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Posts posted by StarRooster

  1. Having recently played Star Wars: Kinect and, specifically, the dance minigame, I was intrigued by the concept of words like "Awesome" and "Outrageous" that flash from the crotches of heroes during dance sequences.


    While I understand that, at this point in its development, SWTOR is not yet a dance-based rhythm game, I feel that the addition of these crotch-based words of encouragement would be sufficient enough to keep a solid subscriber base.


    I play a tank and it seems that the role would be far more rewarding if something like "DELICIOUS" or "GOOD TAUNT" would fly from my character's crotch area when I successfully hold aggro.


    Healers and DPS could get similar words of encouragement from these groinal compliments on critting or perfectly timing reapplications of DOTs and HOTs.


    Anyway, it would certainly liven up my raiding experience.

  2. the problem is...


    I said i love my pistol, you say keep it but give me my blaster rifle.


    the way it work in starwars is, depending on the weapon.. If you have the same dps rating, the damage can be higher if the weapon is considerer higher


    sniper=heavy gun>blaster rifle>pistol. (i think)


    So having a 50 dps blaster rifle will always be more damage then a 50 dps pistol.


    That's not how it works. If it were, then Vanguards would have the advantage of having a better weapon than a Power Tech.


    The sniper rifle isn't involved because that's a different class. The heavy cannons are roughly equivalent to the dual wielded pistols and vanguard rifles are equal.


    On the main topic, I think that this is something that the game really needs. The classes feel too boxed in, like every trooper uses either a cannon or a rifle, but why not make power tech pistols available, or even allow me to put rifle mods on an orange pistol to make the same piece of gear, but with a different look.


    My guess is that it mostly has to do with the animations. Shockstrike looks a lot different from Rocket Punch, and you couldn't use the same animation with a pistol. However, it does seem like they could just use the melee animation that smugglers use.


    In any case, I'm hopeful that they will implement more gear choices for classes in the future. I personally prefer customization and choice over being railroaded, even if it does mean that my trooper or jedi or whatever has a tighter personality (which I actually also don't care for. Maybe I'm playing the wrong game.)

  3. What a surprisingly pleasant post. I didn't expect to find an analysis of morality concerning valuing quantity of life over a close relationship.


    This is the problem with Bioware's morality systems in these games. It seems like every mission has some huge morally ambiguous choice to make. It's even worse in games with a morality meter like this where the choice is either good or evil because the point of the choice is that it is morally grey, but is reinforced by a game mechanic as either good or evil.


    In addition, the choices are schizophrenic at time. Is it always light side to follow the Republic's orders, or do I have to put my own morality ahead of that? There is no consistency and the moral code doesn't make sense.


    To be honest, by the end of Ord Mantell, I'd decided that paying close attention to the moral choices in the storyline would just annoy me, so I just started picking light side no matter what.


    Dark side points for returning the medicine to the army and for plugging that annoying pirate, specifically, annoyed me.



    Since I knew that a certain level of light/dark was required, the choices weren't really mine anyway since I have to stay one way or the other to get access to the fastest speeder and best relics from the vendor.

  4. If you read Mark Twain's "Two Ways of Seeing a River," then it will give you a lot of insight as to the dislike for so called pro gamers that you see, I think.


    More power to him if he makes money playing a game, but I'd avoid it because it's a good way to ruin such a fun hobby.

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