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Posts posted by rsuhandy

  1. Then maybe another progression thread needs to be started because I have heard from a few players that you are not the best to deal with.


    Why don't you try claiming that kill as a guild clear on another server then, you'll find that they most servers wouldn't count it as a guild clear either. Other servers have stricter rules when it comes to claiming guild clears.

    Why should this server be any different?

  2. Congrats folks!

    DWBI and Ascension would be close as well, but one hour a week doesn't really do much lol :)


    But hey, we were server 1st 10% :D

    (Probably not, but at least we tried to get somewhere lol)



    You guys got to 10%?

    That's good, and frankly I'm surprised that you didn't push to kill it after being so close.


    Good luck on your next pull though, if you're able to get it to 10% then you'll have no problem killing it assuming you have enough dps.

  3. Why do we post here? Well that should be obvious, right? We're all bored since Bioware/EA decided it would be a better business move to focus on content for casual gamers rather than release difficult raid content on a timely basis. Posting inflammatory comments makes for entertaining fodder to laugh about while we're farming DF/DP for like the millionth time. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), people on the Harbinger forums aren't as given to troll feeding as people are here.


    The solution is simple. Just ignore me or anyone else that trolls these forums, right? Not a lot of people do that. Why is that? Because everyone enjoys the sensationalist nature of these posts. Everyone (including myself) loves to talk smack about others and revel in the base aspects of human nature. Basic tribalistic psychology at its best.


    Actually Bart I was giving you the benefit of not being a complete *******.

    But thanks for coming out and saying you're a jerk and frankly I'm glad you left the server.

  4. Hit and Run also ran into problems maintaining a consistent 8 man group when we were progressing through NiM TFB in 72 gear. The talent pool on BC is so shallow that if you lose just one member in your raid group, you're pretty much screwed. This is what ultimately led us to decide to transfer. Since we've moved to The Harbinger, we've had significantly less problem finding talented players to fill two raid groups.


    The bottom line is that BC is a terrible place if your primary or exclusive focus on the game is raiding.


    If you only care about raiding and treat it like a job then yes, but I for one like to have fun since this is JUST A GAME.

    I have friends on this server and transferring all of our alts would be quite expensive. I don't want to spend close to 20,000cc just to move servers so that I can do PVE content that I could do on BC. If you're able to justify putting in more money into this game then you already have then great, but it's not like the bosses on another server are more difficult. I think the recent clears of NIM S&V by DOA and Ascension show that the players on this server can clear whatever they want should they choose to. Like your guild DOA and Ascension had people, myself included, go on a long hiatus in the summer that halted NIM progression for the server. But unlike you guys both guilds decided that they cared more about the people on the server then killing a raid boss, and unlike you guys both guilds probably saved quite a bit of money in server transfer costs; sorry we all can't be rich like you guys =P

    Also keep in mind that the raiding community on BC is more casual as we aren't skipping work or pulling long nights to kill a boss, at least my raid group doesn't. We go at our own pace, and for the amount of time we put into an instance I think we're doing just fine. My raid group probably put in no more then 15 hours into NIM S&V before we got Dragonslayer. How much time did your ELITE guild put into it?


    Just a couple more questions to all you "#ELITE" raiders from Harbinger:

    Why are you still posting on BC forums if you think it's such a crummy place? :rak_02:

    Shouldn't you be posting on the Harbinger forums? You did move there after all....

  5. I agree with Zu and that loser Ammut, you need to have 78 mainhands before you even attempt the hateful. In my opinion it is the toughest boss in the game, even though in 78s you technically over gear the instance. Unless you are clearing 16 man hm DP consistently, I do not think your group has the coordination to take down the hateful. I know this may sound mean, but I am just being honest and truthful with you.


    You do not Need 78 mainhands as Severity showed that it was possible to do it without them.

    However 78 mainhands would make the fight alot easier as the DPS check is tight and having more DPS would give you more margin for error.

  6. Hello,


    I am also looking for a new ops group.

    I am from the same guild as the OP.

    Here is my parse 3291


    We are both experienced raiders that are looking for a server with a healthier community.

  7. Actually the main reason WRF blew up was because I allowed too many egocentric DoA'ers in the guild that were begging for a new home to go to. The guild became a mix mash of people that couldn't work together and didn't like playing together. My biggest mistake as GM was in letting people join because I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. If I'd let it grow slowly and organically, sticking to my guns about not letting pretentious epeeners into the guild and fostering a healthy, funly competitive environment things would have been much different. Sometimes it is better to not clear content first and do it with people you want to be around than to recruit anti-social egomaniacs to try and get that server first clear in.


    That said, you guys may not have been running the progression thread, but you damned sure made multiple attempts to claim you were first to clear content when you weren't. You guys were also caught red handed editing your parses to make it look like you had the best of every class in the guild when that was clearly not the case. Yes, you have some good players. Your attitudes also stink, your guild environment is toxic and your abilities don't live up to the hype.


    Some proof on this would be nice.

    Otherwise you're really just making yourself look foolish.

  8. Don't feel too bad Thorazine. DoA is just clinging sadly to their laurels gone by. They've also /always/ been the ones in charge of the progression/dps/epeen threads on the forum with questionable objectivity and accuracy.


    I never thought I'd come to H/R's defense, but there you have it. I think I just ate crow. :rolleyes:


    Fairly certain the Progression thread was run by El Elyon for a very long time. I think it was then passed to Melyn, then someone on the IMP side, then to EPIC's GM, and then finally Kenji in DOA. Just thought i'd help set your facts straight.

  9. Saying that Hit and Run wouldn't be able to clear it without DWBI and DoA is completely false. For that day we wouldnt have been able to clear it, but since the content was released we have had been pulling both operator 9 and DG(we have cleared dg every week since then with out current group). I wanted it to count as a guild kill because prior to having vaei and Desi, we were a full guild team and we put in a lot of hours working out strategies. The day gag and Kenji stepped in, was to replace to of our raiders who had to leave our group for various reasons, but the weeks prior we had gotten kelsara to 20% and op9 to 5%, so a lot of the work was put in prior. I understand with the current rules we will not get a guild kill and I think it sucks since the core of this group has been representing hit and run since march.


    Sorry if you took what I wrote as saying Hit and Run wasn't capable of clearing NIM Dread Guards at all. If you read what I wrote all I was implying is that you couldn't have cleared it without Gag and Kenji on that particular kill. If you could have then why did you search out of guild? My point is why didn't you give any credit to Gag and Kenji? IIRC whenever Ascension killed anything they always acknowledged their PUGS, for instance when they acknowledged Flintece when he helped them clear 10 stack Dreadtooth. By claiming it as a Hit and Run kill you selfishly take away from their contributions, since, AFAIK, they are not affiliated with Hit and Run in anyway. As Bart implied, all you would have to do is re-post a kill with your current group that has killed OPIX and Kephess and this would all be a non-issue.

  10. Regarding the Hit and Run Kephess kill, the raid consisted of the following:


    Battkt (Hit and Run)

    Hachi (Hit and Run)

    Stormdemon (Hit and Run)

    Thorazine (Hit and Run)

    Artamon (Hit and Run)

    Bart's-slinger (Doomed Lemming. Alt, Barts-scoundrel in Hit and Run)

    Desiirea (Asension)

    Vaei (Infamous)


    So what's the problem? Is the rule that progression only counts toward groups whose members are all in one guild? If so, then most Ascension and Doomed Lemming boss kills during after 2.0 no longer count towards progression here, since DL's group includes Kira (Infamous) and Ascension's group includes Urshanabi (Doomed Lemming). (Not that either guild cares, btw).


    I'm also fine with using our raid group name (Model Minority), if people insist against counting this as guild progression.


    I think the reason for this discussion and the new rules is to prevent instances like Hit and Run's claim of NIM Dread Guards. I know for a fact one of the non-guilded members in that group didn't really think it was right for Hit and Run to claim that kill as their own. In my opinion that was a PUG raid and was a PUG clear. Claim it as such and give proper credit to those that helped out. The OPIX and Kephess kills are much more respectable in my opinion as that seems to be a set group. However, if Hit and Run can claim NIM Dread Guards with that group then should DWBI and DOA also get credit as Hit and Run wouldn't have been able to clear it without the people from those guilds?

  11. Sorry, I didnt mean to insult anyone but I was not aware that DoA and DL were sister guilds. And I submitted my kills before the new rules were put into play.


    That's true, but what about your NIM Kephess kill?

    I might be wrong but I thought Desirea was in Ascension...?

    VaeI is definitely in Infamous it seems.

    Also you could just re-post a more recent kill of NIM Dread Guards and that would end all disputes.

  12. Hit and Run downed NiM kephess!! WOOHOO




    Also, I just read the rule about full guild kills, even though they do this on other servers, it should be different here because almost every nightmare kill has not been full guild clears, and this comes from the nature of the low population of our server. Ascension, DWBI, DoA and Hit and Run have made Nightmare clears with people from different guilds.


    I think the rules are more so that people don't double dip.

    For instance you can't take people from other progression groups and claim kills, having people from other guilds are fine.


    I don't see a problem with forming pug raids but posting these kills as progression isn't really legit.


    For instance Miruriya and Neutrinos even though they have characters in Doomed Lemming don't raid with other Guilds other than DOA, at least for progression. It would be silly and selfish to make them change guilds just to post in a community thread. However I believe I saw a kill of NIM Dread Guards from Hit and Run, this group contained a progression DPS from DWBI and a healer, Kenji, from DOA. Both of those toons are progression toons and while forming the raid and clearing the content is great, claiming it as a Hit and Run clear is a little bit of a faux pas as you wouldn't normally have access to those toons as they would be locked.


    Just my 2 cents.

  13. Though i would love to debate it, here is probably not the right place. :(/ But thrasher depending on your role, its hard to keep up stacks because the demo spawns 90 degrees away, and for oolok it depends on gaps between the droids as you said, but everytime i've done it, i've lost my stacks, and lastly for ops chief in nim he uses flash bangs more often which has caused me to lose my stack.

    Every other fight you can use watchman no problem


    The point I was really addressing is that combat is not superior to watchman in any fight besides Dashroode and Titan 6. In those fights you can use focus and get better numbers than combat.

    If you are losing stacks in Olok due to the shields than it probably means your dps is good enough so that you don't have to really worry about enrage. If that is the case then it doesn't really matter how poor your dps is since your raid has sufficient dps to meet enrage.

  14. I do not have any parses on hand, but styrak is one fight out of 7. The fights I did list earlier are difficult to pull equal or better dps on watchman.


    I'd agree with Dashroode and Titan 6.

    But the other ones I'd have to say no.

    Thrasher I've personally never had a problem.

    I've rarely loss stacks of Merciless on Olok unless it is due to an abundance of DPS between the shields coming down.

    Cartel Warlords have never been a problem either.


    Dashroode and Titan 6 are perfect for focus spec assuming you have other good single target dps in your raid group.


    Bottom line is: Play what you like and be good at it. You can go through all nightmare content without ever learning combat/carnage as a sentinel and pull excellent dps.

  15. Though this may be true, watchman/annihilation players will have a hard time keeping up the 4 stacks of annihilation/merciless in many fights, and this is why many players doing nightmare content prefer to use combat/carnage for SV. And just speaking from personal experience, if you want to pull your weight equally, it is more beneficial to use combat. I have cleared all the nim content(minus styrak) using watchman and combat, and I pulled better numbers using combat, and I would say I understand watchman much better than I do combat.


    I'd have to disagree with the "pulling your weight equally" as the two highest sentinel/marauder parses on Styrak right now are carnage (2931 dps) and annihilation (2902 dps). I would say that's pretty equal and unless you're pulling much higher than 3k dps on those fights and have the parses to prove it, I'll politely refute your claim with said evidence.


    Here are the parses:


    Carnage: http://www.torparse.com/a/362219/41

    Annihilation: http://www.torparse.com/a/350226/16

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