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Posts posted by Mvptony

  1. You can't put full armor sets bought on cm gold pack in legacy storage anymore!

    You can't put Major Warzone Commendation grant's in legacy storage!

    Things like jawa scraps doesn't automatic stack and you cant put them on top of some there are in storage, you have to put new on empty place and then you can stack it.

  2. Or, just queue up and mill around a little bit to keep from getting an AFK boot.

    Now you're at 1/20, you didn't have to PvP, and you got a little cash and some comms you can spend on decorations.

    Lather, Rinse, Repeat.


    Hey, maybe you'll get lucky and your team will win without your help and it'll count double.


    Personally, I usually watch Russian dash-cam videos on YouTube while I wait for the match to end.

    Those people are crazy!


    LoL you have to be lucky to afk whole match you get killed plenty of times if not doing anything.

  3. It really is no biggie. I refuse to pvp so Pierce will DIAF :D


    If every one was like you we wouldn't have these unsatisfied spoiled kids or grown ups complaining about every little thing they don't approve, its a game thousands of people play it there has to be something for all.

    And that the way to introduce new players that buy a 60 token what PvP is all about, us lazy old PvP players just use the valor rank 40 option.

  4. Can the cries for SPACEBAR end already?


    I've always hated it.


    Not everyone has seen the content, and you don't have any right to demand that someone plays the game at your speed. If anyone says spacebar to me during a cutscene, I will automatically quit the group or FP.


    It's different if we have a prearranged agreement, but demanding someone you don't even know in a pug or w/e to SPACEBAR and pressuring them to rush through content is obnoxious in the extreme.


    Thank you, if all did leave them self as you do i would be free for doing a vote kick!

  5. For a companion, the least you could do is balance it...


    It is balanced 20 matches (wins count double so 10 if you win). It's another way to learn you how to use you characters new ability since you PvE guys never would use them how they are meant to be used.


    These New abilities will almost never get used in PvE (maybe after you learned to use it in PvP you can use it in operations but you don't need the new ability for PvE you got your healer companion. But they will when you learn to use them right be used a lot in PvP. and you might even find it easier to survive in PvP now so if used right, you might even find PvP better than before.

  6. Ok, I've finished FE Chapter 9 and went and fetched Niko and Fess and the others. What do I do from now until Chapter 10 comes out in January ? I was told something like "develop your alliance" or some such, but what does that mean ? ATM, the only thing showing up in my quest column is the "Chapter 10 - Coming Soon" notice.


    I feel like I am missing something.....


    BTW, I skipped getting the Pierce dude because I have no interest in doing SWToR's lame version of PvP, and resent BW trying to force me to do it. Is this a problem ? Does it have to do with my current situation ? Is not going to get *every* one of these dudes going to harelip something in the future ?


    There are many things you can do. But since you clearly state you dont like PvP, i would suggest following things :

    1. Raise more than on companion to rank 50. You Have to farm the weekly heroics on more than one character to do so, Or you have till january to do all the mission box's heroics.

    2. Join a guild, start to gear up character in hm and nightmare gear. Learn how to cooperate in operations.

    3. Do more characters to level 65, and even do a republic and a imperial.

    4. Even though you think PvP is lame, just do the 20 matches (10 if you win).

    5. Do the achievements for new and old content.


    Just to tell you last most people that thinks PvP are lame, is the people that don't know how to do it, and just because you get face rolled in every match you tried so far, it's not lame it's just you who can't play your character. Maybe you should chose another game to play. Sounds to me that you dont understand how mmorpg PvP works, you die alot before you learn to play. Why you even play swtor? Are you even a subscriber?


    Well you Arent finished till you got all achievements and raised all companions to 50, this means you have to do a lot of quests over and over again.


    You should learn to play with others, that's why it's called Mmorpg (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game).

  7. I'd rather they didn't have the pvp requirement at all to get the comps, it sucks, but I suppose in the interest of compromise, I think like others have said, 5 matches, win or lose, both count, would be fair. They might get people to try it, or at least suffer through it.


    In all honesty, I'd rather relieve myself of a body part than pvp. I hate it. I'd rather not do it, but I don't want to lose out on what Theron might ask next of me...that's cutting into my story fun. So I do hope they'll compromise and if not remove out right, or give us some other option like hunting 20 of something like we did for Qyzen, then a reduction to about 5.


    Please Bioware, give those of us who aren't into PVP other options to get the comps you've gated behind pvp content.

    If not another method, like hunting 20 of something...then a reduction to say 5 pvp matches, that count, win or lose.




    Don't listen to those whinners first the game was to easy,

    Now its to hard,

    They never satisfied, they cant do anything but complain, please we are more than these whinners that like the game as it was by launch, we have adjusted to the changes, Let's all agree the 20 wz is easy done it's 10 wins, the newbies must learn to pvp, like us pvp'ers must do alot of PvE content with out whining its to hard or to easy, we just take the challenge you give us with out whinning, Every time you die you learn how not to play, and adjust so get over it life isnt easy either.

    If you adjust game every time someones whine, you ruin the game keep a certain level of challenges, fx bring back datacrons on new planets. =)

    Learn to play, it's just 20 wz not hard !

  8. Comon start the season in December, i covered all pve content, and got two characters geared for Ranked PvP.

    Lets go alot of people got multiple characters geared, or they have over 50k warzone commendations.

    Bioware you got to keep it worth playing. Or release new chapter in december so i have some thing to do.

  9. Treek


    Tanking is so bad on her (rank 50), she cant hold or take agro from you 2x maul and you got agro rest of fight (65 assasin in average 216 gear with 220 weapon) Nico Okarr (rank 30 ) is way better he can even take agro from you with multi grapple. She is so bad tank that i cant use her on some champion mobs cuz she cant hold agro or take it off you when you got it.


    Dps you must be kidding 2 aoe abilities, she sucks at single target and on groups she takes agro and dies un less you are faster and do more aoe dmg.


    Healing could be a little better on rank 50, in group fights fx on belsavis heroics she keeps my health at 25-30% but i think on using defensive cooldowns, but not to bad but could be better.

  10. Only thing i noticed so far is it takes me around 45-60 minutes longer to do all weekly heroics with a rank 50 companion, since i need to regen after fights even with healer companion.

    Nerfed healin to much, companion hardly survives 5 mobs shooting at it. Adjust healing more so i havent got to use regen after fights with 6+ mobs. i might aswell go tank mode on companion its almost the same or better you companion survives and got more hp than healer one. if 5 mobs shoots at you the healer comp hardly can keep you alive (you ofc use defensive cool downs here).

    Still need more single target agro on tank companions after my opinion. since my assassin keeps getting agro after 2x mauls and have it for rest of fight.

    All this is for rank 50 companions. want a reward for having them on rank 50.

  11. Treek is overrated now that all companions are the same.


    Not true there are several different abilities on companions

    but Treek is nerfed from kofte start. they made her a bad tank my assassin keep taking agro on champion fights and for that matter any longer fight i can do more than 2 mauls.


    Healing was the worst before patch nerf, now she is just average.


    Dps is bad single target since she got 2 aoe abilities.



    And i now leveled her influence on both sides to 50, just to see if i got achievement but either its bugged or it's simply some other stuff for her achievements, as it is now you better of with new companions from star fortress, since they do all beter than her, and its not likely they will die since not main character, they might leave because of your story choices but that's just hitting esc and chose other options


  12. Actually i hope lt pierce or M1x4 leaves you cuz you dont do weekly PvP =)


    Why even chose him, or it?

    You have plenty companions and you get more,

    by now you already killed 2-3 companions if you like, and you still have more than you can use, you are only allowed 1 and then you can use 6 for crafting so you actually only need 7 companions if the 20 PvP matches so hard don't do them or make a Sith Warrior then you don't need 20 matches.


  13. I never PvP on my sage. It was not an insta 60.


    5 1/2 hours for 17 matches is one approx every 19.5 minutes. I had 2 arenas total. Keep in mind also I had mostly Voidstar, NC, and ACW. These can all take over 10m per match.


    Also I had 17 matches with 3 of those being wins.


    Oh and by your number... That is one match every 9 minutes... Not happening. So my guess is you have no idea what you are talking about.


    EDIT: And just to clarify, that's not time in between matches. That is a new match every X minutes, which would include the time to play the match.


    I know just what i'm talking about so many people leave a lost match so you would enter atleast 5 alrdy lost matches in 20 matches and the take no more than 5 minutes.

  14. part of the problem is the way they set up bolster. you can actualy be somewhat decent without pvp... but ONLY if you know exactly what does and does not work in terms of bolstering (bolster set is easier and faster to gather up then pvp gear.


    one of the possible fixes is just do like they did back at 50 and give people starter pvp set. nothing super awesome, just nonmoddable blues... but the ones that give you full expertise at least (and/or make it purchasable with credits - again like it was back when 50 was max level). the other possible fix would be more complex - changing how bolster works so that instead of keeping pve gear as is with virtually no expertise added, bolster down the stats while bolstering up expertise. given .. the issues already existing with bolster? better not.


    either way, best option would just be to stop trying to push pve people into pvp.



    LoL i do world PvE in PvP gear cuz its better than PvE gear in combat with one in PvE gear. You just need the right auguments. This is not World of Warcraft where max PvE Gear kills PvP guy. It's all being good at your character. If you die to one in worse gear than you, it's not because he got bolster gear it's because you cant play you character in full max pvp gear i always kill people in PvE gear so easy.

  15. LOL you must be on a free 60 character.

    And why you take 5½ hour for 17 matches, arena will pop like 1/3 of the time it only takes 5 mins to lose it, It's only 20 matches not Wins, but do you win it counts double. So 10 wins easy done in 1½ hour. =)

    And these days there is more PvP players on PvE servers than PvP servers.

  16. So is this the end of cartel market certificate's?

    No more reputation either?


    I liked the older Hyper crates better, the new one is boring you get 1 item and 1 companion gift.


    Make the new packs more interesting, not just 2 items

    I only bought old gold packs this month, and what is up with some of the stuff you made gold rated i could cry. Got a few good armor sets but also got a lot of bad ones.

    The old Hyper crates was more exciding to open,

    Are you going to kill the rep vendors, or will you come up with a new way to get certificates and reputation or is this the end of it?

  17. I have her on rank 50 on my imp, no achievment leveling infuence, do i really have to make the rep 50 too just to see if she gives achi? Lana beniko is way better rank 50 healer than treek. Only find treek usefull in tank mode since she doesnt do crazy multi pulls, but she cant keep agro from my assasin.

    well wasnt what this thread was about.

    Anyone found out what the achievments is pls share i think the rank **** i a scam. but i have to level her to 50 on rep aswell to be 100% sure.

  18. everything you just said, means you read nothing. and have no clue as to what the **** you are talking about.


    gg 0/10


    OFC i know, just dont level you influnce at all or dont use companion at all if it's a problem for you that you comp can take more dmg the higher lvl. pls keep your stupid ideas for your self. It works great the way it is. Again dont use companion if you think its op. before a guy with better geared comp would have and advatage towARDS THE ONE THAT DIDNT, NOW IT'S just influence. the whole idea sucks just dont level influence keep you companion on minimum level, just dont cry if you on pvp server when you get killed. if you on pve server, just dont use your comp if solo content not challing enough at all.

  19. It promotes stupid game play. Before you fought a Champion mob solo you had to think a bit, look out for AoE, watch your companion for adds.


    Now, just stand in front of the champion, ignore the AoEs, ignore your companion has 10 adds on it, and spam your attacks. You won't die and neither will your companion despite poor game play.


    It is moronic, over simplified, over easy game play.


    You are lying,

    Keep it real, you actually done weekly heroics solo?

    Why don't you leave game?

    You opinion doesn't matter any more they planned all next year for swtor.

    Just leave we wont miss you, alot of old players came back, so please leave

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