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Posts posted by Kourage

  1. I have to agree. The FP's are not fun. It has been almost impossible to get through them without dozens of wipes. I have just given up, and just leveling my toons, after that, I don't know if I will resub. I've been a sub since day one.


    You must have a ton of baddies on your server because i PUG my through them routinely with 1 or zero wipes. DPS, Healing, or tanking.

  2. First of all I am a subscriber. I am making this because I meet F2P players and feel bad for them and do not think they will stick for ever.


    It has been a while since this game has gone f2p. I think it is about time you guys went back and reassessed your F2P model. there is only minor changes I think would help not only the players (free and sub) but BW/EA too...


    1. Up the amount of credits or put no cap on F2P credits. if you take out the cap, cancel out the escrow item from cartel market, this could help F2P players to stay and help the people who are sub or preferred. Most items that subscribers sell are for more than 250k or 300k. armors, decorations, etc. so it is hindering the subs from selling items to a larger player base. Also, F2P players cannot even buy a garage to the stronghold. Players can easily make 100k in less than an hour and have nothing worth while to buy.


    2. Trading. Why stop a F2P player from trading and allow them to mail? that's just dumb in my opinion. There is more worth while things to entice people to sub.


    F2P players sometimes do spend a few bucks on CM here and there. But not if you cannot even keep them in the game long enough to want to. I am sure there could be 1 or 2 more minor changes to F2P benefits that would not even hurt BW/EA from TRYING TO FORCE people into subbing. Change the benefits here and there and it could help the whole game and the community in the long wrong, especially with all the problems on the forums as of late.




    ok dude.... so then Ill just cancel my sub and go free to play and spend a few bucks a month instead of $15. Free to play is fine. They don't deserve any more features. They deserve less than what they have now.

  3. The flawed design of the original slot ratios aside, I think the real issue here is that Crew Skill Missions _suck_. Such a high time sink it turns players away who just want to play the game. The resulting high costs of the mats from players who are willing to spend the time and effort for profit make it hard for players with modest amounts of credits unable to afford much. It's just flawed design imo all around.

    Yes and instead of adjusting the crit rates on crew skill missions, they added grade 11 materials to the Jawas and put in a Cartel Item that spit out lots of junk to trade for them! I bet it raised quite a bit of cash for BioWare.

  4. Underworld trading is useless anyhow... It is not worth all the credits spent sending your crew members out to never get a purple mat anyhow, or rarely enough so that it doesn't make up for the loss by sending all your crew members out to get them... I would rather send them out to scavenge because there is a decent return there.


    Before 3.0, I pretty much sent companions out for low level mats needed for conquest. After 3.0, I had a reason to send out as many as I could for Crew Skill Missions. For those don't don't understand, those are for mats you couldn't gather yourself. Level 11 scavenging, I would only send for the parts. The materials themselves are super easy and fast to farm manually.

  5. we found that players were simply neglecting crew skills


    Exactly. I stopped sending out companions on Crew Skill Missions and BioWare could easily see that the vast majority of other players also stopped. Why bother with mats so cheap or easily and quickly obtainable from another method? Replacing Crew Skill Missions with a slot machine & jawa vendor was not intended. We would all drop Underworld Trading or whatever and take up slicing for the open world lockboxes had they not corrected the mistake.


    One of the reasons I think we lacked the mats was because of a new level cap, high demand, and a lot of players too lazy to drop Biochem/Bioanalysis/Diplomacy combo they had on 75% of their characters. They should have increased the return rates, or better yet the crit chance. There's far too many blue mats in the game, and we need more purple. Increasing the chance of purples makes way too much sense, but doesn't sell cartel coins. :rolleyes:

  6. three machines ? maximum abuse i guess, i am pretty sure you got your 12 mio back and a lot of profit.


    And the machines were going for 1.5 million before the nerf, plus you don't need to buy your own, plus there was already a system in place for 3 years to gather these materials that was totally bypassed. Instead of adjusting the returns from Crew Skill Missions, they just put something else in the game making the Crew Skills completely optional, and frankly not worth bothering with. Probably to sell more cartel coins.

  7. waaaa 100k for a buff. the slot machine was 4mill+. times 3. when you can show you spent 12 mill on leveling UT, then you can talk. you NEVER lost money. you just werent making what you wanted to make. if UT is unprofitable, go run dailies. no one should cater to your lazy carcass. learn to play the game instead of Star Wars Grocery Shopping


    The slot machine is free to use. Just walk into any unlocked Stronghold that has one, or use a friend's. DERP :rolleyes:

    The only lazy carcass is yours. You can't be bothered to level up Crew Skill Mission or a few of them so you can sell or trade with other players. Spending an average of about 13,500 credits (2700 x 5) for 2 Doonium that is going for 7k credits each is a loss once the GTN takes it's cut. There is no profit. Now either stop trolling or go back to school.

  8. crew skills were never ruined. it NEVER cost more to run crew skills than you got back when you sold the mats. they were just upset that they couldn't set the prices. these are the same parasites that start the threads complaining about people undercutting. they are no better than the people selling gold on fleet.


    Underworld Trading is ruined by Doonium at 7k credits. it's not worth my time or crew skill slot to take Underworld Trading instead of slicing or another gathering skill, max out my companions affection, buy my droid a 100k credit part to increase underworld trading crit chance by 2%, pay 2500-2900 credits for a 20-22% chance at best, for a couple of Doonium that I could just buy for 7k credits. It's not worth me switching characters just to send companions out for a chance at Doonium, when people are gaining stacks of it from the slot machine & jawa, and selling it for what I might break even at, at best.


    The fact is, you are too lazy and you are a parasite for not leveling any Crew Skill Missions. :rolleyes: You can sell your mats and use those credits to buy other peoples mats, but you probably have no skills to do it, so you cry about the price instead.


    By the way, the price is set by the players. If Doonium is going for 35k each and someone starts listing it for 25k each, someone buys all the 25k listings and resells at 34k. Why should I sell mine for 25k so the other guy can buy it up and make a profit? I list mine for 1k below what the lowest listing is. I don't sell it for what you think it should be. I still have to pay someone else for mats if I don't have extra. I have a right to profit from my time & investment into Underworld Trading.


    This whole deficiency could have been fixed by increasing the crit chance on Crew Skill Missions. Not crafting, just the missions. We already vendor the blue mats because there's far too many of them generated from players trying to get purple mats. The blue mats are listed on the GTN for just above what a vendor pays for them. Increasing the chance to return purple mats would increase the supply and not require me to send every available companion out on every available Underworld Metals mission to keep up with demand.

  9. To get purple mats from Crew Missions there's a long cooldown, 45 mins or so, there may be 1 or 3 missions available for it, a cost of 2500-2900 credits, and the chance of getting the purple material varies by companion, affection gained, and in the droids case for Underworld Trading, buying a part.


    A slot machine you just stand there and pull the lever over & over & over and always come out ahead, at least pre-nerf. The primary way to gain purple crew mission mats should always be from crew skill missions! Otherwise, everyone just takes 1 craft and 2 gathering skills. I consider slicing to be a half gathering skill due to the number of lockboxes laying around.


    If they wanted to increase the supply, they could speed up the time it takes to complete the mission, increase the crit chance, or increase the number gained from a crit. I'd suggest increasing the crit chance, because people already vendor the blue mats because there's far too many of them.


    And for the morons who think I was getting rich by price gouging, I have to sell at what the market value is, or someone else will buy just to resell. I also need credits to buy mats that I can't get by myself, or don't have enough of. The people crying about the prices are the people who didn't bother to level up and use crew missions.

  10. You are the vocal minority and were beaten out by the vocal majority. BioWare also has their own numbers showing price drops in materials that were not intended. 7k credits for Doonium makes Underworld Trading completely useless. You might as well level up 3 straight crafting skills on all of your characters and use slot machines or the GTN for all Mission mats.


    This is yet one more example of BioWare introducing something without actually putting any real thought & calculations into the impact it would have.

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