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Posts posted by Stickiboom

  1. I hope I am not posting where I should not but I seem to have a problem. I have a slight problem leveling in that I have a coordination problem and I need help learning which spells to use and what order to use them in. I do not have any friends or family that will download the game and start playing it with me. Where can I go, or how can I get someone hopefully from my city, Chicago, to level with. Every guild I am in has there own agenda and no player seems to want to help me by creating a character from scratch to level with. If I sound angry I am sorry sometimes my family says I sound angry when i type a note if I am frustrated..:rak_04:
  2. This only applies to people around for the launch of GSF and some of us get 4 sets.:D There are legacy pieces in the game that you can get if you aren't fortunate enough to get the free ones.


    My tip for new players is to get cartel items as soon as you can afford them. It will make gearing easier especially with the bump in coms for class missions. A great place to look for items and sets of armor is the GTN. Use your in game credits to buy cartel items and your monthly CC allowance to unlock the sets/items account wide. This will let you call up all the crystals, weapons and armor you could need to start out.

    Can someone tell me where I can find a player to buddy with me and go to level cap? I am thinking I need a hand since I have many characters but only in the teens. I am a mature adult player

  3. Not really a new player. But I need to know how to find out if the new expansion is working for me. I bought it but all it says is I bought it not if it is downloaded into my game. Is there a box I need to get before I can play it or is the download supposedly right after I buy the pack. As far as I can tell I have downloaded nothing even though I bought it.
  4. I need to ask a question about MMO's. If I wanted to start a business, where customers come in with their game logub information and play with their friends. While also having food and drinks outside the computer area. Would I need a special license from the game developers to do this.:D:D
  5. Is there a way I can get a player to work with me on getting at least 1 character to 50. I keep running into missions that I just cannot complete. Poor Trooper keeps getting killed and I just keep going back and die. I am in a guild but have found nobody to help me.
  6. Hi


    My name is Bill and I am interested in Leveling my character Huckson. He is currently a Level 25 Commando. I really do not PVP AT ALL. I can learn however. I can be found on at any time of day as I am on permanant disability and I do not work anymore. I am an adult, age 55, and live in Chicago.

  7. Hello there and Welcome to the game. I have had this game from beginning because I love Star Wars. The problem I have is around leveling. I simply do not realize what I do wrong, non of my toons get above 20. I do not know why, but it happens often. I also get killed alot and then I get frustrated at that because I think everyone else is getting there and I am not. I have a learning disability but I play because I love the challenge. I am trying to find a player who is willing to take me under his wing and help me get at least one character to 50 so I can start my Legacy. Is there such a player out there in the galaxy? Let me know by leaving me a note.
  8. I enjoy playing a rannged class the best like Trooper dealing damage with his cannon. I have never played a healing class and I am not sure I could play it in like a falshpoint with lots going on. So the answer to the question would be trooper so I will go check out the Trooper forum



    QUOTE=Niaymh;4759503]First of all if I could offer once piece of advice it would be not to choose a class/race based on how good/easy you think that class is to play, choose one that you like and want to play! You won't enjoy yourself if you choose a class just because you think it'll be easy to play!


    If you have a class that you like to play and want to improve with then by all means tell us what your favourite class is and someone that has played it might be able to offer you some tips on the best way to play it!

  9. Trying to learn about what attacks I should use for different types of situations. I never seem to get above 15 in any character. I have tried just about all the classes. I really do not like mage type play but maybe I should. I have read that AOE classes are the best to get you through the game. Could you play along with me with the same skill level for a while and see how we do?




    what are you trying to learn from here?


    also all guides that you have to pay for are pretty much not needed, any info they have can be found for free on the internet

  10. Hi


    My name is Bill, and much to my dismay have yet to get a toon to Level Cap. I have bought every guide online and I have tried to gain someones ear in-game to help me. I hate to sound like a weanie, but I soon am coming up on my next payment for this game and I want something to show for all this time I have been online...which has been since it launched. Please leave a message here.


    I really appreciate this guys



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