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Everything posted by inzilor

  1. I"m sure the PvP enthusiasts are jumping with joy at this new addition, but frankly, I'm not interested. The thing that really irked me is getting all 4 sets of equipment delivered to each of my characters. In other words, 24 pieces of empty clutter per toon! Since I'm not going to bother with the Galactic Starfighter stuff, is there any way I can get you to remove all this extra junk from my characters' mail? Or am I going to have to pull it out one toon at a time, then sell the worthless junk? This is a major waste of my time! Why not ask if people are interested in getting that much stuff first? By the way, when I started the game, it crashed my browser. And while I was writing this complaint, the game crashed. So the patch is utterly worthless, all the way around, and ends up a major inconvenience for those of us interested in only doing PvE. Thanks, BioWare! <Yes, that was sarcasm!> It's a shame you can't pull this stupid patch altogether. I wouldn't miss it at all.
  2. I don't really care one way or the other about the content of the Galactic Starfighter expansion, since I avoid any and all PvP. However, it seems like much of the recent expansion work has focused on that, while the far smaller new content for PvE has been all about grouping. I don't have time to wait while pleading for help to do Flashpoints or any other quests where one must have another player participating. As far as I'm concerned, the "bounty" quests are terrible, and the other "special" quest lines don't strike me as even remotely interesting. Daily quests are monotonous and take up far too much time, while the weekly ones require getting help, which may or may not be available when I'm logged on. This game was a lot more interesting and fun when it first came online, because the focus seemed to be about exploration and storylines for each class, plus choosing light or dark side paths. Now it seems like I'm trying to find the plural for apocalypse. It's getting to be far too much like Champions Online (yuck!).
  3. I had to sit through 3 hours of updates, including a crash midway through that corrupted the game and required repairs. I took the time to read through the update notes and discovered very little if any of this update applies to any of my toons or what I'm trying to do with them. Come on, BioWare/EA!!! Can't you come up with something that would actually interest folks like me, instead of a bunch of stuff that makes me wait forever to play, and offers nothing that I'm interested in? I have very limited time to play this game during the week, so I'm beginning to wonder if it's even worth the bother of continuing my subscription, when new content you offer gives me nothing I want to bother with.
  4. I am not a troll, but you are evidently a person who is all about being as rude and offensive as possible to someone with a legitimate complaint. I have been playing MMO's since World of Warcraft went live, so I think I have a grasp on how they work. I'm not even concerned with crew skill item respawn points, but with mission completing points. I have limited time to play, so I tend to want to focus on the story and not so much on having to deal with so many others completing the same missions. I try to be polite and take my turn, but I can only do that if everyone else does the same (and that's hit or miss). In other MMOs, I have the option of moving to a different server that isn't so heavily populated, so I can enjoy the back stories more. With the extremely heavy consolidation down to just a few servers for SWtOR, this isn't possible. That's the main thing I'm complaining about: too much crowding, with little to no mobility between servers. P.S.: My initial post was intended for BioWare and/or EA to provide a response. Since this is obviously the wrong location for such, looks like I'll have to do some more digging and find a way to contact them directly.
  5. My work situation changed, and now I'm stuck playing on the weekends. This means I have to compete with anywhere from 3-10 other people for the same respawn items/mission objectives/bosses, which is completely ridiculous. I enjoyed being on a low population server, because I could explore the entire world on my own, without having to worry about rushing about to grab this or that first. Also, the large numbers of players competing for the same things means some will hurry in and complete objectives or whatever, while someone else is fighting the mobs that had been blocking the way. This is very rude, and makes the game less fun. I still have mixed feelings about this whole server consolidation approach, but mostly I'm unhappy with it. If something isn't done to address it soon, I'll cancel my subscription, uninstall the program from my computer, and forget about this MMO, because it's becoming less enjoyable each time I play. Just about time for me to vote with my $$ on this.
  6. Well, here it is, the day after the "next patch", and the lock icon has not returned. We were recently told about an expansion (Hutt Cartel), but first, a free upgrade! It's obvious the developers are being pushed to get new material out as fast as possible, so trivial stuff like returning the quickbar lock icon back to its earlier form will get lost in the shuffle. In the meantime, expect to hear a lot of empty promises.
  7. So, the consolidation is supposed to make play better for everyone, eh? I found my two characters moved to a different server (without any warning or notice that they were in danger of being moved, mind you). And now, I face a FULL server, with a 10+ minute wait time just to log onto the starting panel. How is this an improvement? Unless this situation is addressed, and SOON, I'm going to cancel my subscription and go back to playing WoW. You guys have repeatedly demonstrated you have NO CLUE how to run an MMORPG, and I think many people are sick and tired of your incompetence.
  8. Not only do I have to choose my (one and only) environment of SWTOR, but the login then sits there for a couple of minutes, thinking about it, before it finally gives me a clickable "NEXT" button. I already have issues with my protection software and the constantly shifting server IP addresses -- I have to "permit" each and every new one, then crash the game and restart it. So I end up having to "choose environment" at least TWICE per login, sometimes more if the server shift goes to yet another non-permitted address. It's getting very frustrating logging into this game, so I'm seriously considering going back to WoW, where the longest wait will be while my addons load.
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