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Posts posted by okraus

  1. So lets face the facts!

    I have never, never, never seen such a poorly designed PvP-Zone like Ilum in SWTOR. Really guys... this so called "end-content" is not worth the toilet paper that game designer used to write this concept. Total fail!

    They could have invited me for the brainstorming meetings about this and i could have told them from my 10 years+ experience with MMORPGs that this would not work and that people would exploit it.

    First this ******** about doing "Assault-Ping-Pong". Just a quote from zone-chat: "Nono! Dont kill the Rep he has to tap the Assault Point so we can tap it back...". <-- Aeh, well that is what PvP is about - DO NOT attack the enemy. BW should really fire the guy who initially designed this.

    Then came the change that you need 30 kills and/or aramanents for the daily PvP-Quest (150 for the weekly). I read it, bumped my head on the desk and could have foretold that now lame Zerg has started. Now you had the choice doing lame PvE stuff like farming armaments spawn or join the Zerg-Op for... well... zerging. Wow, this is really the spirit of PvP NOT!

    Now the zerg has evolved and they farm the kills via kill trading. It is getting better.

    Again BW should fire their game designer for this ********. I could have told you about this beforehand!


    They should really shut down this zone and make it new from the scratch. With useful objectives people can fight about, granting rewards for defending or attacking them, becoming neutral after a while when noone cares for them so they can be recaptured, making kills during those fights over these objectives only a secondary field of operations, etc.


    my 2cc

  2. Lets see what my biggest issues with the Marauder is?

    First of all, i am playing with a rage specc atm.


    I really miss simple macros! We have so many abilities to manage, a lot of asynchronical cooldowns and two different pools (rage, fury) need a lot of intention. Plus standard monitioring of my health, enemy health, enemy casting bar, etc.

    All those mechanisms take most of my attention just to operate my marauder in an appropriate way.

    The problem ist that because of this i very often loose the control over the fighting scenery. Sometimes not even notiving, that i lost my target, that i am missing a prereq or somehting else which breaks my damage outout severely.

    --> Macros would help a lot. Just simple "casting-sequences" would be enough. I dont need complex scripting.


    There is too much CC and the marauder has nearly nothing to counter it. Against good enemies in a warfront i am constantly cced and i have only one ability to remove such an effect just do be cced again.


    The UI-Lagg kills my performance! I cannot count how often i cursed about the lagg when using abilities. Undying Rage not firing is one example... perfectly used you do that 5-10% HP to give you those extra 5 secs to kill your enemy or get that life-saving heal.

    The delay is so bad that i often hit it in time but dye anyway.... i started to train myself to start using it at 30-40% just to make sure it fires off in time.

    Thats not how this is supposed to work.


    just my 2cc

  3. Just give us RIFT-like macros and everything would be Ok.

    I dont mean scripting and macroing in a way to make yourself the infamous 1-key-rogue from WoW. I mean just a macro with which you can create a "casting"sequence of abilities with cooldowns and prereqs and at the end let us put for example our anytimer-i dont need rage for it-skill which will be used when all other abilities are on cd or i dont have enough rage.


    I think i can handle the rage/fury/cooldown management in a static PvE environment in a satisfying way.

    Problems are coming dyanmic PvP-Situations. It is very hard to monitor all the cooldowns, my rage status and the building of fury while trying to stick at your target, using reactive specials like interrupt and using my survivability abilities perfectly timed (f.e. undying rage at 5-10% HP and not 1 milisecond too late... :rolleyes:).


    THAT is what makes our class really hard to play. I reached 50 with my marauder about a week ago and i am still doing horrible in PvP. The learning curve is good but i am still far away from being satisfied with my performance. Although gear-difference hits hard from time to time - ever faced a fully geared champion or battlemaster in a warfront 1v1? Muhaha... lets say i hope that he at least noticed that he just stomped over me.



    Oh and another hint: Pls stop mixing up PvE and PvP Situations in those topics. At least mention at the start of your post if you are talking about an PvE Environment or PvP.



  4. I wholeheartily agree with you!


    I think noone can understand why on the one-hand you can customize your look and the combination of your gear and when you go for the PvP-Set you are forced to wear this crap!

    Anyway... the solution is sooo easy!


    First of all there should be a clear isolation between the mods (armoring, enhancement, etc.) and the containers. the containers are the different armor slots (head, chest, legs, etc.).

    You get the containers from quests, drops and for commandations. But they are empty or maybe filled with standard green mods of the appropiate Level of the quest, loot etc.


    The mods you can also get from quests, drops and commandations.

    So that makes the difference! You dont buy a fully modded piece of PvP-Armor! No! You can buy the Container (if you want that ugly stuff) and you can buy the mods. All with your commandations you get from the PvP-Daylies etc.

    So if you already have a nice looking piece of Armor - the container - you can just equip them with the mods you get from PvP.

    The Set-Names and -Bonus is linked to the armoring mod. Which means when you put for example die Vindicator Armoring Mod into a nice orange armor piece - the container - which you got from a quest or from loot, then this piece of armor becomes a set-piece of the Vindicator-Set. When you do that for 2 respectively 4 container you get the corresponding set-bonus from the Vindicator-Set.

    This way you can customize your gear freely and like you want to have it. And you are not forced to wear this stupid LvL 50 PvP-Gear.


    Everyone would be happy! :)


    Easy enough or am i overseeing something?




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