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Posts posted by liadoa



    1. Numerous archeology nodes on every planet I've been to so far cannot be interacted with. Mousing over the node does not cause the cursor to change and right clicking on the node does nothing. Yet it shows up on the map as a node. A minor thing perhaps, but very annoying when you kill your way through a bunch of mobs to get to it. How did such a thing make it to release?


    2. When interacting with a pvp gear vendor, selecting the sort option to show me only gear that is useable by my character does nothing. I am still shown the complete list of gear available even though I cannot use the vast majority of it.


    3. I constantly need to dismiss and then re-summon my companion to get him to be with me when I jump off even a small ledge or rock. This is not 100% of the time, but often enough that I wish I had a macro for it.



    quick fix on nr 1 is check with mouse over the node befor attacking the mobs standing close 2 it does nothing dont kill mobs (i know a few more MMO's at lauch that had same problems WoW included with mineral viens)


    3. never had that i think it works realy great way better then pets in wow do but thats just me maybe

  2. how do i get new things for my ship.. i know you get some by doing space missions(donno if its quest that gives them or not but got 2 after doing 5 space mission) but was wondering if you also can get things for the ship other then doing spacemissions.


    and were can i turn in my space combat commendations(or whatever they are called)


    sorry for my englisch

  3. i was about to make a treat about this as well cause i wanted to ask how to get new things for my ship.. i know you get some by doing spacequests(donno if its quest that gives them or not but got 2 after doing 5 space mission) but was wondering if you also can get things for the ship other then doing spacemissions.


    and were can i turn in my space combat commendations(or whatever they are calles)


    sorry for my englisch

  4. it happens in wow a lot!! i have even had several occasions were i was doing some mob kills and some rogue of the other faction killed me so i went outside to smoke a sigaret and returned to go on and i got a wisper to leave(by a lvl 85 and it was outlands) or he would return on his rogue... in this game i havent realy had a ba experience with anyone yet so i like the communitie so far:D
  5. is it normal that when i click my account the first 2 things are brightly colloured but redeem your code is kinda gray (and all below)


    i tryed putting my code in again but said it was already used and i have the game on origin so must have used the code i think... i just dont understand..

  6. 11.29.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access


    Not in yet, I guess it ain't going to happen today :mad: damn wanted to stay up all night and play the game :( Some people said that the whole 1-30/11 was going to get in but I guess that was a myth? Have fun all who got in!


    why so negative?? its just wave 3 and they said there would be more then the 2 days befor so prob around 6 waves or something and even if its just 7 days per wave you will still get in:)


    (i beleave 26-11 here:))

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