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Posts posted by DocDAM

  1. Vette is one of my favorites, and ...


    ... I chose Torian. Why?


    It was on my Knight (only one who has gone through KotET). His experience guided him towards Torian:


    1) The Mandalorians are always a problem. Now, we finally have the opportunity to make them a reliable long-term ally. But that's as long as Shae, and Mandos like Shae, are in control. Torian has been marked as one of her most balanced leaders. I, and the Alliance, need Mandos like Torian.


    2) Vette: All I know of Vette is that she is a pretty capable teammate ... but with a bit shady background. AFAIK, she hasn't told my Knight about her slave background. Yes, she made one comment about giving some of her Gilded Star loot to disadvantaged Twi'leks, but that's the extent.


    So the strategic call was easy: the Mando.

  2. Honest question:


    After all the changes to CXP, is it really still worse than previous?


    From my very limited understanding (I never did Ops or PvP), it used to be that the only way to get top level PvE gear was through Ops. Maybe also NM mode FP's?? And there was an RNG element in that in that you had to win the roll on the drop. So I never had near BIS gear.


    Now, you still have that. But there's also the (slooow) option to just do whatever you want, and you'll (slooowly) accrue the gear through CR crates. Plenty of RNG, but you will most definitely get at least to a ton of 246's if not 248's.


    So again, at its current state: is it worse than previous. And if so, how? If you just ignored it and did the old way (run Ops ... NM FP's?) - is it slower/worse than before?

  3. If your goal is to get them to 300, and get the gear that way, the efficient way is one at a time simply due to the Commanding Legacy perk (2M credits from your Legacy > Global Unlocks > Other window). It gives a 25% bonus to CXP rate for all <300 toons for each of the 4 main classes (mirrors don't count) that has reached 300.


    So, get the first toon up to 300, and the second will gain CXP at 1.25x the base rate. Get two (non-mirrored) toons to 300, and every sub-300 toon will gain CXP at 1.5x base rate, etc.


    But otherwise, it is up to what you want to do with your own game, i.e. feel free to ignore "efficiency".

  4. I suppose the technical answer to your question is 'yes' but if you're going to be in place X do a class quest and overlap exists, it will be much, much faster to level if you knock off several quests while minimizing travel time.
    I think the technical answer is 'no' ... but you will get close. Early on, you will be way overleveled, but by the time you get to Corellia, you'd be behind if all you did was the class quests.
  5. What they said. In total:


    Dromund Kaas and Coruscant are faction-specific (Imp/Rep respectively). Your other-faction can access, but it costs 1000 credits to "smuggle" them in. [One cute thing: smugglers and agents get a discount, since they are presumably sneaky!] But this gets old fast. So you DEFINITELY will want at least both (or one Neutral faction SH)


    Nar Shaddaa is by far the cheapest of the open faction SH's. I'd recommend it. But each has its charms.


    If you eventually get into the Conquest events, note you get a bonus for each of up to 6 strongholds (you no longer have to decorate them to qualify, just have them).


    The benefit to having only one which all can access is that you will want to put in the utility decorations (a GTN terminal, a Cargo bay, etc.). These are a bit costly. So you could get by with only one set if you put it in a faction-neutral SH.

  6. Hmm, I don't think you get LS/DS from any convo choices, except those two (for a total of 250), but maybe I'm wrong.


    How did you notice that it was exactly 2 DS points, was that on the quest reward window? That would mean you got 252 DS offsetting the 250 LS from the convos for a net 2 DS. In which case, it's gotta be the LS/DS alignment toggle that KendraP mentioned above. That gives you DS points for all the mobs you kill, and I think some value for quest completion, which can add up.

  7. Hmmm, does this post answer your Q?


    I checked two of my old toons. That had made matrix cube relics. Now, they both have all matrix shards in their "mission items" inventory. Sounds like you are saying that yours are not there? Likely you can't recollect them since it still is logged as that character having done so. So I think your only recourse would be to make a CS ticket.

  8. A few other things:


    The fireworks are one use each. It's just a "fun" thing you light off somewhere, maybe to celebrate some accomplishment, up to you.


    The paint job is for your Galactic Starfighter ship. Just cosmetic, of course. If you don't plan on doing GSF, you can dump these.


    How to dump? Drag the item outside of inventory (and not on a vendor), and you can destroy it. Usually, you'd "vendor" (i.e. sell to a vendor NPC), stuff (if not try to sell on GTN). But these mailed freebies typically cannot be vendored.



    You can buy more inventory slots and cargo bays. There's little + symbols on each to buy additional. You can also buy unlocks in the Cartel Market or GTN. I recommend the "account"-wide versions. For the Legacy storage bays (highly recommend you max out to 6), you can get away with non-account since they are shared by all toons on your Legacy (server).

  9. Hahah... I wasn't entirely serious. I did unsub, but I'm already thinking of resubbing. Sadly, I'm a spender. I spend a lot on cash shop currency in every game. I usually go for permanent unlocks so I don't have to sub, but I guess this game isn't built that way.

    If you want to buy a lot of stuff, sub

    If you want to do Ops or a lot of PvP, sub

    If you want to do the end-game Command Rank grind, sub

    If crafting is your thing, and you want to max it out (# of comps crafting, chance of crit), sub


    But if all you want to do is play the 8 class stories, it is easily done without subbing. I've done 10 of them that way.


    I don't know why some say it is so painful. On a Pref account with lots of unlocks, it is barely an issue. On a new pure F2P account, yes, lots of limitations. That made a fun mini-game of its own (how to do with less).

  10. I unsubbed to limit my ability to spend and finally get to experience the stories of the game. Let's see how long I last. xD
    I hear you. It's actually liberating in a way. Get out of the make money or the Command Rank grind. Though it may be replaced by the "near my credit limit, must spend" feeling (though now you can just sock it away in Legacy credit bank instead).


    Contrary to the other repliers, I spend most of my time as a Preferred, and I'm fine with it.


    And, yes, class stories are the best part of the game (IMO).

  11. Isn't this the same question you asked in these two threads?




    I don't think you'll get different answers:

    Usual "force user", "knight"( with StevetheCynic saying "bollocks"), "any for SoR", "BH/Smug makes a little more sense for Rishi",

    .. and in final ...

    "play whatever class you like" ;)


    As to DPS. ANY DPS class is fine. I don't know why you think Knight/Warrior are low DPS. To be sure, using a big AOE like sharpshooter gunslinger's sweeping gunfire makes it autopilot easy. But Vigilance/Vengeance is fine. And I'm faster with them than most other classes (primarily since I'm so familiar with them). True, the knockbacks in some of KotFE get old fast. So a class at range with a big AOE might be nice.


    Small tip for using DPS Guardian/Jugg for solo PvE: definitely choose the utility the resets the CD on leap and saber throw between fights.

  12. Base for a daily is 225 CXP.

    Superior Command boost adds 100%

    With Commanding Legacy, for each of a type of class you have at 300**, you get another +25% on toons under 300 (nothing for toons already at 300)

    Bonus activity of the day gives +25%

    Your side in winning state adds +15%


    So, if you had Superior Command Boost and 2 (non-mirrored) toons at 300, you get:

    225 * (1 + 1 + 2*0.25) = 563 CXP


    **Combo of Knight/Warrior + Consular/Inq + Trooper/BH + Smuggler/IA

  13. Hit the icon in the top under the fist symbol at the top of your UI to call up your companion window. I think the default shortcut is “N”. Which you can change from the preferences > keybindings window.


    Also, if you have a companion already with you, you can click its little window and there are some control options available from there (change role, dismiss, and … something else I don’t recall)

  14. The logic behind those perks being in the Legacy window is that the unlocks there require a certain legacy level to buy them, but yes, speeder piloting IV+V are way too expensive for a single character perk. The 5-10% increase in actual mounted speed (from 210% to 220% resp. 230%) is simply not worth it.
    Hah! I did wonder why these were "Legacy" and never made that connection!


    As to "simply not worth it", obviously a personal call. Yes, "expensive", but I buy it on toons I plan to continue playing a lot. Then again, I have credits coming out my ears.


    It is thought to be a deliberate credit sink attempt. Some in this forum have long-advocated for the need for more credit sinks due to the hyper-inflation. But others point out how this doesn't impact the "whales" with billions of credits and instead just hits the normal folk. And it also serves to shut it off from F2P/Pref (which cynical me is sure BW thought of).

  15. Thank you for the clarification. They need to change the wording on these to say "Character" and get rid of the word Legacy then. The unlock says "Legacy Perk:" and in the details it says: "Unlocks the corresponding item in your Legacy."


    Just frustrated, sorry for mini rant.

    I understand, and agree it is poorly worded. "Unlocks the corresponding item in your Legacy" is misleading, ambiguous at best.


    I do however note that it says (on the legacy window option to buy it]:

    "Only available to current character when unlocked"

    And if you click on it from the CM window, and go to the "show items", the text does say:

    "Applies the selected unlock to your Player Character"


    If you used credits, I wouldn't fret it much. It is useful. And if not already, you'll soon enough be rolling in credits. If you used CC, yeah, I'd be annoyed. I might suggest writing a ticket, be VERY polite in mentioning the confusion in the wording, and humbly ask for a one-time refund. FYI, the rough going rate for credits to CC is ~10K:1. So 370 CC is worth about 3.7M credits (vs. the 1.2M credit price). Thus why I suggest the ticket if CC purchased.

  16. What gives? It says it is Legacy.:mad:
    There are two types of Legacy unlocks. One, called "Character Perks" is for only that toon. The other, called "Global Unlocks > Other" is for all toons in that Legacy. Improved Speeder Piloting (and all others in that tab) are the former - per character.
  17. If you click on your name in the top right corner, you'll see your picture there. Don't got to "my account". Just click on your picture, and you'll get the options same as clicking your (or anyone else's) name, from the forum posts. Including the links to your (their) posts.


    [barely related: if you just mouse over someone's picture, you see a link at the bottom of the window which finishes with "u=#####". That number is apparently assigned from when they made their account. The lower, the earlier. Fun game: see how low a number you can find.]

  18. When I investigate something says something like "You have added this items to your collections from another character. You can pay C coins in order to get it usable by all your characters." That made little since sense I'd only been on the Jedi character since I got this speeder. But I went to my 6th Level Sith character to check it out. It says the same thing.
    Eionol gave you the answer to your Q. I'll address the above so you don't wonder about it in the future.



    Many items go into your "Collections". This includes Cartel Market items (whether bought on the CM itself or from someone on GTN). It also includes many of these subscriber gifts like this speeder.


    For the gifts: one is mailed to each toon you have or make in the future. You don't have to pay the cartel coins to unlock them in the Collections. Just use the one mailed to you and they are automatically unlocked on that toon.


    For the ones you do buy (CM or GTN), you almost always have the option of unlocking them on ALL your toons. That will cost cartel coins.


    I'm sure there are better guides, but not finding one, I'll link one I put together:


  19. I'm glad you figured it out, I tried thinking of what could be causing it and then realized that you may not be a high enough level.

    Do you know where the banging one's head against the wall emoji is here???

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