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Posts posted by LycheeJuice

  1. 1 hour ago, brandonstreett said:

    Yes!! Using the 10,000-credit artifact/purple gifts from the companion gift vendor on the fleet (in the GTN quadrant) it should take 461 gifts to go from 1-50 according to @Drenovade's post from 2021 https://forums.swtor.com/topic/905507-companion-gift-efficiency-guide-1-50-influence/ assuming nothing has changed since 6.0. It sounds about right, since I typically buy 450 if I use this method, and then a few more to top em off.

    Note that it can be tricky because the in-game tooltip uses "Large Influence Gain" rather loosely. For example, just tested on an unloved Broonmark 3 items that said "Large..." with each item giving a different amount of influence at the same level: Mil Gear +200; Tech +449; Weapon +799. If you don't want to deal with figuring that out by trial and error you can just check swtorista's companion guide which, of course, tells you which gifts they LOVE https://swtorista.com/companions

    At 461 gifts, assuming you've unlocked the 3x10% gift influence perks (Character Perks>Legacy of Altruism) which initially cost some number of creds, that would be 4,610,000 creds...and 461 clicks lol. As @TrixxieTriss mentioned above, it's great to keybind them, or what I do is put them on an empty quickbar slot and use whatever keybind might already be attached to said slot--based on slot availability of course lolll. Cheers!

    Ahh ok. Good thing to know someone already calculated it out too, heh. Thank you. Also, I go to swtorista for all my swtor needs since I started playing again :) (absolutely amazing website!). Same with the keybindings as well (I usually set it to one of the single letter or digit keybinds I have to make it easier for me). 

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  2. On 1/20/2024 at 2:46 PM, brandonstreett said:

    Ahh true. But it costs less money to just buy purple companion gifts from the gift npc and a few minutes to get a companion to 50.

    Wait, does it really cost less money to just buy the purple companion gifts from the gift NPC compared to doing the whole getting/crafting Dark Projects + 4.5 mil creds??? I personally just want to get to lvl 30 influence at least for all companions on all on my toons 'cause I use them for crafting mainly.... but still, is it still cheaper overall to just buy the purple companion gifts???

  3. Yup. As long as you can get to Nar Shadda you can do it. The casino is reachable by taxi service. Additionally, if you have access to the VIP lounge on fleet, they have the machines up there also but not the quests.


    Sorry to reply so late. But I can only go to Nar Shadda if I have my personal starship right? And if so, when do I usually get it? Is it after finishing the capital world?

  4. Well the sorcerer combat style can only do heal or dps. When set to a dps discipline you would have some heal ability, but not as much as if you set the heal discipline. If you wanted the ability to sometimes tank then you would need a second style (assassin or juggernaut or even shadow or guardian if you lean to the light side), and to set the tank discipline on that style. But to choose a second style you must first finish your origin story, then as a subscriber you would have the option to choose one.


    You would set up each combat style with a discipline and save each in its own layout, then you would switch layouts to change and not the combat style page unless you wanted to alter something in your ability choices.


    Ohhh ok. That explains it really well. Thank you thank you :)

  5. The only thing I'd add would be to stress the "if" factor. That is IF you want to use combat styles, that's what you would do, but you could just ignore the whole 'styles' thing if you want and just stick to the base config.

    That is, for example, you could just make an Imperial Sorcerer that only has "Sorcerer" as the 'style'.


    Ahhh ok. Thank you for saying that. I am guessing that the combat styles are more like a preference thing if someone likes different playstyles. Also, if for example, my only character is a sith sorc, I can basically can do all 3 main roles, right? Like DPS, Healer and Tank? For mainly like harder mobs or even doing flashpoints and/or operations.

  6. So after reading over on combat styles and loadouts are, since I have played off and on but I don't have like the Light V achievement or Dark V achievement AND I have not finished any of the stories for any of the classes, I only get to choose like the respective force-aligned classes. So basically what a new player will experience playing for the 1st time.


    What I mean is like say that I want to play a Sith Sorc. I can only choose between the 4 force-using classes on the Sith side like the Juggernaut, Marauder, Sorceror and Assassin. Since I chose to play a Sith Sorc, I will experience the Sith Inquisitor storyline, right? There are basically 4 different class stories for each side so a total of 8 different class stories, which was like this before the expansion as well. The loadouts on the other hand, will allow me to be any of the Sith force-using classes as one of my loadouts. There are only 2 choices of loadouts, 1st loadout and 2nd loadout, I think (which is only available to Subscribers I guess).


    So if I wanted to play the Sith Inq class story, I can choose my 1st and 2nd loadouts from among the 4 different advanced classes on the Sith side? Also, if I get the Light V achievement, then I can choose among 8 different advanced force-using classes, 4 from each side? Another thing I think I understand is all the classes have their own abilities with their own animations so both of those will change if I choose 2 different advanced classes for my 2 loadouts, right?


    Hope I explained everything fully but if not, let me know if I missed anything. I got all of this from the swtorista.com.


    Can anyone let me know if I am correct in what I said above?

  7. For the stories, I'd probably restart them - you'll pick up on a lot more details that way.


    For the loadouts, think of it this way:

    A sorcerer can either be set up to do healing or to do ranged damage with lightning. Loadouts let you set up both options and switch between them when you want to. If you're just playing for the story, then you probably don't need that, so you can just ignore the loadout screen altogether.


    So after reading over on combat styles and loadouts are, since I have played off and on but I don't have like the Light V achievement or Dark V achievement AND I have not finished any of the stories for any of the classes, I only get to choose like the respective force-aligned classes. So basically what a new player will experience playing for the 1st time.


    What I mean is like say that I want to play a Sith Sorc. I can only choose between the 4 force-using classes on the Sith side like the Juggernaut, Marauder, Sorceror and Assassin. Since I chose to play a Sith Sorc, I will experience the Sith Inquisitor storyline, right? There are basically 4 different class stories for each side so a total of 8 different class stories, which was like this before the expansion as well. The loadouts on the other hand, will allow me to be any of the Sith force-using classes as one of my loadouts. There are only 2 choices of loadouts, 1st loadout and 2nd loadout, I think (which is only available to Subscribers I guess).


    So if I wanted to play the Sith Inq class story, I can choose my 1st and 2nd loadouts from among the 4 different advanced classes on the Sith side? Also, if I get the Light V achievement, then I can choose among 8 different advanced force-using classes, 4 from each side? Another thing I think I understand is all the classes have their own abilities with their own animations so both of those will change if I choose 2 different advanced classes for my 2 loadouts, right?


    Hope I explained everything fully but if not, let me know if I missed anything. I got all of this from the swtorista.com.

  8. Hey guys.


    I just subbed for a 2 month subscription so I can post on these forums. Last time I played was more than an year ago I think. I have downloaded the new patch already and the game is ready to play but I am extremely confused on the new things they added. Specifically the combat styles and loadouts. I am very unsure on what exactly they are. What is the function of them? Why were they added or what was the purpose for adding them? How do I go about using these things?


    I have played on and off since release of SWTOR so I have made multiple chars. None of them have finished their 1st chapter yet of their class storyline (one or two of my chars might have almost finished it but not sure of it... I think my sniper and my sorc... maybe). I created a sith sorc, a sith assa, a sith sniper, a sith operative and a pub shadow again like more than an year ago. They are like in their lvl 20s I think so they have not even finished half of chapter 1 storyline (or maybe like 1/10 of it, I am not sure). Should I recreate them again to experience them again since I totally forgot what I chose for their conversations so I don't even know where to resume off or if it would even make sense anymore now to me? I don't mind at all recreating or replaying their storylines for the 3rd time for any of those classes but I would like to know how exactly combat styles and loadouts work.


    My main purpose of playing SWTOR this time around (or even whenever I started or restarted playing it) is to experience the whole storyline fully of each class(?) story. I am unsure on how the stories for these classes or advanced classes or whatever they are now. I basically want to experience every storyline offered basically on both Republic and Sith sides. How should I go about doing this? I don't mind the overlap of like the side stories so I don't mind redoing them multiple times at all. Just need to be able to do each of the main class storylines offered in SWTOR.


    Sorry for the long post but I have been meaning to start playing SWTOR again yet was confused on how the new expansion/patch has changed the classes and stuff.


    Thanks in advance.

  9. So I played for 45 minutes before I had a crash to desktop (it had froze for 10 seconds before it crashed). I got no BSODs and no error pop-up. Just a CTD I think it's called. I need to refresh my memory and read this thread again to see what solutions you guys gave... But I wanted to give an update nonetheless. The cleaning the dust out thing didn't help fix the issue I guess.


    EDIT: Gonna do the sound card removal and get back to you guys by tomorrow.

  10. OMG, I was wondering what was happening to my Nautolan female sith sorc when I was playing her. She would do this extremely weird looking animation where she would raise her arm and her head would disappear and thought, oh it's just a bug... lol. Hopefully it gets fixed soon, it ruins the immersion a bit while playing.
  11. I assume something worked, since you have not been heard from in 5 days?


    Oh I am so sorry. I actually haven't played SWTOR that much since then :eek:. I should've gotten back to you guys. Really sorry about that. I will test it in the next few days but it's hard to devote time to two MMORPGs that I love equally for different reasons.

    I will play a few hours and check back here within the next day or two. I was having issues in playing WoW too (my other MMO)... like BSODs and Error #132s if anyone is familiar with it. I was testing out solutions for those errors in WoW for the past few days that I forgot about SWTOR lol. I have this thread bookmarked so I will definitely come back and let you guys know whether I get crashes still or not.

  12. Ok, the Corsair is a good brand, the age shouldn't be a problem with that one. I have home-built systems that are just as old, HTPC and gaming desktop PC, it works flawlessly. I did though have to exchange my sound card from 2006 ;-)


    Do the sound card removal and check back in.


    Oh, that's good to hear about the PSU.

    I have just cleaned out the dust from my computer. It was ridiculous how much dust there was, took me like half an hour or more to clean it thoroughly. I am gonna test SWTOR soon since I cleaned the dust out and see if I get any crashes, then if I do, then I will remove the sound card and test it that way.


    Thank you everyone for the responses and advice.

  13. Your BIOS is up to date, unless you wish to install the beta version 3.00, it can be done safely through a exe in windows. I wouldn't be concerned about messing it up, most motherboards have the ability to reset to factory settings even if messed up, you won't break anything. Regardless, you do not need to update it. To update a BIOS is a common thing people will tell anyone in hardware support as a means to root out potential issues and ensure no old drivers on the customers end. Your issue is most likely a faulty driver/software somewhere.


    If it does not work with the sound card removal, I suggest you to lower graphic settings, or monitor heat on GPU/CPU while gaming and check the fans are all spinning and dust-off your cabinet.


    If I may ask, what is the PSU name and brand?


    I do not know or recall much about SWTOR installation, but I've seen a few threads on that bit-raider thing inhere as of late.


    Ah ok. I will not update BIOS then.


    I still have to do the sound card removal test but I want to completely clean out the dust in my computer first before doing that.


    I had to dig this up from when I asked about something related to computers on another website... I realized that my computer was made (not pre-built, I chose the parts but the computer store put everything together) back in either 2012 or 2013. So this PSU is about 7 or 8 years old now. Along with the RAM, motherboard and processor. I upgraded to SSD like a few years ago and I got the video card like 3 years ago I think.


    Here is the model and brand of my PSU:


    Corsair Professional HX650W 650W ATX 12V 52A 24PIN ATX Modular Power Supply Active PFC 120mm Fan

  14. You certainly do not need a new processor for SWTOR, it is still pretty good for its age. Of course it all depends on the games you play, newer FPS games could benefit from 8 core/threads processors.


    I honestly doubt you've a BIOS issue, you can download the program CPU-Z and it will tell you the motherboard version and BIOS version. Then you can go and check the manufacturers homepage. There is probably a new BIOS version if you didn't touch it since it was built. It is normally a easy operation to do that, your BIOS setup menu on startup might even be able to update it automatically over the internet cable.


    I had CPU-Z installed from before so I checked the motherboard version and BIOS version. The name of the motherboard is ASRock Z77 Extreme4. I don't see the version for it though. The BIOS brand is American Megatrends Inc., version is P2.90 and date is 07/11/2013. Should I update it? It seems like it's really old lol.


    I heard online that updating BIOS is very dangerous and that if I mess up, I would need to get a new motherboard. You mentioned that I can update it through the BIOS setup in startup... You mean when I restart and then press Del or F2 or whatever to get that menu screen? I am guessing it is the BIOS screen but wanted to confirm just in case. If I update it through there, would it update automatically without me having to search online for the latest BIOS version and download it and then install it in Windows?



    EDIT #1:


    I have another problem I noticed just now. Supposedly, I think I "re-download" all the files for SWTOR again due to something to do with BitRaider. I don't know if I deleted it or disabled or something I can't recall at all but the launcher I remember was downloading everything again. Maybe it was repairing? I am not sure. It's very odd that I don't remember what I actually did to download SWTOR again but the problem I have is that it downloaded the directories and files into my Download folder on my C drive, which has only my OS on it. So SWTOR is in two places at once lol. How can I like... fix this? I don't even know where to even begin. Should I delete all the SWTOR files in my Download folder or should I uninstall SWTOR and re-install SWTOR again on my other SSD which has all of my other games?


    EDIT #2:


    So I deleted all the directories and files that were related to SWTOR in my Download folder and then I also uninstalled SWTOR in Windows. Now I am installing it again and seeing if it works.

  15. Yes you remove it from the PCI/PCI-E slot. I checked the latest drivers, no newer than when Windows 10 was released, so the problem from 2018 most likely still persist. As much as I love sound cards, their driver support is poor when they get aged.


    The fall update of 2018 is implemented in all windows 10 versions, it is up to ASUS to provide drivers that support the operating system in its current state.


    Ah ok. Thank you. I will remove the sound card and see if SWTOR crashes or not.

    I checked the ASUS site to see when their latest driver they have was updated and it says that it is Version from 2015/10/23. That is the one I have currently installed as well. I am guessing that's really old in terms of driver updates go.


    The thing is though I never had an issue with the sound card for SWTOR on Windows 7. Or with anything else at all actually. No crashes whatsoever on Windows 7. I was even thinking of going back to Windows 7 but that's not possible anymore lol. And it's not supported either anymore by Microsoft. And I only have the CD-KEY.

  16. Make sure ALL your drivers are up to date. Get the latest Windows 10 drivers from your computer/motherboard maker's website.


    Reset/clear you CMOS/BIOS or enter the BIOS and "load defaults".


    I used to have an i5-3570. All I can say is, it's past time to upgrade. 🙂


    For which hardware should I get drivers for? I am always confused on what to upgrade and where to go to upgrade them.

    How do I found out my computer/motherboard maker's website? Is it ASRock? I used to have the box the motherboard came in but I don't remember it exactly. I got my computer made by a computer store but I told them which parts to get. It's not a pre-built system. It's just that I didn't personally make it, the store people put it altogether.


    How do I reset/clear my CMOS/BIOS or enter the BIOS to load defaults? I have never done this before.


    I remember buying i5-3570 when it was current. Don't know how long ago was that though lol. It's probably very old now.

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