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Posts posted by Ituhata

  1. Curious as to how F2P is popular, I know I won't bother paying for it if it's free. If its a P2W model I'll play till I can't do any more with what is given and I'll leave. I will not pay to be successful in a video game.


    Then again, I'm one of those that are happy with 'monthly subscription/what you see is what you get' payment plans, and I'm not one of these tools who download countless ringtones apps and games for their phone that get added to the monthly bill either. But there seems to be alot of em so I guess it would be popular, if only among the countless tools that populate the Earth.

  2. I guess it depends on how many derps are playing this game who buy ringtones or games for their phones or pay for pay-per-view or even pay money for upgrades to facebook games. :rolleyes:


    Personally, I'm a what you see is what you get kinda guy. I like to pay a flat fee and have access to everything rather than being nickel and dimed for content, especially in a p2w environment. Quite frankly I would move on.

  3. Maybe it's an age thing, I'm 23 and I don't know what this world is you speak of, my experience in game and life are completly at odds with what you insist is there and will be destroyed with a cross server tool.


    Probably is. I'm not much older than you (I'm 32) but I remember times when I knew my neighbors, I knew the local shop owners, and people were a heck of alot more friendly than they are nowadays. I don't know you personally so I couldn't say for sure but I'm willing to bet if you aren't living with your parents you have no idea who your neighbors are.


    Likewise, I remember when I knew a good chunk of the playerbase on one server. Horde and Alliance. We had rivalries, whether it was guild pve or just pvp in general, we had the local tosspot who severely need a good old fashioned beatdown, we had great people who strived to make our server a welcome home to new players, we had deep thinkers or at least people who pawned themselves off as such and we had jokers.


    We had that for two reasons, because we had a place where we could communicate and we had to rely on each other to accomplish big things. I'll admit server specific forums would go along way to fostering a better local community but adding cross server lfg will kill it. Go look at Ravenholdt. Browsing those forums used to be awesome, now you'll be hard pressed to find the top 10 posts updated within a day. I visit a forum with 10 users that posts more than that.

  4. spamming general chat and pestering people not on the fleet is your idea of socializing?


    And I have bad news for you if you think that atm any kind of real socializing occurs.


    Boss strats, loot, bad behavior are the conversation topics and have been before any sort of lfg system.


    My experience with mmo's from wow's first year, EQ a week from rifts release has not indicated any sort of server community as the counter-argument would have me believe exists and thrives before a lfg system.


    Besides anything the vast majority of people just arn't that social, people wont strike up conversations at a bus stop.


    I liked one anti-lfg persons response to that: "No I strike up conversations at a pub" where you or who your talking to has already had there inhibitions watered down and where more social people are far more likely to gather.


    Spamming is not socializing. It's not effective either. Do you honestly listen to car sales pitches on tv commercials? Buy now , only fifty-nine ninety nine THATS RIGHT THIS WEEKEND ONLY ONLY 5995! ...Why would you listen to people repeatedly spamming in general? Try a different tactic.


    Boss strats aside, I seem to recall entirely different topics in my groups. But then again, I met awesome people and knew it and made sure I was friends with them. The tossers and tools I let fall by the wayside. We actually had fun in our old groups, a few wipes were worth the lulz of putting misdirect on our favorite elemental shaman after 2 chain lightnings on a trash pull.


    But you're right: The vast majority of people aren't that social and wouldn't talk to one another at a bus stop. You know why? Because nowadays there really is no such thing as a community. People barely make eye contact let alone smile or wave at one another and really, can you blame them? No one needs anyone anymore. We can all, for the most part, be self sufficient without any help from our neighbors, and that's the point. When you don't need anyone around you for help, you're not playing an mmo.

  5. I still don't understand what you're getting at to be honest. How does all that change anything? And how would your way of grouping be better than a Cross-Server-LFG system?


    My way of grouping forces you to socialize, something that is the main ingredient to a successful mmo. People who complain about this being a single player experience then in the next breath say we need an lfg tool make me laugh.


    I guess you'd have to see what I've seen before and after they introduced lfg. If there is one singular reason I cannot stand WoW now, lfg would be it. A large part of why I enjoyed playing was the people I met and mingled with back when you pretty much had to. Once cross server lfg kicked in that feeling quickly died, it's funny how when you don't need people they slowly stop talking to one another. WoW truly became a single player game as far as I am concerned, running dungeons constantly with five nameless people you'll never run across again is no different than npc ai. Think SW is a barren wasteland now? Wait till that kicks in.

  6. We already have that. We'd like to move away from that


    Right now, the way to get flash points is to stand in fleet and spam for a group. If you go do other stuff, you might as well write off the night.


    No, you'll still get better exp by questing in between flashpoints.


    I got through most of the new northern barrens quest line on my hunter while chain running dungeons.


    besides, I'm not convinced that you get better money and exp from flashpoints than from quests


    No, I like to chat, and I still have that problem.


    Just FYI, They have a giant shuttle that takes you right to fleet, literally a few feet away from the robot that gives you the flashpoint quest in each questing zone. You could do your quests and look for people who most likely will find that questgiver and will want to knock that out, rather than traveling to fleet where most people who are leveling are only there for a talent respec or to grab some supplies.


    I pretty much leveled a priest to outlands without ever leaving the city, easiest thing I've ever done.


    I don't know about money, but you definitely get better gear for your level out of flashpoints than through quests.

  7. Or he'll go to whatever planet he is leveling on at the time, go crafting, chat or whatever, really.


    What's it to you what he does while waiting anyway? At least with the LFG-tool he is given the choice as to whether go out and get things done instead of standing around in the fleet and spamming in chat.


    If you want the game to be a giant pretty call of duty lobby go for it. You can claim people are going to go do other things, but one they figure out you get more xp chain running flashpoints and better gear than anything you can craft at that level they're just gonna do what they do in wow, stand in one spot and take up space, maybe visit a vendor when their bags fill up and then go back to their pre-designated spot.


    Don't make me laugh with the chat comment. If he actually talked to people I doubt he would have this chronic problem of spamming lfg in general.

  8. Where exactly is the irony? I can't seem to find it.


    He wants to queue up for a flashpoint and do whatever he wishes while he waits for the invite to pop up. Fire and forget. What's wrong with that?


    No, he's going to get out into the world by standing in one place and teleporting instantly to a flashpoint and repeating. That's exactly what's going to happen. That's why there are so many people in org and sw, they're all just standing there waiting for queues to pop.

  9. Just FYI to everyone truly interested in this topic. I just got back from a recent eye exam. They bumped my contact prescription up from -7.5 to -8.0. The doctor asked me what I do for a living, and I told him I am an office admin, I sit at a desk and work on a computer all day, and added I play on my computer as a hobby after work.


    He told me that is why my eyesight is getting progressively more nearsighted, I'm never giving my eyes a chance to relax. He strongly recommended that every 15 minutes or so I should take my eyes off the monitor and try to focus on something off in the distance out a window for a few minutes.


    I figure that advice would benefit everyone, not just those with poor eyesight.

  10. I can do it with a single character too...and fyi, all my PVP is in low-sec and 0.0. You just have to use the right tactics. ;)


    And a single BS/BC camping a gate tanking gate guns is probably the easiest kill ever. Not if you fly a frig, but asking for that to be different is kind of silly given that one costs 200k-20m on average while BS costs a ton more.


    Either way, fighting outnumbered in EVE is totally possible with the right tactics.


    Its so rarely a single BC/BS though. :p F1Nal typically sits on the gate to Amamake with no less than 15 every night. At the very least its an interdictor and a BC/BS. They never catch me in a griffin/kitsune but still. To me, without a pair of eyes in a fast claoky ship you are just a dead ship flying, especially in 0.0. Jumping though gates blindly is not smart and rarely ends well. It only takes one gate camp with a bubble and a few interceptors with a swarm of drones and BC support to ruin any solo players day. The only solo players that I've ever seen escape said gate camps are when they've been deployed too long without any activity and everyone was asleep at the wheel. ;)

  11. That is true in a lot of cases. But it is also the case that, with inventive thinking and planning, you can create a monstrously effective pirate-killer with what looks like a tasty treat-on-a-stick. Without backup. The ship is a shell. What you put in it is up to you.


    No argument there, there are solo bait ships out there. But the players typically negate any awesome ship combo you come up with by making sure they always have an overwhelming advantage. Its a flaw with a chokepoint style navigation system and tackle mechanics. No one wants to be that guy who gets nabbed with his pants down so you get people bringing just overwhelming force, or a bait ship with backup hiding a system over, or you fly small fleet gangs that are hard to tackle, and in that case, there's usually nothing you can do to the bigger ships but fly away and hope 20 jumps down the road you'll run into easier prey.

  12. Just fyi, 95% of my PVP in EVE is either solo or in small 1-3man gangs...and there's plenty of ways to counter zerging if you use your brain. If you allow someone to blob you, it's your own fault 99.9% of the time.


    Hell, I can dual account


    Stopped you right there. Paying 30$ a month to be successful in a game.


    You are a very small minority. I never said what you do never happens, but that's how it works most of the time. True for almost all fleet engagements, small roaming gangs and gate camps. I've only really noticed solo or very small gangs work in low sec or in FW and even those people wave to watch out for pirate corps. Between you and me, frigates are hard to catch on a gate when you have to fly battlecruisers or battleships to tank the gun aggro so I never worried about that much, but then again what can you do to them?

  13. Never been ganked by a Pirate whilst in freighter then?


    And sometimes the inferior ship ain't what it seems!


    Never flew freighters, but I fail to see how getting ganked in a freighter negates my point? :p


    But no, sometimes the inferior ship is a bait ship, but that is my point, that ship has a batphone handy and its a trap, and what comes out the other end is an overwhelming force. There is no skill involved. Not to say it doesn't happen, but so rarely have I seen battles take place pitting equal forces together, its almost always lopsided one way or another.

  14. 7+ years of EVE, never used Excel...you obviously don't know what you're talking about :rolleyes:


    So you've never used EFT? :rolleyes:


    FYI zerging is not hardcore pvp, which is how it works, people rarely attack without having a massive manpower advantage or superior ship advantage or their hand on the batphone. Just sayin'

  15. IIRC, the problem few/some/many (circle one) people had with armory was that it allowed forum posters to critique your character's gear talent points and raid progression and use that information to invalidate any point you may have been trying to make on the forums.


    FWIW +1 for an armory-like system.

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