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Posts posted by Dionx

  1. Are you a tank? I have 21k HP, which means I'm in Rakata/Columi gear. Do you have any idea what a 4k heal does for me in an operation when the healer's been stunned or is out of range?

    Well as a dps in rakata/columi, I have almost 19k HP, so a 4k heal doesn't do much more for me than for you. It's even worse since the +15% health bonus is useless as a dps when it's pretty good for a tank.


    For you DPS and healers, medpacs are fine it heals at least a third of your lifebar, if not more. Tanks? It does nothing. Like I said, as the tank it's not even worth the global cooldown to use it.

    Like I said before, any dps/heal doing pve have at least 17-18k hp, there's no way a 4k medpack will heal a third of anyone's lifebar. Also it doesn't take a global cooldown.

  2. Your point? Why can they not also be used in the field? A consular/inquisitor can, why can't the rest of us as effectively?


    Doesn't matter since everyone at lvl 50 will be in their class pve/pvp gear. Except when afking at the fleet or something where they could wear a social armor set, but then it doesn't matter if it's light or not.

  3. Yep, the fact that BioWare thinks that anything less than an IMMEDIATE hotfix the INSTANT that someone reported this issue is enough is *********** unacceptable.


    I seriously cannot believe they try and use the excuse "we know about the issue but it takes time to fix these things."


    They are obligated to know IMMEDIATELY what the cause of any given issue is and fix it IMMEDIATELY, and even MORE so when it affects gameplay as harshly as this issue does.


    The saddest part is, people actually buy into that excuse when they use it.


    "We know about the problem, but we don't know how to fix it. Just give us some time."


    NO. Beta was your "time". Know immediately how to fix a problem, and fix it. Nothing less is acceptable. Ever.


    In fact it's a pretty minor issue considering there are still people that can't play the game AT ALL or you know, how so many ppl experience huge lag spike in warzone <- these are huge issue, not hey sometimes your daily pvp doesn't record your win.

  4. Que ca soit en pvp ou en pve c'est "pratiquement" le seul métier utile une fois lvl 50 et un minimum stuff. On peut rajouter la cybernetique et ses grenades à la limite, mais à mon sens ca équivaut pas à medpack + stim + adrenal à la fois réutilisable ET supérieur aux bleu qu'on peut vendre (et que tout le monde peut utiliser donc)
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