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Posts posted by Dalytron

  1. They will never attack somebody unless they have numbers, gear, or skill on their side.


    You're right, why aren't all these undergeared, outnumbered, unskillful players instigating world pvp? I just can't figure it out.

  2. So once again i am confused who thinks this was a good idea. so in order to get your pvp daily done you need 3 wins or 6 poundings vs premades.


    How many wins did you need before to complete your daily? 3


    How many poundings did you need to take prior to the change to complete your daily? ENDLESS



    So... what exactly is your point?

  3. TIPS:

    1. Focus fire : When you come upon a battle, don't just pick a random target or purposefully choose a full health target. The most effective way to victory is to target an enemy who your teammates are already attacking. This makes a huge difference.


    I stopped reading after #1 - 9/10 times I come upon a battle with my team focusing down a DPS rather than the healer.

  4. I'd like to know what makes the reward system any more polished than the Rated Warzones?


    It's amazing to me how you could stiff us on Rated WZ's (the day before the patch went live) and then implement a reward system that appears to be in every way meant to kill your subscriber base.


    No matter how much you "polish" this turd, at the end of the day it's still a piece of ****.

  5. And even if the recruit set would be an upgrade to anything you could get now, you still earn valor, which is still a requirement for some items.


    What items might that be, the speeder? It's my understanding after 1.2, valor is meaningless as BM gear will no longer require a valor rank to obtain. In addition, War Hero gear will only require you to obtain BM gear prior to trading up.

  6. I spent about 3 minutes drafting up a /bug report trying to get the exact loc of a bugged resource node (not the "1/2 harvested" type of bugged... the "it spawned inside this tree" type of bugged) and just before I hit subit C2 got back from a companion gift mission I sent him off on.


    -150 Affection to CN-N2



  7. I know this is pretty miniscule compared to other glaring issues with this game, but if it's not too much to ask can we have the window automatically pend to the upper right hand corner if the player is still in combat when the mission is complete?


    It actually pisses me off so much, I keep them "pending" until the end of a Warzone out of spite. Then, when I zone out... BAM there it is in the middle of my screen as if I didn't know it was pending when it initially pissed me off...



    /end rant

  8. I don't understand why people associate damage meters and other modifications to WoW. These are simple concepts people wanted to improve their game play, nothing more. I think of it as purely feedback, without it how can you ever be better?



    We're not asking for duel spec or goblin/panda characters, all we want is a few tools to better improve our gaming experience. I think most people who play MMO's are pretty competitive players and with or without mod's people are going to be called bad, ect. I mention that only because I've seen a trend of people saying these tools or modification will ruin the game for people who can't play at an average level or better.

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