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Posts posted by Lingalol

  1. Huh? OK, sooooo


    People complained about UI customixation - coming in March


    People complaiuned about ability delay - lots of communication on efforts to fix and a patch that helped start fixing it


    People comnplained abotu Ilum kill-traders - diminishing returns implemented


    People want combat logs - they'rve promised them and are working on it


    Developer blog and new question and answer thing...


    the list goes on and on....posts like this one that ignore the blatant facts are just completley full of it


    Here is the issue. People don't want to play a half finished game while they fix it 6 months from now. That's what we call. Beta. But we're paying for it.

  2. Sorry, you're wrong.


    Ea has been known to lie to the public about success of their games. Lets be real, They claimed battlefield 3 destroyed CoDMW3, And I agree it may of been a better game. But CodMW3 Destroyed BF3 number wise. Ea is nothing but lies.


    I believe I'm right. I just don't see these 2 million people split between 80 low population servers.


    Or even if its split 1 million even. Low population servers are at best 1k people online at the moment.

  3. I can't tell if you're trolling but I'll respond anyway.


    Sentinels/Marauders have probably the highest skill cap in the game for both PvP/PvE. They are probably the strongest 1v1 class in the game, which is fine because this game isn't about 1v1 combat, and are considerably weaker than other classes in team play.


    Unless its a 1v1 setting or a 1v2 setting with the two being terribly geared, the Sent/Marau will struggle to stay alive under any kind of focus without a pocket healer and thats provided his defensive CDs weren't used already because then we just fall right over.


    Plus, most Sentinels/Marauders I run into are absolutely horrible and if anything a disadvantage to the game. I'm not saying they're OP, but I'd rather some of these Sentinels roll Sins, Sorcs or Powertechs because they seem easier to achieve full potential.


    I will say though, a BM Sent/Marau with a competent pocket healer will utterly obliterate baddies.


    In response to your sig. I think cross server queues will ruin the sense of community that I appreciate in this game, dual spec is not necessary as everything is doable with a complimenting companion, dual AC is like asking for a complete class change button and the only thing the game "could" use is dungeon tool but ONLY on the same server. But I disagree with you about Sents so it makes sense I disagree with your views about MMOs


    Marauder / Sent skill cap is very overrated. You are easier than mercs.

  4. They don't. You have a 2s stun built into instant-cast Whirlwind. You have a 5 second immobilize build into your 20s CD AoE Knockback. You have a 3 second immobilize build into the breaking of your bubble. That's all on top of what Mercs have and they have the second most CC/Utility in the game.


    Honestly, If you nerf that spec lightning is completely worthless. It's the only point of going heavy lightning. Heavy hybrid lightning is worthless beyond its cc. It doesn't do remotely as close as damage as heavy madness hybrid. Quit assuming every sorc is the spec you linked. They aren't. High damage dealing sorcs are Heavy madness for it provides much more damage output at the cost of control.

  5. I think he means utility. Interrupts are definitely a form of CC though terms of PvP though.


    His point still stands. In terms of raw utility a hybrid spec sorcerer is lightyears ahead of every other class.


    His point can stand just fine. That doesn't change that they have equal amount of CC.

  6. Sprints, interrupts(!), battle res, ally pull. None of those count as Crowd Control? Holy cow have you separated yourself from reality.


    But really you are making a semantic argument, either because you are not able to see the important parts of what is being discussed, or you are intentionally deflecting comments. Both of which reflect poorly about you and your argument(a bit of a struggle to call it that). So please come back with a real response that addresses the central point of the debate.



    Explain how sprints and battle res's or ally pull are CROWD CONTROL abilities. I can Slightly understand Interrupts. But, No game at any point Especially a serious pvp game has considered these CC abilities. What games DO you play?

  7. ....Did you even read my original post? Please do.


    The hybrid specs I'm talking about are variations of the Wrath + Lightning Storm combo that revolves around frequent instant-casts of Chain Lightning while utilizing the bottom half of the Madness tree for DoT DPS and Death Field(+20% DoT DMG) and Force Lightning as a filler.


    In PvP these specs get literally all of the PvP talents in the lightning tree and all of the PvP talents in the madness tree creating a hybrid that has the best of both worlds in terms of utility while also having more DPS than either tree.


    Going heavy lightning hybrid. you miss out on massive amounts of damage increases. With crushing darkness / affliction / deathfield. Again, You have no idea what you are talking about

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