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Posts posted by Matrikks

  1. Just to start, I love warrior :D


    And with that out of the way, i was just wondering if at any point I can get an orange that has


    a cape, I love me a cape, and when I watched the progression video, neither the jugg or


    marauder had a cape at the last tier. Can they both get capes? and if so, will the piece end up


    looking good or ridiculous (based on how it would look with other lvl 50 gear)?


    Thx a bundle :)


  2. heck yes i am stayin. I got a lot of friends playin and this game is seriously just a breath of


    fresh air for me. Some people say the story is the ONLY DIFFERENCE from WoW. Well not


    only is this wrong, but i love the story. So if that is all that is different, then that is


    enough...keep it up bioware and dont listen to the QQers-its 1 month old for goodness sake :D



  3. Hey fellow swtorers of the galaxy!


    I Have come to you today with a plea, a request, a question...


    I would love to know your comments on these two different gaming rigs


    One on the cheaper side, and one on the more expensive side.


    What I ask of you is to help me with price, at first I thought about the cheaper model, and I assumed it the better buy because it is cheaper, then I saw that the CPU is a Pentium...


    Please tell me adjustments I should make to the cheaper one to be able to play on ULTRA!


    I do not quite want to pay the full 1200 for the super duper one but the other seems a bit cheap


    Cheaper gaming rig: http://www.diyallday.com/example-parts-list-the-budget-gaming-system/


    Ultra Gaming rig: http://www.diyallday.com/example-parts-list-the-high-performance-gaming-system/


    Thank you for your assistance and I hope you all have joy playin the Old Republic :)



  4. Oh I ahve two :)


    1) I was running Cademimu with some guildies and there is this elevator towards the beginning...well lets just say I fell through and died twice lol. Then there is a second big elevator before last boss taht5 I fell through THREE TIMES LOL! We had so much fun :)


    2) Sith Inquisitor knocking robots off the edge in Naga Sadow Hehe

  5. So I have been playing swtor quite avidly lately. however, not close to the way i would like to.


    I currently play on a cheap HP desktop and am on the lowest possible settings without turning off the depth of conversation one. With all of this, i get a peak performance of 16 fps.


    I am not trying to point fingers at Bioware at all, it is totally not their fault, I just want to know what specs you guys would recommend to run this game on max settings.


    I am looking to spend around 1000-1100 maximum.

    I gladly accept all advice and tips!


    Happy New year and SWTORing to you all! :)


  6. Th general way to do this seems to be to kite the boss down the hall to the exploding canister, stand on the canister,and when the adds come, blown it up. I have yet to try doing it this way but I was also experiencing major problems with it. Also, make sure that if you are a deception assassin you are dumping lightning charge for surging charge asap!
  7. Sup peeps, I am just wondering WHERE THE HECK IS THE SEARCH FEATURE FOR THE FORUMS? This is leading to some problems.


    For instance, lets say I have a technical issue, I would love to be able to just search the forums and possibly find a solution.


    And it would also reduce repeated threads...it seems that some threads are repeated everyday because the writer assumes that nobody has posted it yet.


    Finally, MMOers are lazy, so PLEASE DO THIS SOON! ;)


    With hopes of a trolless holiday to you all and a Merry Christmas,



    p.s.: I am not trying to sound angry, just wondering :)

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