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Posts posted by trakmiro

  1. I'm also on Satele Shan and experiencing lag and long waits for everything. Just logging in took a 2 or 3 minutes. The first attempt I was sent to the server list and couldn't log in to the server at all (several minutes of waiting) so I had to quit and try again, Then it still took a while to log in on the second attempt.

    Just hanging in my stronghold now and Mail doesn't work. Items fro GTM take seconds to register a click to buy them.

  2. Probably off on an epic drunk somewhere.


    He's gone for me too.


    I had used the token to get Nico on several toons and today he is gone from the crew skills menu and while he is listed in Companions and Contacts window, I can't call him from there to use as an active companion.

  3. This bug is still happening. I've reported it several times over the months that it has been happening. (since launch)


    It's extremely frustrating that a known bug can go unfixed for so long and isn't even included in the Known Issues thread, how is that possible as several people have reported it over a period of months?


    A reply from the staff would be very much appreciated.

  4. My one suggestion would be to make it feel and LOOK much more like Star Wars to attract fans. Right now it feels very generic to me. But I guess you could say the same thing to George Lucas.





  5. I'm a relative newb so I'm not always sure when I see something strange that it's cheating or a bug or some event I just don't understand or know about. But I frequently see players just vanish when they get in trouble during PvP and no kill is credited. I 've wondered if they were teleporting away.

    The other day while playing Huttball I saw a player *in the Pit* before the game had started. Talk about being too obvious.

  6. Thanks.


    I looked at the link with the chart showing social gear and googled more. I have to say that IMHO it doesn't look much better than Battlemaster or War Hero gear anyway. :^/ (some of which reminds me more of Transformers than of Star Wars) Certainly none of it looks like what I think of when I picture smuggler from Star Wars.

    I'm disappointed. I hope someday in the not too distant future they'll add some better options to customize the way the gear looks. For now I'm stuck looking like a earthtoned superman.

  7. OK, I'm fairly new to this kind of game so i have a couple of what might seem like obvious questions. please bear with me.

    Which gear qualifies as "social" gear and can I use adaptive gear to effectively replace PvP gear?

    I have a lvl 50 smuggler in Battlemaster gear that I want to look like a smuggler and not a caped, super hero so I was hoping to use some of the gear I'd save from lower levels. Can I do this?


    If there is a good tutorial on how this stuff is supposed to work I;d be grateful if someone could provide a link to it.



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