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Posts posted by Astorath_grim

  1. Ok not sure if this has been posted but because of all this fn pardon my language disney stuff and how they are getting rid of the EU which brought in thousands of fans and so forth i have been hearing that Boba fett and Jango are not Mandalorian and many others we thought where mandalorians might not be. I am sorry i just dont understand that. Why would they do that and is it true that they aren't Mandalorian if not then what are they. I could of sworn that while watching the movies and the clone wars series that the clones war of Mandalorian Decent so wouldn't that make Boba Mandalorian cause he is a clone and in turn jango.


    Also what does that mean this new universe and new canon mean for the mandalorians especially since most mandalorians we know are comics, games and eu?

  2. hello everyone i am here because i am looking for an active and friendly guild on this server for the empire. My old guild died out due to people leaving or not playing anymore and i am in need of a guild. I have 2 sith warriors {one jug and one marauder} 2 sith inquisitors { one sorcerer and one assassin} and one bounty hunter. I have one character at lvl 50 and a few near it and i try to be on as much as i can even though i haven't this year due to a family death but that should change soon. I am very friendly and very helpful.
  3. Yes, I'm a jerk for knowing that you have a handicap with my almighty powers of omnipotence. Im a jerk for defending myself after you jumped my sh*t for my opinion before posting that you should read and understand my post again. Come on, dude. I'm sorry you have a disability, but that doesn't mean you have to be uncivil.


    More to the point of the thread, the rep grinding in WoW became rediculous. With the opening of The Burning Crusade, rep became valuable for everything. But you got rep for doing just about anything, so it was fine. Once Wrath of the Lich King dropped, they tightened up on the rep for things, but gave us the option to buy tabards to improve whichever rep we wanted while we ran dungeons. Also fine. With Firelands, you HAD to grind out the rep if you were raiding. Period. It was not an option. This only stopped once they released Deathwing for us to kill (and what a sad, dissappointing ending that was). Now that Pandaland is out, the rep grind is back with a vengeance. You HAVE to grind the rep to get gear and enchants (mostly enchants) needed for raiding. Additionally, they capped the rep i could obtain by limiting the number of dailies and, while the limit on dailies was removed in MoP, its still artificially capped because i can only get rep from dailies and there are only so many dailies available. There are no tabards for rep anymore. It's basically a 2nd job. That's not fun.


    Back when WoW had no expansions and only a hand full of raids, you got rep for simply showing up and killing monsters (in and out of raids depending on the rep). That was great. Furthermore, there were items available (fluff and progression) once your rep reached certain levels and that was also fine. You could spend all day slaughtering whatever mob to get whatever rep (even in raids so long as you didn't kill a boss and were willing to wait for respawn timers). If EAWare were to follow this rout, there would be no problem. But as it stands now, with their emphasis on end game dailies to gear up for raids (read as "do dailies for comms to get stuff"), any rep grind would most likely end up along the same lines as WoW's current model.



    that was all part of the fun becuase there was a point when people had everything done in wow. also tabards really there were no tabards in the beginning. Tabards where for the people who whined about not being able to get rep fast enough. the rep was a fun thing for people that either had everything else done or just wanted to do it. yes you got stuff but most of it you didnt need and the gear yes it was great but you didnt need it all you had to do was a dungeon and you got good gear. Dallies where and are fun yes the put a a limit on what you could do in a day but so what you had so many dallies anyways that when you where done with one you just went to the other so the limit did help really.i understand your arguement but alot of what you are saying doesnt really go against rep it helps it..if its a second job and no fun then dont do it you dont need the rep the rep and all that is there for people like me who got everything done have a bunch of high level characters and want to do something extra that is fun so rep isnt all that bad.. its just how you look at it. its not for everyone then again nothing is for everyone..

    {i mean heck all i am doing now in wow is doing rep most of my characters are lvl 90 and geared threw dungeons.} also rep is a good thing for those roleplayers out there

  4. I agree with you 100%

    whats the point in having many companions if you can only use one at a time doesnt make sense to me..

    guild wars did it and they did a great job with it. so why cant swtor

  5. Almost a decade of grinding rep suggests I do have an idea of what I'm talking about. I would suggest you read my post a little closer. Literacy is a wonderful thing. Try it sometime.


    I have about the same experience as you and i did read your post but you are just one person many people like my self want this . most of the rep stuff you get on other games isnt needed anyways for missions and stuff its just fun to get and adds something to the game for those who have nothing to do at the moment.


    i am sorry i am not as smart as you it is not my fault i am disabled and Have a mental disabilitie. jerk

  6. Hello i truly believe swtor needs these or could use them


    the first is a droid class . where you are a droid like the one the republic trooper gets and as you level up you get bigger and better weapons tht would be awesome. i have always loved the idea of playing a droid or some kind


    the second is a pet / beast master class where the pets actually fight by your side. yes i know people will say well we have companions . yes companions are good but they arnt the same thing. i know people say oh they have pets well the pets dont fight with you.. and it can be done i mean in return of the jedi there was a beast master. it would be awesome. you would be a beastmaster/hunter almost and as you leveled up you could get better beasts that could fight with you..almost every game like this has a hunter type class where you can fight with pets why cant you its not that hard


    the other is like an admiral/general/office class almost where you got to command troopers and stuff and when you where in space you would have a bigger ship and maybe even a fleet and you would be able to use maybe everyonce in a while on the ground a big vehicle or actually command some battles. i think that would be neat.


    also would like to see alien maybe parasit class or something like the yong von or like how darth banes armor was and it would go from there.


    also for races i would love to see trendos, Kaleesh , rodians, mon kalimaris and so forth it would be good and some of them would fit the classes


    Class or advanced class orented missions. basicly special missions just for your class

    so say like you are a sniper you would get special missions where you needed to take our say a senator or republic leader with out them knowing or something that would even work for an assassins


    say for republic trooper there would be a mission where you needed to lead your unit into combat and hold a place or something


    also i believe that there should be missions or quests where yuou can fight along side all your companions and such . i love the companions its just it sucks when you have to pick just one to you..

    maybe like a special mission where you need to go in take something and hold it or something


    also i would like to see big battlegrounds maybe in pvp where you actually got to use the combat vehilces like tanks and transports and such. that would be awesome..


    another thing i would like to see is missions maybe for like the assassin {cuase of the force ghost thing} where you got to go back into the past like in a vision and fight with or against like naga shadow or help destroy or defend the jedi temple or something and be part of that history.


    also make it where you cna turn ashara tot he darkside. its needed it doesnt seem fair that you can turn jeasa to the darkside but not ashara

  7. Every class is a pet class... thats what companions are.


    Glorified pets.


    every class isnt a pet class

    do the pets fight no they dont

    also companions arnt the same thing as pets.. sorry


    i agree i would love to have some kind of pet class

  8. Please, for the love of Christ, no more rep grinding. It wasn't so bad for the first 4 years, but now it's just become a stupid, monotonous, pain in the butt.


    BioWare, if you're reading this and planning on going ahead with it, don't tie the rep grinding to progression. Leave it to fluff items. Having to grind dailies for a week on a faction just to get a stupid item thats essential to your raid group isn't fun. It's more like work. Which I already do for a living. I don't want to do it during my down time, too. Furthermore, don't artificially cap progress on grinding rep should you do it. If I want to spend 20 hours killing the same type of mob in order to cap out my rep, let me. That's what I want to do with my game time. If I wanted to do something else, I would have. If you won't let me do what I wanted to do, then I might as well go play something else (I'm lookin at you ActiBlizzion :mad:)




    you do not know what you are talking about.

    rep grinding is good especially if you get things from it.. like say you grind rep for the night sisters .. at the end one of the items you can get is there light whip or something.. its not that bad..


    i want rep grinding. if you are reading this Bio put it in. and for those who dont like it guess what you dont have to do it..

    but to many of us we like the rep grinding and its fun

  9. Hello i know i am taking this from world of warcraft and yes i play it but i think it would fit awesome with this game


    i think you aka swtor should set up like a bunch of factions and make it to where you get rep with them and you can unlock stuff that youi can only get from the faction as the rep goes up there.

    what i mean by factiosn is like the sith, maybe mandos, maybe organas and so forth

    each side would of either familys or units or what ever they can get rep from

  10. i want an officer class almost..

    like where the advanced classes area admiral or general and you get certain things and when your in space you get bigger ships or do special space missions where you command a fleet or something like that


    maybe a pure diplomatic class like a senator or something..


    or a pilot class or something like that


    even maybe like a nightsisters class or something that would be awesome

  11. It would not be easy to do...

    You would need: a whole new companion quest set, lots of new voice over, new less "light side abilities", maybe even new animations.

    I have a feeling you JUST got her. Do her quests and continue the story, she is not as light sided as you think, she is neutral weighing heavier on light sided mindset.


    don't worry though, at lvl 47ish you get ur pure dark apprentice xalek.


    it really wouldnt be that hard to do actually just add it in a patch or update to where you can turn her to the darkside and darkside choices effect her in a good away and such.. i doubt it actually be that hard to do


    also xalek isnt that great would rather have a full darkside ashara

  12. I like what you want but there are already alot of force classes and in my opinion not enough regular

    also you cna do this all you have to do for your sith character is do all lightside choices and for your jedi all darkside and there you go

  13. Ok i dont know if this has bugged others as much as me

    but as a sith warrior you get Jeasa who is a jedi and you can turn to the darkside yet for the sith inquistor you get ashara who is a jedi but you cant turn her to the darkside. it just doesnt make sense to me. you should be able to turn ashara to the darkside like jeasa that and that really bugs me. Please please make it possible to turn Ashara to the darkside. i doubt it is that hard to do could even put it in a patch but i would love the option to make her become a sith and i am probably not the only person would would like to see this

  14. Hello everyone i have been playing since it first came out

    i have a merc, jug, assassin, sorc, marauder, Sniper, republic trooper, jedi sage

    i want to make a new class i do both pvp, and pve.. i am trying to decide between Operative and pyrotech

    does anyone have any suggestions or know what would be better..would realy love the help

  15. here is my suggestion i think swtor should do three things

    first bring in more playable races like the mon calimaris, the tuskens, the wookies, the nodilans, rodians, and so forth. there are so many that you can and should bring in and make playable. i know as a giant star wars fan i would love to play some of those and most people would

    also i think you should make it to where besides classes later on you can do jobs in the imperial or republic army like spec ops, trooper, pilot or something or even make it to where you can do missions where you command a fleet or a unit of star fighters into battle


    also i think you should make it to where you can use flying vehicles on maps not just in space


    i would also like to suggest either more classes or advanced classes maybe like imperial or republic fighter pilot

    or a republic sniper or something.


    maybe do special missions for the advanced classes there are now like for instant the sith assassin gets missions where they have to do assassination missions or something or stealth take out missions


    maybe even make flash points where you go back to the past in like a vision and get to see like naga sadow and such or something along that line.. also more planets and missions on other planets that dont have missions..

  16. I was woundering does anyone think they will bring in more playable races like the Togruts, rodians, Tuskens {there was a sith and jedi tusken he was darth Kryat}, Wookies, maybe mon calimaries , or other races not sure


    was just woundering if anyone thought they would bring in any more races and if so what races.

    or even more classes

  17. Hello i was told to come here to get some advice on a juggernaught build..

    i have been scanning the internet for builds and help with no luck..


    i am looking to build a juggernaugt tank who can realy go up against anything and all most always when. I have the idea of building a darth malgus or vader type juggernaught and i am slowly getting the equipment and items but for the life of me i dont know what skill tree or trees to use and how to distribute the points can any one help or does anyone have suggests or advice at all


    right now i mainly do pve but would like to also get into a little pvp..

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