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Posts posted by alanisUDL

  1. Still at work but i managed to recreate my gear on a website, here is the pic with my character stats.




    please not that the expertise % benefits are bugged on this site aparently.


    Pls learn to mod your gear and stop wearing "stock" gear. Ty


    p.s. i hope i did not misplaced a mod since i did it in a hurry.


    I wish my Operative had 9000 armor.

  2. Obviously you were just farming numbers in hutball mid. :p Are you using Reserves or Electric Induction? I went with Electric Induction. I definitely notice an improvement, probably both because of the decrease spell cost and because I am using affliction even less. I love the versatility and it definitely helps the team when you can switch between dps and heals.


    Reserves. I very rarely used Affliction. I very rarely used anything besides Bubble, Innervate, Resurgence, FL, CD, Shock, and our CC abilities.

  3. The 31pt point heal is good against bad teams and bad against good teams. Innervate is by far our most important pvp heal, get that and then hybrid.


    I've been getting used to the 21/2/18 build that we discussed a few days ago in another thread. It is quite fun and versatile. I had back to back games of 5+ MVP votes, the first I was 325k dmg (2nd) and 175k (3rd) healing, the next game was 180k (3rd) damage and 375k (1st) healing. Was pretty happy with the results.

  4. After some chats with other PVP operatives and my own experience, I'm getting a sense that while the higher talent medic effects are nice, they might not be necessary in 1.2.


    1. We have more manageable TA's

    2. Little change to energy management (I never had a significant issue with energy in PVP)

    3. Damage is more focused, so HOT's have less significance while IN combat


    Has anyone else experienced a change in the frequency of what healing tools you are using in PVP? I've been experimenting. I'm healing pretty good with Kolto Injection as the standard heal and Surgical Probes for emergencies. I'm not even really missing Kolto Probes, even though I still throw them out since I have access to them and you can throw them on the run. I'm tempted to remove Kolto Infusion completely from my hotbar.


    My thoughts--


    1. Without KP, you will have significantly less TAs, espeically in games that actually matter (i.e. vs non-awful teams that actually attack you and not let you free-cast). KP is still a good amount of healing on the target, and helps your own survivability well.


    2. If you don't have energy managment issues, you are likely either on a team that is very healer heavy, or your opponent is DPS-lite, undergeared, or bad. Talented DS is necessary, imho, for PvP that matters.


    3. RN is very strong now in 1.2. It doesn't have the raw healing of the Sorc AoE, but you don't have to stand in one spot to cast it or get the benefit of it. It will help you and your team surivive for sure.


    4. The changes in TA from 1.2 has moved me from someone that never used and hated Infusion, to someone that uses it all the time. Any time I'm at 3 TA and the target it taking real damage (ie, SP isn't going to help much), I'll cast the 1.3 second Infusion that will crit for 4300-5k, and save 5 energy.

  5. Actually, games (specifically MMORPG's) are supposed to be time consuming and a lot of work for several reasons:


    1. Finance:


    Despite Biowares stance on providing a great in depth game, their goal is money. This being the case MMORPG's are specifically designed to be time consuming, and a lot of work to achieve that gear piece, or level required for such and such. So that bioare can collect subs and make millions while you farm and grind out it's content over the course of 3-6 months (Which is the average lifespan of an MMO player).


    If everything was simply given to you, their would be no point,


    Example: Play Skyrim with Godmode on and Use the console to add any armor you want all spells etc, you'll get bored after a few hours, because there now is no point to questing, no need for gold to purchase items, or to learn crafting to make better gear. So you get bored and quit.



    2. Psychology:


    When you play a game and you see a high level with ****** armor who whoops your ***, you go "I want that armor" etc. So then you take the time to figure out where it is and how to get it, and when you get it, you go own his *** and get a since of achievement for the 3 weeks to 2 months you just spent getting to this point (while during this time period Bioware is collecting sub fees from you).


    If it was simply "available" why would you do anything? Nothing would hold your attention long enough to make any profits for Bioware (which is in fact the #1 purpose of any MMORPG game). To make money.


    These are features in poorly designed games. More people will stick with a game that is fun vs. a game that is a gear grind.

  6. Ya YOU will be.


    Protip: there is something call interupt you know death for cast bar healers like Merc and Sorc?


    I do about the same amount of instant cast healing on my Operative and Sorc. Both classes require channeled/casted heals to keep anyone alive, including themselves.

  7. Pre 1.2 Merc healer was OP. Now 1.2 - Operative is OP. Insta casts and on the run with medium armor.


    Having both an Operative and Sorc healer, I do similar amounts of "instant cast" healing in both classes, SP + HoTs vs. Bubble and Resurgence. In both cases, to actually keep people alive for any real length of time you will have to stand still and cast/channel something.

  8. That's why they're FOTM, because they're not better than the other two healing classes. Yup, ok. :rolleyes:


    People rerolling will continue to likely be mediocre/bad on whatever new class they choose. They feel it is because it is their class holding them back.

  9. Geared ops/scoundrels who have slightly above average pvp skills cannot be killed in a 1v1 fight unless they've blown all their cooldowns/stims, etc. Be it 1.1 or 1.2, this fact has not changed. I would love to see a video proving me wrong though.


    All healers who have slightly above average pvp skills have no problem surviving while their cooldowns are available.

  10. Meanwhile, an operative healer has Flash Bang (buys time to top off) and the best mobility heals in the GAME + the major deciding CLUTCH heal of Instant free Surgical probe spams sub 30%.


    You are overestimating how much healing SP actually does. It certain helps a bit, but it is far from I-win. I'd still trade it for the bubble any day of the week.

  11. Not to mention Kolto Infusion and surgical probe....two more insta cast heals.

    How do I get my Kolto Infusion to be instant?


    I know what I'm talking about, I recommend you do the same research.



  12. Clearly you've played against very poor operatives. :)


    No healer can consistently escape two DPS with similar gear/abilities as the healer. Operatives get their vanish on a 3 min cooldown, or their AoE mez (breakable on damage) on a 1 min CD.


    Sorc can spec into Electric bindings and Backlash if they choose to, as well Force speed.


    Mercs have heavy armor and their KB that slows, as well as their uninteruptable cooldown.


    None of these classes last alone vs two equally-geared and talented DPS when any of these escape mechanisms are on CD.

  13. Operatives are vulnerable to big burst damage classes and stun-locks, I agree. But sage/sorc healers seem to go down quicker under the same circumstance. Pretty much the only solo specs that can really light an operative healer up is carnage marauder due to roots/heal debuff + high burst damage during gore or dps geared tankasins with a proper stunlock and certain smash jugg specs. Their mobile healing is enough for them to LoS most powertechs (and they can purge DoT's/slows/debuffs). They're definitely the most difficult for a sorcerer to kill 1v1, but it CAN be done - it's just not worth all the time/force.


    As a Sorc and Operative that have played both rolls, I can talk a bit about this. For me on my Operative (2p WH, 6 augment slots, 18k buffed HP), Pyro's are bar-none-not-even-close the hardest class to survive against. Purge isn't awful, but it just doesn't really do as much as you'd expect. Their snare is reapplied so quickly its silly. I can dispel it 3 times in 5 seconds (two tox scans, one evasion) and its right back on the next GCD. As a Sorc healer, I actually far better vs them because of force speed and that I usually will be running with either elec bindings or WW.


    As a Sorc DPS, I actually kill Operatives a bit easier than Sorc healers. When I'm dps, I roll with CT which can help keep them in LOS. The biggest issue is that Sorc healers can interupt FL, while Operative healers are normally out of range for that.


    Overall, I've found in 1.2 that my sorc fares better in the Hybrid role (ie, put up 150k dmg/250k healing with more group CC and utility). While my Operative does a bit better in raw healing, especially on single targets. In groups, it can do well when your energy regen cd is available, otherwise you can fall behind and be energy starved in intensive fights.

  14. It is fair. There is nothing preventing you from getting the same gear i have except for time spent.


    Not everyone has the same amount of "time" available. Therefore, it's not an even playing field. Casuals pay the same amount as those that play this game like a job. We should all want this game to succeed and have as many people PvPing as possible. The only people that really "lose out" when you have no/minimal gear gaps are those that feel that they require this gap to win.

  15. As a PT sorcs are cannon fodder, and Mercs are pretty even, but an OP shouldn't be getting killed by a lone pyrotech. Straight up. They have so much going for them in that match up there is absolutely no reason an op should ever be concerned about a single pyrotech.


    Perhaps it is yourself then? I've battled the top players on my server, and by far the hardest to survive are well-played Pyros. Exceptional Marauders are a close second, with Mediocre Pyros 3rd.

  16. pyrotech got a nerfed in 1.2, if youre getting killed by them its one of 2 things:


    - its a really good player

    - youre really bad


    you can fix the you being bad thing by learning to counter them, but a good player is going to kick your butt 9/10 times. personally, i have not felt the pyrotech nerf all that much as i changed my playstyle to accommodate it long before 1.2 was released.


    Are you having trouble killing healers as a Pyro? Perhaps you might consider that you are, actually, the bad player.

  17. trapper and tracker i believe but no "mender" like the earpieces have 3 tracker trapper and Mender for each but not implants


    Well torhead appears to list both, but they might not actually implimented in game. Either way, you want to use the Trapper Implant over the Mender Implant even if it is in the game.

  18. Power over endurance, the increase on koto probe alone will make up for the about 1.5-2k hp you lose if you do not stack endurance.


    The amount of power you'd have to stack to increase KP by 1.5-2k is not feasible to be achieved.


    Edit: To answer the OP, the correct answer for myself is Endurance, followed by Expertise.

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