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Posts posted by SilverWF

  1. Returning player here, 3 or more years not touched the game.

    I have all classses, last time they all were made to 70 and 230 gear, then I left

    And then PT was pretty good, I can remember that.


    So, even now everyone continue talking that PT are awesome PVE-DPSers


    I tested all and weren't able to find that 'awesomeness'


    When playing Arsenal Merc numbers 40-60k are pretty common to me.

    When on PT, on any spec, I barely can see something close to 20k.

    (both are ~ equal in lvl and gear and with 80lvl bolster)


    So, most likely I'm doing something wrong? Someone able to share proper build/spec/rotation for PT please?

  2. Also I have a strong doubt of putting PTs so high.

    Maras is OK - I don't playing this class much, but as I see in FPs, some Maras doing really dirty things.

    But PT? In what spec? What he can even do? I.e. Merc able to crit with HS missle up to 60k and you put him so low, PT didn't have anything even half close but u put him so high

  3. DPS Operative is pure trash, compared to another inviser - Assassin.

    No matter which spec: direct damage or dots. Especially direct damage - Sin pulls out just crazy numbers, which are pretty close to warrior's numbers.

    Operative here is at.... he is just not here.

    Took Sniper as 2nd class to my Operative - damage is way, WAY better in the any possible scenario or spec or range.


    And the main reasons are:

    - Precasts. I should use one or two DOTs to even make my rotation possible to work. Whole 2 GCD wasted. And no abilities to refresh that DOTS duration during normal rotation. (in DOTs spec I should use some sort of trash and unusable skill to just spread dots!)

    - Tactical Advantage: this is just pure BS should gone. There shouldn't be any restrictions on using skills. And also this is another precast: like use Shiv to start your rotation. And like it wasn't enough, skills which utilize TA require energy too!

    - Complicated rotations which require too much attention on buff/debuff panels (and they are MEH made here)

    - Weak damage. Even TA skills, even with perfect timings and all procs are way weaker than another melee DPS have. And I have a feeling, that DPS-operative is weaker than even range DPS!


  4. Volatile substance can be triggered in 2 GCDs after application.


    When leveling, this is easiest accomplished by having corrosive dart on the target either pre-applied, or applied directly following Volatile Substance.


    Once you get Acid Lash (tactical item), you can open with Backstab (procs acid blade),apply Vol-subst, hit veiled strike, then hit Lacerate to tick Acid blade and trigger Vol-Subst


    My tio for leveling, have your companion in tank mode so you can still get behind mobs and backstab them


    Such complicated rotation! ><


    OP play Assassin/Shadow really...

  5. Hello there


    I wonder - will we ever get rid of such BS as Tactical Advantage (Upper Hand)?


    Are we the only class in the game who need to have some sort of low stacked buff to even shoot?


    Let's take assassin: I just go there and do things. Simple rotations, pretty often procs, TONS of damage.


    Operative: complicated rotations, not much procs, SHOULD use precasts (like DOTs), still way lower damage compared to Sin.


    Seriously, FFS - they dont see this mechanic is trash?


    And even more: skills which require TA are not free! Yes, they consume energy, lol.


    TLDR: TA is trash and should gone.

  6. They failed with this LS/DS choice from the release. There must not be any choices.

    Jedis must be only light.

    Siths - only dark

    Agents, BHs, Troopers and Smugglers - only neutral. They are not force sensitive, nor force users, so they can't follow a path of something, that they didn't even have.


    Faction change, neither factions alliances must not be possible.


    That pathos stories need to be removed too. Usual player must be a little bit more than just private, otherwise this is not MMO, but single-player with the coop option.

  7. Anyway, Bioware has an experience in killing MMOs already - Warhammer Online Age of Reckoning as example.

    Seems, everything going to the same end here too. :(


    I never played KOTOR games and has no wish for it.


    Taken directly from the link you've provided

    "Define your Star Wars Saga

    Choose from one of eight iconic roles and become the hero of your personal Star Wars saga—an interactive storyline with cinematic dialogue and full voiceover for all in-game characters."

    As for your questions, I can't really understand them. Apologies, English is my 2nd language but I'll try to answer them as best as I can.



    The Eternal Fleet wasn't created by Tenebrae, AKA The Emperor, he merely found it and used it. Nobody wants to kneel before us and serve? Despite the huge losses the Eternal Alliance has suffered after Nathema there are still loyal followers, the Commander still maintains the base and there are still ships that patrol Wild Space on the Eternal Alliance's name.


    But at 1st there is words about MMO - look closely.


    And what if I decided to not continues story? I am the Eternal Emperor! Knee before me, filth! :D


    If you wanna talk about butthurt, look in the mirror kid. Why don't you go make a thread whining about your generic MMO aspects and stop ************ and moaning in story threads hm? Maybe go whine to your mom about it and spare normal people your nonsensical ranting.


    Your moronic gibberish is hard to understand but I assume you're asking why I'm not asking other players to bow to my character or something? Because larping or whatever is an MMO aspect and again I have zero interest in that. I only have interest in the single player story and character aspects, you know, the aspects BioWare are actually good at? You can't honestly tell me that you play SWtOR for the generic MMO combat and grind right? That would just be laughable :D Out of so many innovative games you choose the extremely boring and generic one whose one and only saving grace is the great single player story stuff and then you...ignore the only good parts.


    Or have you even been playing this game at all? You don't seem to know much about it, what did you just play for a few weeks during beta, forget about it for years, and then come back now to cry and whine? Seriously, go away.


    You are talking like a teen female: that emotions, pathetic attempts to insult - I like you :D


    Well, probably your RAM value is too low, so you already forgot. Nvm, I'll repeat: at start it WAS MMO. There was massive battles, gank, PVE etc. Now - not sure. All I've seen here so far - just a single-player game story. And nothing from MMO.

    Yes, they has improved this game a lot, but did nothing for MMO part, even worse - they constantly killing this part.


    Yeah, thx for asking this - I have Legendary Player ingame title. But go away or not - I would decide for myself ;)

  8. Your butthurt is priceless :D Do you have "The Founder" title? Not? Then leave your cool stories to someone "who cares", fresh meat.



    Does Bioware knows, that SWTOR is not MMO? Prob, they will be amazed from this revealing :D


    And if you are so focused on the story, care to explain: why there is a full fleet of the Emperors? And why nobody wants to knee before you and serve? :D

  9. The fact that SWtOR is basically a single player BioWare RPG with optional MMO aspects is the only reason I play it. Your typical MMO with heavy combat focus and story/characters tacked on as an afterthought if at all is of zero interest to me.


    I am player since beta, so don't sell this BS to me please.

    This IS MMO, no matter what fresh-joined thinks about that. At least, it WAS MMO... There was even open-world big fights and just gank...


    Also, even original stroy was bad, because... At start I was just an operative, just a screw in the BIG machine, discovering some stuff. But I've ended as... Commander of the Imperial intelligence. At Knight - as Emperor's Wrath. Etc.

    A full fleet of the top-managers, so funny. Not.


    But KOTFE was able to beat even this: a full fleet of the Emperors! WUT?!

    They completely have no idea - what is a good story for the MMO game...

  10. Finally! I've completed this mess, named KOTFE/KOTET :mad:


    Warning! If you are like the default universe, if you are happy with your companions then DO NOT EVEN touch this crap! It would give you NOTHING, but only ruin everything! :mad:


    What a pros:

    more comps. But you can't order more than 8 on missions anyway, so it's nothing.

    Updated: Ability to hire Blizz as comp for non BH characters. I can't beat this, honestly, coz Blizz is the BEST comp in the entire game.



    All (!!!!) old comps are gone. Most of them can be returned, but not all. I.e. my operative lost Dr. Lokin completely.


    Sht ton of new faces in the Contacts menu. Calling comps now became extremely harder.


    Tons of annoying everyday stuff. Even old Boarding Party FP is better then all new stuff combined.


    Annoying universe. I just didn't understand this crap: now we still have Empire, Republic, but also Alliance and Eternal empire. Lol.


    Broken even more roleplay and immersion.

    If in the original story there was a mess with full fleet of grand cancelers, ministers and other top-managers, now guess what? A full fleet of EMPERORS!

    Do they understand, that this kind of stories is good for single-player, not for MMOs? A grand ruler of the galaxy can be only ONE, not an army of them!

    Also, why do I need to do any FPs, uprisings etc? I AM THE EMPEROR! Bring me my best gear, NOW!

    And why do I need to that by myself? Eternal Fleet! Bomb this filth and bring me my loot!

    Also, who the hell can order me? You are talking with the Eternal Emperor, on your knee, worm! ><


    Just imagine: an usual SW movie, where only Emperors fighting High councils! No more troopers, smugglers, pilots etc - THE ONLY Emperors vs High councils! Dumb, right? But they brought it to the MMO!


    In the MMO, all players are just a screws, maybe a bit more, but not the top persons! And all stories must be about that. Getting a TOP can be good for single-payer games, because you just can't meet there another TOP and all surrounding World would know, that you are TOP and act relevant to this.


    How I can undone the all damage KOTFE/KOTET done to my character? I am extremely upset and has a wish to just delete this character! I wish I'd never touch it :mad:

  11. Dunno, the more I playing KOTFE - then more I getting upset

    That one who designed KOTFE did it extremely bad and I hope he is already fired.


    They stole all my comps and gave frkn ton of useless crap instead, meaning now I need to level reputation with all of them again? Hell no, wouldn't even bother.


    They gave me frkn ton of repetitive missions like Alerts, Start fortresses, some kind of PVE arena etc

    What is Alert? An attempt to add that "Eternal Empire" mess into the existing world. Bad attempt tho.

    Star Fortresses? Just a cloned stuff, with their own rules, like ignoring stealth or constantly disappearing comp (why, btw?)

    Arena? Dunno why it even exist. Go fight against OP monster, who would ignore your damage with very short vulnerable windows or would have freakn damage output, or even both. What for? No idea, just to level rep with that ugly wookie? What for? And here I really dunno. Are you happy? Me - not.


    I even has a feeling that I lost my character: all comps are gone and character by himself is trapped inside of tons, dumb and pointless repetitive missions in the new, not pleasant universe.


    And this new dialogue menu - are they kidding? :mad:


    That content is not exciting and just bad.

  12. I would be short: just crap.


    If at start it was interesting and exciting (and this is true)... right at the middle it has converted to teh extreme crap!


    What a deal with:

    1. Alliance? I want to kill that jedi/sith not cooperate with them!

    2. Base? You stole this from the Division, where I need to build up my base. What for? In the Division it has some meaning, here seems it would has zero.

    3. Bad testing? In the most of cinematics, companions are not following the appearances I gave to them!

    4. Hard scripting? Gosh, most of battles are so hard scripted, that it's not even funny! Damn, even usual monsters are ignoring my stealth or shooting from the 2 km away! Seriously?

    5. Blah-bahing? So many dialogues! Why? Right at the middle of KOTFE I started to mindlessly press 'space' and 'pressing 1' again - because of dull and boring dialogues! >< And because of missions becomes repetitive or even cloned!

    6. (most important) Immersion? Fk this! In the any time I can travel to the Fleet and found that: Fleet is still exists and no one not only has no care about the invasion but not even heard about this! Here is still the Empire and Republic, they are foes and everything is fine! :eek:


    Why even implement this so game changing story lines? Old universe was good, the new one is meh. I started to play as Imperial, now I am against my will in the sorta of Republic rebellion forces ><

    This is MMO, the World changing stuff is not welcomed here! You can improve, add, expand etc, but for current World meta, not completely change it!

  13. So, I am running dps Sin in Hatered. Mostly solo, with the rare cases of random ops.

    And I was wonder: what a difference in between Shield and Focus

    Here is a comparison for 230 rating gear:




    So, with shield I'm loosing

    145,4 bonus damage (~5%) and 107,5 bonus healing

    but getting

    5% shield chance with 20% shield absorbtion.


    Just wanna ask: is it worth it or not?

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