWTOR" it says "up to five days early, which means you are not guarnteed 2-5 days early".. your not exactly correct.. it is decietful/clever advertising on SWTORs part. If SWTOR has no intention of allowing December pre-orders to play untill the 18/19 or so, then the advertisement should read (to the December pre-order audience) "PREORDER - and play 1-2 days early, not FIVE. If this was the case, the advertisement to play FIVE days early would have appealed to the September, October, November audience specifically. BUT This is just speculation and time will tell how genuine SWTOR was with their advertisment to the individuals who preorder in the last couple weeks. For the record, I did pre-order in December with the notion that I will get to play early. For some odd reason I thought I would be playing with everyone else on launch day. I took the "may" part of the advertisement to mean that early access launch day was not yet specific within the 5 day period... as opposed to "waves" of launches throughout that period. Im not mad as I did not expect to be playing this early. Just irritated with the lack of clarification from a game of this caliber.
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