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Posts posted by andedduh

  1. Hi,


    this one is for developer, why do you have a section dedicated to guild request? I have several one:


    Where is the ship guild or its could be a big house (with quest that unlock item in it)

    Also more ranking guild!

    Add another tab in the guild tab for more note or rules of the guild?

    Show guild title on player?

    guild master could get a title? :)

    another tab in the guild bank: stats of members could be interesting)

    bank slot are expensive can we get a +x% incitive? and be able to choose it? so each guild could focus on pvp, pve, crafting depending on the incitive they choose?

    Guild war between could be very hot (alliance, at war, neutral)

    Guild merge (so we could merge 2 existing guild)

    Guild ranking with stats (members, money, war)


    This is just a spray, i think there is a lot to do to increase interest for guild.



    GL of Empire State Of Mind

  2. Also a ship where all member could go with some level (accessible only with achievement). Also so painting, statue and items all around could be missing and get only through some quest guild accomplishment. So this would maybe give a sense of guild in this game.



  3. This is an old post but i want to make it re-live, we need more tool for guild leader to manage guild and keep our member.


    i would add:


    GUILD WAR so we can do more pvp

    GUILD merge so we can merge with another guild

    GUILD ranking so we can so who the best

    more guild ranking for sure!!

    guild flag, or something

    guild ship, with quest to accomplish to get item in the ship.. more then guild bank grinding...please?


    .... i have more idea.. but if we could just get one of thoses things...

  4. freeprometheus: thanks always interesting to hear constructive comment


    lessiebessie: Guild calendar yes that would be a GREAT idea! with function of member for ops!


    kaonis: let the force guide you :) Rome wasnt build in couple of day and that the same for any MMO


    aetermali: thanks :) Always good to read good comments!


    chaqa i do understand your points of view because bugs thats stop a storyline is more important then new feature in a game BUT also keep in mind that what make a MMO work is the MASS. So you need to give air to your community so its can breath easily.


    Evalyn guild color isnt a bad idea or a banner or something to differentiate guild ALSO i would add:

    something more representative for the guild leader that could increase the roleplay and all.


    thanks for all your constructive idea!


    thomah on the shadowland

  5. Hi all,


    I would like to share some idea that i thing could be interesting for our gameplay enhencement.


    1. Guild Mail

    2. Guild tab add-on

    3. More grades for more fun!

    4. Guild war

    5. Guild Voting poll

    6. Guild Voicechat

    7. Guild house or ship


    1. Guild Mail

    As a guildmaster, i would like to have the ability to send mass mail to all the members of my guild. Message of the day are good but not very long.


    2. Guild tab add-on

    Another thing that could be interesting for guildmaster is to have one or two customized tab that we could name notes, rules or operations or wathever that don't fit in the message of the day.


    3. More grades for more fun!

    Since we can only create 10 grades, i think we should have the ability to add more then 10. Maybe like more 20-30 grades. Also when someone promote a member with a grades, the person should be able to show it on is character player. Lets say i created Ambassador grades and promote someone to is rank he could be able to change is Jedi Master title with is Ambassador grades. That would enhance the roleplaying.


    4. Guild War

    I think that guildmaster should be able to set war against another guild that could again enhance the game play. I could be same faction war or against another faction.


    5. Guild Voting Poll

    As a guild leader i would like to be able to poll what my member think. If we could set a question with some 3-4 answer to make members vote on it and get result that could be interesting.


    6. Guild voicechat

    A lot of mmo is having integrated voice chat. I think its a must now in a MMO.


    7. Guild house or ship

    Like our own ship. We could have a house or ship where every member could go in. (loading as an instance) accessible on every planet. Where we could add some feature with guild bank credits. We should be able to customize it at first like a temple, bh bunker, commando tactical, or wathever. Then you should be able to add, crafting station, market, repair droid, mail, droid target, its could could have some big room for conference. Also some big add-on like adding another level with elevator.


    Also some decoration could be add to the guild house as painting and all (you buy it and its add by themself like mailbox and others thing).


    All of thoses idea i think can contribute to make a guiild stronger and enhance our game play a lot in the long run. Hope you like all of thoses idea.


    thomah / adillia on the Shadowland

  6. Hi,


    that's would be nice if you could have a place to put the guild website since the message of the day and description can be filled easily.


    Also thats would be a must to see since when ppl have logged on so we can manage our member more effectively.

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