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Posts posted by tacoknite

  1. Dude, please. Why do you think you need to run hammer station 24/7?



    Do what you want. warzones, ranked, operations, flashpoints, uprisings, weekly on Onderon, heroic dailies in mek-sha. Do what you want.

    If someone told you you must run FP's 24/7 they were lying. You don't have to. Play for fun. This game just isn't fun if you play it in a way that it doesn't make it fun. This gearing system lets you play as you want. Why are you forcing yourself to do something you don't want to do? It makes no sense.

    Cause you will get a few more drops an hour if you grind your eyes out? Cmon...


    I only ran some Hammer stations in the first week to boost my ilvl. And i tempered that with Korriban and Tython as well. I have hardly done any FP's since. I do mostly PvP, occasional op or FP and heroics/weeklies in Onderon sometimes as well. I got about 12 characters geared up (with tacticals, set bonuses, augments (not the best ones casue im relatively poor) and proper amps too). You DO NOT NEED TO SPAM HAMMER STATION! Stop doing it to yourself! Play for fun!


    Maybe Hammer station needs to be nerfed. Not that i found it over rewarding, but heck people can only see the path of least resistance and then complain it isn't fun. Sheesh! You don't need to do that. The difference is not worth the boredom.


    honestly, with no information available in game i don't know what to do. I want decorations for my for crib on yavin-4. I don't want to just buy them, i want to find them. See a vendor, need a component, component requires a grind.


    I asked here on what to do at 75, and was told hammer station. I know for a fact, warzones are not giving me anything worthwhile. I did a few days to see how it compared and although fun, again completely unrewarding. If i need that gear to do better in something i enjoy and the best way is hammer station, then i believe it's where my frustration stemmed from.


    They need some sort of in game index, that'll help oldies like me figure out what to do for what we want.


    i do agree, nerf hammer station or just bring the pvp rewards up to par and maybe some other stuff.


    on a serious note though, what areas and activities award tech fragments and 306 gear?

  2. I played the game at launch, like many others that have returned lately. The story was great but felt there was a lack of interesting things to do end game and ditched out. I stopped in from time to time and as the years went by so much changed that i just felt like i couldn't grasp returning. This time around, i jumped in, threw 15$ at bioware and began my adventure.


    I feel like the game has aged incredibly well, the graphics, the combat is fluid, and it ran great on my dell laptop plugged into my t.v.


    From start to finish, i enjoyed all the campaigns and the stories associated with them. The feel of growth in my character, and the choices all felt absolutely incredible. I will honestly say this was one of the most engaging games i had ever played while leveling and completing the quests.


    Unfortunately, that magic feeling changed at 75. I realized just how 99% of what you find and collect holds no value. There are things to do but the ultimate goal of getting sets and mods can be accomplished by running one flashpoint. I am in my 40's and my time gaming is for entertainment. An hour or two a night and it's a choice of either doing something fun with no value, or running hammer station 5-10 times.


    Time is money. If i spend 20 minutes in a hammer station run to get 6 pieces of gear, why not just give rewards for anything that takes time? There's strongholds, warzones, and all these georgous planets that could reward you for the same time commitment. Hammer station isn't hard or challenging, i can solo it on my assassin. It's just a chore and i do not game to do chores.


    I've been gaming online since qwtf, and everquest. After 20 ish years, i am over this method of grinding for gear. dailies, it's just another word for a chore. Repeating the same thing over and over with no variety isn't fun. This wouldn't be so bad if the chance at something rare dropped like most loot driven games. Anything useable that drops, doesn't give you an amazing feeling and there's no real rare treasures.


    Add some decos, mounts, valuables to the loot tables and at least it'd feel like running pindle on diablo or something.


    i feel sad that the game is so big but so underutilized. The tech fragment grind was the turning point. I got my set, and i didn't feel like i accomplished anything. Sure i can maul spam in warzones but that's not really long term fun either. I felt like i had an identity while leveling and it was all stripped away when i hit 75.


    this sounds like i am unhappy, but honestly far from it. This was the best 15$ i have spent on a game since i can remember. In fact, i had more enjoyment out of swtor than i did with some of the 100$ games i've purchased (destiny, borderlands 3, etc..).


    I just feel like the path at 75 is so limited and the reward system just incredible bland and uninspiring. As a hole, i personally feel the gaming industry lacks innovation these days. Anyways, if grinding hammer station for 6 hours for an increase of 10 points to mastery is your thing and you enjoy it, more power to you. I will definitely return to the game for expansions, and major story content because that part of the game was unforgettable and even 5 hours of solid entertainment is worth 15$ to me. All in all, thank you to the dudes that helped me in the new player forum and i'll see you all around the galaxy when the patch drops and from time to time.

  3. run hammer station for gear till you don't want to play the game anymore.


    replace each piece of gear regardless of stats with a higher ilvl. Take out mods that you can that are higher to put in shells to speed the process up. Get to 306, and use tech frags to buy your set. if you save everything you'll have 10k frags to get 3 pieces of a 6 piece set and then farm another 8k (veteran fp hammer station only 15-20 min run 150tech frags, to give you an idea). If you are in a guild, this will be sped up a bit if your rng is good. you can run even more hammer station to min max.


    When you have your gear you are done, congrats you beat the game. There's really nothing else after that to chase in terms of gear. You can run a flashpoint that can be accomplished with level 15 players and have the best stuff in a week.

  4. i miss the days when the game itself was good enough to play and developers didn't need psychological addiction mechanisms . I wish they'd just charge more for games, it's holding the industry back. Games have been 50-60 bucks since i was a kid 40 years ago.


    I don't think swtor is a dangerous "lootbox" game, but i am sure some people buy those crates up. The real problem is games like FIFA where it's causing real damage.

  5. i forgot about gsf, is it hard to get into?


    I like to mix it up each day, i am not a fan of dailies, or weeklies but will do them occasionally. PvP some days, fp's some days. I really like the lore and story and would like to get decos as much as possible. I threw some change at my nar shadaa apartment and i'd like to expand on that.

  6. doing the seeker droid quest line (gotten from a droid on Makeb)

    - doing the macrobinocular questline (Makeb

    - doing the HK-51 quest chain (from Section X)

    - doing what's required to get the (forgot the name) weapon Tuning on Ossus.


    i'll look those up, thanks. I was lacking direction and have some now, appreciate it.

  7. I hit 75 and after 3 solid weeks of grinding am 306 and saving up for tacticals/set bonuses. Getting 40 renown levels while doing this was exhausting and i just want to casually run HS instead of making my game nights a repetition of that.


    I do some unranked pvp, but don't have the time for ops.


    I'd like to decorate my stronghold a bit more , collect some lore, and tackle the datacrons at some point. What are some other game activities i may be missing out on?

  8. Hi all, after a very long break I intend to get back into the game starting this evening! :)


    I currently have a level 51 Sith Marauder and a level 28 Jedi Sage. I however have no idea how there stories evolved so I guess it's best to start a new character. I do have a few concerns though and would like to have your opinion(s).


    - Does SWTOR still have a active player base in game? I mean it doesn't have to be over the top full but it is nice to see others on all levels/planets :)


    - Is SWTOR beginner friendly? In other words is it 99% experienced/die-hard players looking down on newbies or are new players still joining every now and then?


    - Not sure about this one so for the check. As a subscribed player do you automatically get access to all DLC?


    Well that's it for now!


    Thank you in advance!


    - I am an older player, returning from release (exactly 1 month back). The player base seems much better than when i left which was the initial crash of the game (right before free to play. The beginning zones have hundreds of people and several instances. As you progress it gets a little less but there's people in every zone i've been to and more than just a couple. Some of the expansions are less populated but still people running around.



    - So, i am in my 40's and will be honest, it took me a couple weeks to really get used to everything. I am still learning stuff but the game is pretty overwhelming at the start. Not gonna lie, keybinds , shortcuts, navigation, etc.. will take time. fleet chat is interesting to say the least, but when i've asked serious questions i've always gotten a response in pm with help. I recommend finding a guild that has a significant amount of people online and beginner friendly or a smaller guild with helpful people, either way a guild.


    - i cam back and subbed just to see if i liked it, i got a boost token to 70, and all the content.

  9. when i came back i thought i war rich with my 22mil and apparently i am not.


    So, i am not looking at playing the market, or just spending my game time being a master at making credits. I am looking at ways to make them as i play. what crafting professions can make credits reliably? what mats to look out for? Any game activities that provide a decent amount (story mode fp's etc)?


    I am in a guild on two level 75's and do my conquest for those mats to sell. I am still running behind on the things i want to buy though.

  10. A start-at-70 character begins at the beginning of Jedi Under Siege (at the beginning of the Inflection Point introduction mission), with the same presets as any start-earlier-than-70 that skipped over content to reach JUS:

    * Pubsiders took light decisions, saved a Twi'lek instead of a Mandalorian, and advocated peace (but peace is a light decision, so you'd expect that).

    * Impsiders (including OP's Assassin) took mostly dark decisions.


    The mostly dark nature of Impsiders means:

    * Koth, Senya, and Arcann are dead.

    * They save a Mandalorian instead of a Twi'lek (except Sith Warriors, who follow the Pubside method there).

    * Despite it being Light, Agents allow a pushy droid to merge with a planet.

    * Despite it being Light, Impsiders allow an anarchist and a Special Forces catmander to live.

    * Despite it being Light, Impsiders allow a former Republic spy best known for his shoulders and his poor taste in haircuts to live.


    All "earlier" romances are in "never-happened" mode, so an Assassin who wants to romance a companion is (so far) stuck with a certain Morose Monster.


    None of these decisions can be reversed for that character.


    thanks, i noticed this last night when going through the companions that they was ded. Senya was one of my favorites, and on my normal leveling i saved the ones i liked and discarded the ones i didn't. Koth, senya, vette gone make me kinda upset and i may just toss the character and level my 50 assassin.


    I am using kira, the story stops waiting on a ship to intercept. Is kira going to stick around before i use her extensively?

  11. I decided to take a break from farming gear and since i played through assassin on release, boost an assassin to 70.


    I am a little confused because the hutt cartel story is listed and dread war but nothing else and i have my alliance base. where am i in terms of progression? I ask this because i do not have senya or arcann as companions, do i get them somehow or do i have to do kotet all over again?


    I have a ton of alerts for companions and started them, i stopped when i got to the second to last boss in the arena (tried it a few times and gave up). Do all these companion alerts send you on really long quests? if so, i'll break them down into playsessions.


    is there anything else of importance when using this boost that i should know? I am only 71, doing a bit of onslaught and a couple campaign alerts.

  12. You can convert jawa junk to companion gifts or crafting materials. Then, if you want, you can sell those on the GTN for credits.


    The jawa junk vendors are located in the Cartel Bazaar section of the fleet (north entrance on republic fleet and south entrance on imperial fleet). When you walk in, look to your left and you will see three jawas. One sells green quality mats, one blue and one purple.


    They each have companion gifts for Droids and for Animals. Droid ones are part of the Maintenance category, and animal ones are in the Delicacies category. The purple ones used to sell alright on the GTN, but it's been a while since I've checked.


    i've been teetering on buying the reassemble of the droid i lost in battle , i could use the scrap to get him up to speed? Makes me even more tempted to shell out the dollars for him.

  13. I have been farming flashpoints when i am on, running veteran hammer. Saturday i hit 75, got my 268 set. I am only at 277 now , so i am going to guess it'll take me around 2 months to get 306 with the time i have to play.


    Someone recommended master mode flashpoints. How much different are these? Are they worth running over veteran flashpoints? Are story mode ones, better for a sub?


    Second, i have accumulated thousands of crafting mats. Is there an up to date list of what sells? Anything specific i should be on the look out for that sells well?


    last, jawa scraps, and junk. I was told to get companion gifts with it? Is that the only value? Is there no way to convert that stuff to credits?


    I am on SS

  14. First - for marauder, is anni viable in both pve and pvp? Ive run fury for the whole time and switch to anni and feel like it's a more smooth spec but i like to pvp and haven't tried it yet. I can't seem to find any 6.0 guides and was curious if someone had a link with utlities, gear stats, etc..


    I got my 268 set, and from reading guides it seems like running hammer station till my eyes bleed is the "thing" to do. How long will this take to get to 306? I have around 6k tech fragments and don't know if i should be using them at 274 gear score. I feel like it'll take months to get to 306, each piece of gear is around 2 item level points higher , or not an mprovement at all. Just seems like it'll take forever to get there.

  15. By the way, I forgot to mention - don't be concerned about losing your companions. During KOTFE/ET you will be assigned various story related companions as you progress through. That is to say, you won't have to play without a companion (most of the time).


    i miss vette and feel in love with HK unfortunately. I like the influx of companions and how they are given to you in this expansion. Which ones are permanent?


    ...I have around 3 chapters left and hope to revisit it as a dark side decision maker, i went light side sith warrior which has been interesting through the whole game.

  16. loved the droid and his meat bag comments, no way im paying 35$ for him to come back though :(


    i've really stuck to the story and have a question during fallen empire. I am refusing all his offers of power, does this change the outcome significantly? If so, i'll probably run it again since i've really enjoyed the entire story so far.

  17. If you've finished Revan, you should continue and play Rise of the Emperor ("Ziost"). If you've already played that, bear in mind that it *isn't* part of the Revan story as such, and was released separately.


    yah i went through and beat revan and then continued on to rise of the emperor and it kinda stopped on ziost dailies with no direction, so i scooted right on to fallen empire which picks up with the emperor , just finished the escape out of carbonite.

  18. I ended up finishing the convos with my companions until i had the legacy bonuses listed. I was not prepared for the drastic change in the game starting fall empire, but am loving every minute of it. I feel like the game over levels me a bunch since i am sitting at 67, just starting it but that's all good.


    Thanks again for the help. I wrapped up revan and the final task was just dropping me off on a planet to do dailies. I am assuming there's no story arc after that? As far as i can tell, the emperor is a major part here in fallen empire (on chapter 4).


    I'll probably hit 75 this week but am in no hurry to go anywhere with it. I have a notepad of things i want to go back and explore after completing the expansions (datacrons, lore areas, stronghold, etc..).


    I am struggling to find a guild and have been 100% solo. Is there a guild finder available in game?

  19. thanks for the tips. I am a subscriber and will continue to be one for the foreseeable future.


    a follow up question. I am level 63 i think now and wrapping up revan. I just started chapter 5 last night. I have some confusion on the companions. On my boosted character which i haven't played, there are like 20 companions i can summon but i was reading that i'll lose my companions soon. So , do i get them back?


    am i going to lose them soon? I've only really used jaessa and vette . If i lose them, is there anything i should know before they poof? What point do they vanish?


    I got some HK customizations but don't have an HK. Something i am missing here?


    I skipped ilum, so looks like i 'll go back and do that.


    is there anything i should know, advancing through the next couple xpacs?

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